1. Crystal violet blood agar is a selective medium for
(A). β-haemolytic streptococci
(B). Staphylococcus aureus
(C). Corynebacterium diphtheriae
(D). Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Correct Answer: A
2. Species of Shigella which is predominant in India is
(A). S sonnei
(B). S dysenteriae
(C). S boydii
(D). S flexneri
Correct Answer: D
3. The process of transfer of desirable character from one species to other is known as
(A). Hybridization
(B). Emasculation
(C). Selection
(D). Introduction
Correct Answer: D
4. When the oxygen supply to the tissue is inadequate, the condition is
(A). Dyspnea
(B). Hypoxia
(C). Asphyxia
(D). Apnea
Correct Answer: B
5. Postgates assay technique is useful in determining if a cell is viable even though it is
(A). incapable of cell division
(B). too small to see
(C). an obligate aerobe
(D). a thermophile
Correct Answer: A
6. The diagnosis of hepatitis A virus infection is carried out from the method based on
(A). aminotransferase levels
(B). detection of faecal HAV by immunoelectron microscopy
(C). both (a) and (b)
(D). detection of IgM anti-HAV by ELISA
Correct Answer: D
7. What is the maximum number of different amino acids in a polypeptide chain coded by the synthetic polyribonucleotides (UCAG)5?
(A). One
(B). Two
(C). Three
(D). Four
Correct Answer: C
8. Collagen is a
(A). Phosphoprotein
(B). Globulin
(C). Derived Protein
(D). Scleroprotein
Correct Answer: D
9. Which of the following mutations arise without exposure to external agents?
(A). Spontaneous mutations
(B). Analogous mutations
(C). Induced mutations
(D). None of these
Correct Answer: A
10. Polymerase chain reaction basically consists of
(A). two steps
(B). three steps
(C). four steps
(D). five steps
Correct Answer: B
11. The term genetic RNA refers to
(A). the RNA that carries genetic message
(B). the RNA that helps gene regulation in lac-operon
(C). the RNA present in mitochondria
(D). none of the above
Correct Answer: A
12. Heterocoelous centrum is a characteristics of-
(A). Amphibia
(B). Reptilia
(C). Birds
(D). Mammalia
Correct Answer: C
13. Each of the 3 virulence factors of Bacillus anthracis i.e. the capsule, edema toxin and lethal toxin can affect the activity of
(A). B cells
(B). macrophages
(C). ciliated epithelial cells
(D). M cells
Correct Answer: B
14. Under what conditions food poisoning bacteria may grow and produce toxins in vegetables?
(A). When thawed vegetables are held at refrigerated temperature for any considerable period
(B). When thawed vegetables are held at room temperature for any considerable period
(C). When thawed vegetables are held below refrigerated temperature for any considerable period
(D). None of the above
Correct Answer: B
15. All membranes of free-living organisms have phospholipid bilayers, but exception is
(A). bacteria
(B). fungi
(C). archaea
(D). protozoa
Correct Answer: C
16. Acid foods with a pH between 4.5 and 3.7 usually are spoiled by
(A). B. coagulans
(B). Saccharolytic anaerobe
(C). both (a) and (b)
(D). none of these
Correct Answer: C
17. All infections do not cause fever and all fevers are not due to infections which of the following is an example of non-infections cause of fever?
(A). Typhoid
(B). Chicken pox
(C). Rheumatic disease
(D). Malaria
Correct Answer: C
18. The bacteria which is predominant flora of the human gut is
(A). Escherichia coli
(B). Clostridium perfringens
(C). Bacteroides
(D). Actinomyces
Correct Answer: B
19. Ion exchange chromatography is based on the
(A). electrostatic attraction
(B). electrical mobility of ionic species
(C). adsorption chromatography
(D). partition chromatography
Correct Answer: A
20. Which of the following may account for the small size of the cells?
(A). The rate of diffusion
(B). The surface area/volume ratio
(C). The number of mRNAs that can be produced by the nucleus
(D). All of the above
Correct Answer: D
21. The yoghurt is made from
(A). Lactobacillus bulgaricus
(B). Streptococcus thermophilus
(C). S.cremoris
(D). mixed culture of (a) and (b)
Correct Answer: D
22. Pure oxygen, if used instead of air will increase oxygen transfer rates because
(A). the saturation concentration of oxygen is higher
(B). the bubble size is smaller
(C). the oxygen transfer coefficient is larger
(D). the partial pressure of oxygen in the gas phase is lower
Correct Answer: A
23. With reference to enzymes, which one of the following statements is true?
(A). Apoenzyme = Holoenzyme + Coenzyme
(B). Holoenzyme = Apoenzyme + Coenzyme
(C). Coenzyme = Apoenzyme + Holoenzyme
(D). Holoenzyme = Coenzyme – Apoenzyme
Correct Answer: B
24. The most complex type of bacterial viruses having hexagonal head, a rigid tail with a contractile sheath and tall fibers is morphologically classified as
(A). A
(B). B
(C). C
(D). D
Correct Answer: A
25. Radical shifts in pH can be prevented by incorporating
(A). a buffer
(B). an oxidizing agent
(C). a reducing agent
(D). any of these
Correct Answer: A
26. Which of the following structure is present in prokaryotic cells?
(A). Mitochondria
(B). Chloroplasts
(C). Golgi structure
(D). Mesosome
Correct Answer: D
27. Glycolytic pathway regulation involves
(A). allosteric stimulation by ADP
(B). allosteric inhibition by ATP
(C). feedback, or product, inhibition by ATP
(D). all of the above
Correct Answer: D
28. What compound of raw egg white causes a syndrome similar to vitamin B deficiency?
(A). Avidin
(B). Betabindin
(C). Ovalbumin
(D). Albumin
Correct Answer: A
29. The quantity of a substance contained in a unit volume is termed as its
(A). velocity
(B). mass
(C). quantity
(D). density
Correct Answer: D
30. The fragmentation occurs in
(A). Streptomyces species
(B). Nocardia species
(C). Bacillus subtilis
(D). None of these
Correct Answer: B
31. Liver performs several functions. One of these functions is—
(A). Histolysis
(B). Digestion of proteins
(C). Glycogenesis
(D). Maintaining salt balance
Correct Answer: C
32. Organisms, using organic compounds as electron donors are called
(A). lithotrophs
(B). phototrophs
(C). chemotrophs
(D). organotrophs
Correct Answer: D
33. The equation for the rate of product formation for simple enzyme reaction is given by (Where rmax, maximum reaction rate, Cs substrate concentration, Cp product concentration ES, CES enzyme-substrate concentration)
(A). rp = rmax Cs/(Km+Cs)
(B). rp= rmax CES/(Km+ CES)
(C). rp = rmax Cs/(Km+CES)
(D). rp = rmax Cs/(Km+Cp)
Correct Answer: A
34. The commonest bacterial infection in HIV disease is/are
(A). mycobacterial infection
(B). salmonella infection
(C). bartonella infection
(D). all of these
Correct Answer: A
35. Which of the following organisms typically get their carbon for biosynthesis from organic compounds?
(A). Aerobic, glucose-respiring bacteria (aerobic respiration)
(B). Ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (chemolithotrophic bacteria)
(C). Photosynthetic cyanobacteria (phototrophic metabolism)
(D). None of the above
Correct Answer: A
36. Gram-negative bacterium is/are
(A). Escherichia
(B). Clostridia
(C). Staphylococci
(D). All of these
Correct Answer: A
37. Biotin occurs mainly in combined forms bound to protein through
(A). ε-N-lysine moiety
(B). ε-S-lysine moiety
(C). ε-N-biotinyl-L-lysine
(D). ε-N-lipoyl - L-lysine
Correct Answer: A
38. What metal ion is specifically bound by vitamin B12?
(A). Cobalt
(B). Copper
(C). Zinc
(D). Iron
Correct Answer: A
39. Plants absorb most part of water needed by them through their
(A). embryonic zone
(B). growing point
(C). root hairs
(D). zone of elongation
Correct Answer: C
40. What is the average life of Red Blood cells in our body?
(A). 30-40 days
(B). 70-80 days
(C). 100-120 days
(D). 160-180 days
Correct Answer: C
41. Which of the following structures is the smallest?
(A). Viriod
(B). Hydrogen atom
(C). Bacterium
(D). Mitochondrion
Correct Answer: B
42. Which type of interferon is produced by T lymphocytes?
(A). α
(B). β
(C). γ
(D). γ and β
Correct Answer: C
43. Myopia is connected with
(A). ears
(B). eyes
(C). lungs
(D). None of these
Correct Answer: B
44. Important example(s) of enriched medium/media is/ are
(A). Loeffler's serum slope
(B). Bordet-gengou medium
(C). Blood agar
(D). All of these
Correct Answer: B
45. Which of the following is the most correct?
(A). Charged amino acids are never buried in the interior of a protein
(B). Charged amino acids are seldom buried in the interior of a protein
(C). All hydrophobic amino acids are buried when a protein folds
(D). Tyrosine is only found in the interior of proteins
Correct Answer: B
46. Agar is used for solidifying culture media because
(A). it does not affect by the growth of bacteria
(B). it does not add to the nutritive properties of the medium
(C). the melting and solidifying points of agar solution are not the same
(D). all of the above
Correct Answer: D
47. Which of the following will have the highest surface area available for oxygen transfer?
(A). A shake flask
(B). A standing test tube
(C). A non-sparged stirred tank reactor agitated at 400 rpm
(D). A sparged stirred tank reactor agitated at 400 rpm
Correct Answer: D
48. Buried hydrophobic side chains in a globular protein fit into a hole formed by the side chains of
(A). 1-3 other amino acids
(B). 5-7 other amino acids
(C). 9-12 other amino acids
(D). 13-15 other amino acids
Correct Answer: B
49. Which of the following is incorrect?
(A). Mammalian cells are larger and more complex than microorganisms
(B). Their growth rate is very fast compared to microorganisms
(C). Mammalian cells are fragile
(D). Most animal cells only grow when attached to surface
Correct Answer: B
50. Which of the following bacterial colonies fluoresce brick-red in UV light?
(A). B gingivalis
(B). B melaninogenicus
(C). Bacteroides fragilis
(D). B levii
Correct Answer: B
51. Coenzyme is —
(A). always protein
(B). often metal
(C). always inorganic compound
(D). often a vitamin
Correct Answer: D
52. Hemoglobin has quaternary structure and is made up of
(A). six polypeptide chains, two α-chains and four β-chains
(B). two polypeptide chains, one α-chains and one β-chains
(C). four polypeptide chains, two α-chains and two β-chains
(D). five polypeptide chains, two α-chains and three β-chains
Correct Answer: C
53. The lactase hydrolyzes lactose into
(A). Glucose
(B). Glucose and galactose
(C). Fructose
(D). Glucose and fructose
Correct Answer: B
54. The most popular method for typing of Pseudomonas aeruginosa is
(A). antibiogram
(B). serotyping
(C). bacteriophage
(D). pyocin
Correct Answer: D
55. For the selection of lactobacilli present in cheddar cheese, the pH of the medium is maintained at
(A). 6.35
(B). 5.35
(C). 4.35
(D). 5.75
Correct Answer: B
56. Which of the following worms enters human body by penetrating skin?
(A). Tapeworm
(B). Threadworm
(C). Hookworm
(D). Ringworm
Correct Answer: C
57. The word cell was first used by
(A). Robert Hooke
(B). Theodor Schwann
(C). Louis Pasteur
(D). Ronald Ross
Correct Answer: A
58. The commonest species of Bacteroides in fragilis group, which causes human infection, is
(A). B vulgatus
(B). B fragilis
(C). B ovatus
(D). B merdae
Correct Answer: B
59. Which of the following is concerned with the management and analysis of biological data using computers?
(A). Bio-physics
(B). Bioinformatics
(C). Genomics
(D). Biomechanics
Correct Answer: B
60. In viruses with envelopes
(A). the envelope and the embedded proteins are encoded by the viral nucleic acid
(B). the envelope is derived from the host but it contains embedded proteins coded by the viral nucleic acid
(C). the envelope is coded by the viral nucleic acids, but the proteins come from the host's membrane proteins
(D). the envelope and its imbedded proteins are derived from the host's membranes
Correct Answer: B
61. The micro-organism which is present in both fresh and frozen juices is
(A). E. coli
(B). Entereobacter aerogenes
(C). P.chrysogenum
(D). None of these
Correct Answer: B
62. For the selection of endospore-forming bacteria, a mixed culture can be heated at
(A). 80°C for 10 minutes
(B). 70°C for 10 minutes
(C). 60°C for 10 minutes
(D). 90°C for 10 minutes
Correct Answer: A
63. Which of the following three codons translate as serine (Ser)?
(A). AGU
(B). CGA
(C). CAU
(D). AUG
Correct Answer: A
64. The medium required for glutamic acid mainly consist of
(A). glucose
(B). molasses
(C). sucrose
(D). lactose
Correct Answer: A
65. The length of DNA hgaving 23 base pair is
Hints : Distance between adjacent base pairs = 3.4Å
(A). 78 Å
(B). 78.4 Å
(C). 74.8 Å
(D). 78.2 Å
Correct Answer: D
66. The closed complex at bacterial promoters is
(A). in equilibrium with free RNA polymerase and the promoter
(B). not affected by promoter mutations
(C). bound more tightly when repressors are present
(D). not affected by activator proteins
Correct Answer: A
67. To meet the demands of the society, in vitro production of a large number of plantlets in a short duration is practiced in floriculture and horticulture industry today. This is called _______.
(A). Soma clonal variation
(B). Hybridoma technology
(C). Micropropagation
(D). Somatic hybridization
Correct Answer: C
68. In C4 pathway, the CO2 fixation in mesophyll cells is carried out by the enzyme _______.
(A). Rubisco
(B). PEP carboxylase
(C). Pyruvate decarboxylase
(D). Pyruvate dehydrogenase
Correct Answer: B
69. The dynamic technique is based on the
(A). oxygen material balance in an aerated batch fermenter during the growth of microorganisms
(B). change of the oxygen concentration
(C). oxidation of the sodium sulfite to sodium sulfate
(D). oxygen material balance in a fermenter
Correct Answer: A
70. The tumor phenotype, which can be maintained indefinitely in tissue culture, results from the expression of genes on the
(A). T-DNA
(B). c-DNA
(C). r-DNA
(D). m-RNA
Correct Answer: A
71. Everytime, when the dosage of a drug has to be increased to achieve the same �kick� that initially occurred in response to a smaller dose, this condition is known as _______.
(A). .Tolerance
(B). .Rebound effect
(C). .Addiction
(D). .Withdrawal symptoms
Correct Answer: A
72. Intestinal bacteria can grow in the presence of __________ whereas nonintestinal bacteria are usually inhibited.
(A). bile salts
(B). low concentration of various dyes
(C). sugars
(D). low levels of nitrogen
Correct Answer: A
73. Which one is not an organ of special sensation?
(A). Skin
(B). Eye
(C). Ear
(D). Tongue
Correct Answer: C
74. Some important events in the human female reproductive cycle are given below. Arrange the events in a proper sequence.
A - Secretion of FSH, B - Growth of corpus luteum, C - Growth of the follicle and oogenesis, D - Ovulation, E - Sudden increase in the lcvcls of LH
(A). A→C→E→D→B
(B). A→D→C →E→B
(C). B→A→C→D→E
(D). C→A→D→B→E
Correct Answer: A
75. Which of the following are reduced coenzymes?
(A). NADH and FADH2
(B). NAD+ and FAD
(C). ATP and GTP
(D). Coenzyme A and ubiquinone
Correct Answer: A
76. Which of the following is related to humoral immunity?
(A). T-lymphocyte
(B). B-lymphocyte
(C). I-lymphocyte
(D). P-lymphocyte
Correct Answer: B
77. The power required by an agitator operating in a gas-sparged system is
(A). lesser than the power required by an impeller in operating at same speed in a gas free system
(B). more than the power required by an impeller in operating at same speed in a gas free system
(C). same as the power required by an impeller in operating at same speed in a gas free system
(D). none of the above
Correct Answer: A
78. Balanced growth is defined as
(A). cultures undergoing balanced growth while maintaining a constant chemical composition
(B). balancing the growth while controlling the pH
(C). balancing the growth while controlling the temperature
(D). balancing the growth while changing the nutrient composition
Correct Answer: A
79. A nonsense mutation introduced into the DNA sequence of a gene may
(A). cause premature termination of the mRNA
(B). shorten the length of the protein encoded by the gene
(C). have no effect on the transcript or protein made
(D). cause a shift in reading frame
Correct Answer: B
80. Micro organisms are found in which of the following kingdom of five kingdom concept (Whittaker's classification)?
(A). Monera
(B). Protista
(C). Fungi
(D). All of these
Correct Answer: D
81. Match the compounds given in column-I with the number of carbon atoms present in them which are listed under column-II. Choose the answer which gives the correct combination of alphabets of the two columns.
Column - I Column - II
A. Oxaloacetate p. 6 - C compound
B. Phosphoglyceraldehyde q. 5 - C compound
C. lsocitrate r. 4 - C compound
D. a-Ketoglutarate s. 3 - C compound
t. 2 - C compound
(A). A = r, B = s, C = p, D = q
(B). A = r, B = t. C = p, D = q
(C). A = q. B = s. C = p. D = t
(D). A = s, B = t. C = q, D = r
Correct Answer: A
82. What happens to a fish of fresh water when placed in salt water
(A). it becomes bloated and dies
(B). it becomes dehydrated and dies
(C). it becomes infected and dies
(D). no difference is observed
Correct Answer: D
83. If a person is vaccinated against a disease sometime in the past, which of the following is currently in your body?
(A). The disease organism itself and antigens for the disease organism
(B). A very high level of antibodies against the disease antigens
(C). Memory B lymphocytes for the antigen of this disease organism
(D). All of the above
Correct Answer: D
84. A particular cell organelle is sometimes referred certain enzymes that can break down the cell components or even the whole cell. which one of the following is such an organelle ?
(A). Lysosome
(B). Mesosome
(C). Phagosome
(D). Ribosome
Correct Answer: A
85. DNA structure was first described by
(A). Lederberg
(B). Catcheside
(C). Watson and Crick
(D). Nirenberg
Correct Answer: C
86. Swelling of the can is caused primarily by
(A). gas forming, anaerobic spore formers
(B). gas forming, aerobic spore formers
(C). both (a) and (b)
(D). none of these
Correct Answer: A
87. Which one of the following species of earthworm is NOT recommended for vermicomposting?
(A). Eisenia fetidae
(B). Eudrilus eugeniae
(C). Pheretima Posthuma
(D). Perionyx excavatus
Correct Answer: C
88. The amount of energy received from one ATP is
(A). 76 kcal
(B). 7.3 kcal
(C). 760 kcal
(D). 1000 kcal
Correct Answer: B
89. The main aim of the human genome project is _______.
(A). to identify and sequence all the genes present in human DNA.
(B). to introduce new genes into humans.
(C). to remove disease causing genes from human DNA.
(D). to develop better techniques for comparing two different human DNA samples.
Correct Answer: A
90. Which of the following does not act as a neurotransmitter ?
(A). Acetyl-choline
(B). Glutamic acid
(C). Epinephrine
(D). Tyrosine
Correct Answer: D
91. Which of the following statements about enzymes or their function is true?
(A). Enzymes do not alter the overall change in free energy for a reaction
(B). Enzymes are proteins whose three-dimensional form is key to their function
(C). Enzymes speed up reactions by lowering activation energy
(D). All of the above
Correct Answer: D
92. Anaerobic bacteria undergoes butyric isopropyl fermentation in carbohydrates to yield
(A). glycol
(B). butyric acid
(C). acetic acid
(D). all of these
Correct Answer: D
93. If the Keq for an enzymatic reaction is greater than 1, the reaction
(A). will be endergonic
(B). can not occur without the input of energy
(C). both (a) and (b)
(D). none of these Answer: Option D
Correct Answer: D
94. How many pairs of cranial nerves are there in frogs?
(A). Five
(B). Seven
(C). Ten
(D). Twelve
Correct Answer: A
95. Which category of enzymes belongs to class two in the international classification?
(A). Hydrolases
(B). Ligases
(C). Transferases
(D). Isomerase
Correct Answer: C
96. Which of the following test indicates the susceptibility to streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxin?
(A). Schick test
(B). Disk test
(C). ASO test
(D). Precipitation test
Correct Answer: B
97. The word, used for the small solid supports onto which are spotted hundreds of thousands of tiny drops of DNA that can be used to screen gene expression, is
(A). southern blot
(B). cloning library
(C). DNA microarrays
(D). northern blot
Correct Answer: C
98. Vibrational spectroscopy is
(A). a large mass on a weak spring
(B). a flashlight through a prism and shake it
(C). a class of spectroscopic techniques which analyzes molecular motions
(D). an Infrared spectroscopy
Correct Answer: C
99. Bacillus thuringiensis is useful as a bacterial
(A). source of antibiotics
(B). producer of vitamins
(C). herbicide
(D). pesticide
Correct Answer: D
100. Stormy clot reaction is useful in identification of
(A). C tetani
(B). C botulinum
(C). C perfringens
(D). C difficile
Correct Answer: C