Gram Panchayat Haminpur Pilani Jhunjhunu


Gram Panchayat

CSIR UGC NET Biology Question Paper

1. The amount of CSF in the cranial cavity

(A). 500 ml
(B). 140 ml
(C). 1 litre
(D). 1.5 ml

Correct Answer: B

2. Which of the following statement is not true about composition of biogas?

(A). It is composed almost exclusively of methane and carbon dioxide
(B). It also contains with traces of H2S, N2, H2and CO
(C). It also contains with traces of O2 and Cl2

(D). Both (a) and (b)

Correct Answer: C

3. The commonest bacterial cause of cervicofacial actinomycosis is

(A). A. naeslundii
(B). A. viscosus
(C). A. israelii
(D). A. meyeri

Correct Answer: C

4. Which one of the following is highly dangerous radioactive pollutant ?

(A). Phosphorus-32 

(B). Sulphur-35

(C). Strontium-90 

(D). Calcium-40

Correct Answer: C

5. Which one of the following statements about the events of noncyclic photophosphorylation is NOT correct?

(A). ATP and NADPH are not produced.

(B). Photolysis of water takes place.

(C). O2 is released.

(D). none of these

Correct Answer: A

6. Which of the following viral infections can result in chronic carrier state?

(A). HBV
(B). HCV
(C). HDV
(D). All of these

Correct Answer: D

7. Ergotism is responsible for all of the following except

(A). hallucinations
(B). Irish potato famine
(C). both (a) and (b)
(D). gangrene

Correct Answer: D

8. The basidiomycetes include plant parasites that can cause

(A). rust and smut diseases
(B). candidiasis
(C). ergot disease
(D). Dutch elm disease & chestnut blight

Correct Answer: A

9. Eugonic growth on Lowenstein-Jensen medium is produced by

(A). M bovis
(B). Mycobacterium tuberculosis
(C). Both (a) and (b)
(D). None of the above

Correct Answer: B

10. α and β cyclo dextrins are produced by

(A). transgenic tomato
(B). transgenic maize
(C). transgenic potato
(D). transgenic wheat

Correct Answer: C

11. The oxygen transfer rate in a bioreactor will increase if

(A). oil is added
(B). antifoam is added
(C). detergent like molecules are added
(D). increase in the reactor temperature

Correct Answer: C

12. Fertilization occur in

(A). .Uterus
(B). .Ureter
(C). .Vagina
(D). .Fallopian tube

Correct Answer: D

13. Which of these proteases is not a cysteine active site protease?

(A). Calpain
(B). Cathepsin D
(C). Papain
(D). None of the above

Correct Answer: B

14. CD antigens

(A). allow leukocytes to recognize antigen
(B). are each expressed on only one cell type
(C). are expressed on immune cells to mark them for separation
(D). function as receptors for cytokine and CAMs

Correct Answer: D

15. The reaction, where small precursor molecules are assembled into larger organic molecules is referred as

(A). anabolism
(B). catabolism
(C). metabolism
(D). any of these

Correct Answer: A

16. Staphylococcal food poisoning usually manifests itself following ingestion of contaminated food after

(A). 2-6 hours
(B). 8-12 hours
(C). 12-18 hours
(D). 18-36 hours

Correct Answer: A

17. When chlorophyll is burnt which element is obtained ?

(A). Ca 

(B). Na

(C). Mg 

(D). Mn

Correct Answer: C

18. Nautical mile is a unit of distance used in

(A). Space travel
(B). race
(C). aviation
(D). navigation

Correct Answer: A

19. According to Boyle's law, the product of pressure and volume is a constant. Hence,

(A). if volume of lungs is increased, the pressure also increases proportionately.
(B). if volume of lungs is increased. the pressure decreases proportionately.
(C). if volume of lungs is increased, the pressure remains the same.
(D). if volume of lungs is increased, the pressure decreases disproportionately.

Correct Answer: B

20. When pO2 = Kd of myoglobin, the fractional saturation (YO2) is about

(A). 0.1
(B). 0.5
(C). 0.9
(D). 1.7

Correct Answer: B

21. Some of the steps involved in the production of Humulin are given below. Choose the correct sequence.
i) Synthesis of gene (DNA) for human insulin artificially.
ii) Culturing recombinant E.c0li in bioreactors.
iii) Purification of humulin.
iv) Insertion of human insulin gene into plasmid.
v) Introduction of recombinant plasmid into E.coli.
vi) Extraction of recombinant gene product from E.coli.

(A). i, iii, v, vi, ii, iv

(B). ii, i, iv, iii. v, vi

(C). iii, v, ii, i, vi, iv

(D). i, iv, v, ii, vi, iii

Correct Answer: D

22. The disease(s) caused by genus Orthopoxvirus is/are

(A). Vaccinia
(B). Smallpox
(C). Cowpox
(D). All of these

Correct Answer: D

23. Ecologically fungi are important because

(A). they act as decomposers and aid in nutrient cycling
(B). they are a major cause of plant diseases
(C). Both (a) and (b)
(D). none of the above

Correct Answer: C

24. Transmission of pneumonic plague from man to man is through

(A). inoculation
(B). ingestion
(C). droplet infection
(D). all of these

Correct Answer: C

25. In both eukaryotes and prokaryotes, a promoter region that is rich in AT bases is called as

(B). Shine Dalgarno region
(C). TATA box
(D). SV40 region

Correct Answer: C

26. Pseudomonas nigrifaciens in mildly salted butter may cause

(A). black smudge
(B). greenish areas
(C). pink color
(D). none of these

Correct Answer: A

27. Traveller's diarrhea is caused by

(A). enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC)
(B). entero invasive E. coli (EIEC)
(C). entero invasive E. coli (ETEC)
(D). entero haemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC)

Correct Answer: C

28. Phosphate deregulated mutants are

(A). less sensitive to phosphate regulation
(B). moderately sensitive to phosphate regulation
(C). highly sensitive to phosphate regulation
(D). none of these

Correct Answer: A

29. Banana bunchytop virus is transmitted through

(A). .Pentalonia nigronervosa
(B). .Aedes aegypti
(C). .Culex sp
(D). .Agribacterium sp

Correct Answer: A

30. The fruiting body of a mushroom is called

(A). sorocarps
(B). basidiocarps
(C). ascocarps
(D). plasmodiocarps

Correct Answer: B

31. What is the pH of the medium when molasses is used as substrate for the production of citric acid?

(A). 3
(B). 4
(C). 5
(D). 6

Correct Answer: C

32. A level of regulation, demonstrated by the termination of transcription if tryptophan is abundant, by the tryptophan operon in E.coli cells is called

(A). activation
(B). attenuation
(C). corepression
(D). desiccation

Correct Answer: B

33. Icosahedral viruses are generally

(A). polio viruses
(B). adeno viruses
(C). both (a) and (b)
(D). none of these

Correct Answer: C

34. Most reliable test for detection of hepatitis E infection is

(A). ELISA test for IgM anti-HEV
(B). Western blot assay for IgM anti-HEV
(C). Polymerase chain reaction for detection of HEV RNA
(D). ELISA test for IgG anti-HEV

Correct Answer: C

35. Choose the minor carp from the following :

(A). Cyprinus carpio
(B). Labeo calbasu
(C). Labeo bata
(D). Ctenopharyngodon idella

Correct Answer: C

36. Neoteny is observed in—

(A). Ambystoma 

(B). Alytes

(C). Sycon 

(D). Sacculina

Correct Answer: A

37. Graham’s Law is correlated with

(A). Diffusion
(B). Osmoregulation
(C). Osmosis
(D). Adsorption


Correct Answer: A

38. The size of filtration slits of Glomerulus :

(A). 10 nm
(B). 15 nm
(C). 20 nm
(D). 25 nm


Correct Answer: D

39. Simulation of which of the following will lead to appearance of first antibody to appear following stimulation by an antigen?

(A). IgM
(B). IgA
(C). IgE
(D). IgG

Correct Answer: A

40. A particle starts from rest and acquires a velocity of 60 m/hr in 2 minutes. Its acceleration in FPS units will be approximately (per sec. per sec.)

(A). 0.60ft
(B). 0.78ft
(C). 0.73ft
(D). 0.70ft

Correct Answer: A

41. In reverse phase chromatography, the stationary phase is made

(A). non-polar
(B). polar
(C). either non-polar or polar
(D). none of these

Correct Answer: A

42. Fossilization is also known by the—

(A). Acclimatzation 

(B). Pasteurization

(C). Preservation 

(D). Tyndallization

Correct Answer: C

43. The man who first discovered the chemical that causes souring of milk was

(A). Pasteur
(B). Scheele
(C). Watson
(D). Ronald Ross

Correct Answer: B


Which of the following acid will have higher bacteriostatic effect at a given pH?

(A). Acetic acid
(B). Tartaric acid
(C). Citric acid
(D). Maleic acid


Correct Answer: A

45. A bat is

(A). an amphibian
(B). a mammal
(C). an avian
(D). a reptile

Correct Answer: D

46. Mac-Conkey medium is an example of

(A). transport medium
(B). enrichment medium
(C). differential medium
(D). all of these

Correct Answer: C

47. Electron microscope is based on principle of

(A). Electromagnetic theory
(B). Resolution of glass lenses
(C). Magnification of glass lenses
(D). Refraction of light


Correct Answer: A

48. Cyclins are proteins that

(A). regulate ability of cells to invade tissue
(B). regulate passage from one stage of cell division to another
(C). regulate apoptosis of damaged cells
(D). none of the above

Correct Answer: B

49. The bacteria, which is more resistant to adverse environmental conditions, is

(A). S sonnei
(B). S dysenteriae
(C). S flexneri
(D). S boydii

Correct Answer: A

50. Pollination is best defined as

(A). transfer of pollen from anther to stigma
(B). germination of pollen grains
(C). growth of pollen tube in ovule
(D). visiting flowers by insects

Correct Answer: A

51. Food most often associated with emetic type of food poisoning caused by Bacillus cereus, is

(A). Meat
(B). Rice
(C). Milk
(D). Eggs

Correct Answer: B

52. Which cell type is considered to have the oldest ancestor?

(A). Archaea
(B). Bacteria
(C). Eukarya
(D). they all share the same ancestor

Correct Answer: D

53. Cholesterol is one kind of —

(A). Saturated fatty acid
(B). unsaturated fatty acid
(C). Steroid
(D). Diglyceride

Correct Answer: A

54. which among the following has the responsibility to determine the character of a cell?

(A). Nucleus
(B). Chromosomes
(C). genes
(D). Plasma

Correct Answer: C

55. West Nile virus can cause a disease in human beings that may be transmitted from an infected bird to a person by a mosquito. This is an example of

(A). endogenous infection
(B). fomite borne disease
(C). arthropod borne disease
(D). nosocomial infection

Correct Answer: C


The microbiological examination of coliform bacteria in foods preferably use

(A). MacConkey broth
(B). violet Red Bile agar
(C). eosine Methylene blue agar
(D). all of these


Correct Answer: D

57. Which of the following bacteria is susceptible to thiophen-2-carboxylic acid hydrazide?

(A). M bovis
(B). Mycobacterium tuberculosis
(C). M chelonei
(D). M fortuitum

Correct Answer: A

58. The term used for acquisition of naked DNA from its environment and its incorporation in their genome by a bacterium is

(A). transformation
(B). lysogenic conversion
(C). conjugation
(D). transduction

Correct Answer: A

59. The brainstem is made up of

(A). Midbrain, pons, cerebellum

(B). Midbrain, pond, medulla oblongata

(C). Diencephalon, medulla oblongata, cerebellum

(D). Cerebellum, cerebrum, medulla oblongata

Correct Answer: B

60. Which of the following disease is not caused by microbial protein toxin?

(A). Botulism
(B). Diphtheria
(C). Shigella dysentery
(D). Tuberculosis

Correct Answer: D

61. Blood stains are found at the site of a murder. lf DNA profiling technique is to be used for identifying the criminal, which of the following is ideal for use?

(A). Erythrocytes
(B). Leucocytes
(C). Platelets
(D). Serum

Correct Answer: B

62. In submerged process for the fermentation to produce citric acid,

(A). A. niger is used with solid substrate as sweet potato
(B). A. niger floats on the surface of solution
(C). Fungal mycelium grows through out the solution in a deep tank
(D). both (a) and (b)

Correct Answer: C

63. Which of the following is properly matched?

(A). Echinodermata - Asteroidea - Star fish

(B). Arthropoda -Insecta -Spider

(C). Mollusca - Cephalopoda - Unio

(D). Platyhelminthes -Trematoda - Planaria

Correct Answer: A

64. Which of the organelles given below is known as "the Power house" of the cell ?

(A). Ribosome
(B). Lysosome
(C). Golgi body
(D). Mitochondrion

Correct Answer: D

65. Sterility in some animals is caused due to deficiency of —

(A). vitamin B
(B). vitamin D
(C). vitamin B12
(D). vitamin E

Correct Answer: D

66. DNA sequence that code for protein are known as —

(A). Introns
(B). Exons
(C). Control regions
(D). Intervening sequences


Correct Answer: B

67. An increase in the heat transfer in the stirred tank reactor will be observed at

(A). higher cooling water temperature
(B). higher stirrer speed
(C). the removal of baffles from the reactor
(D). slower stirrer speed

Correct Answer: B

68. Choose the minor carp from the following :

(A). Cyprinus carpio

(B). Labeo calbasu

(C). Labeo bata
(D). Ctenopharyngodon idella


Correct Answer: C

69. Which one of the following cells is not a phagocytic cell?

(A). Macrophage

(B). Monocyte

(C). Neutrophil

(D). Basophil


Correct Answer: D

70. Who wrote the famous book ‘Origin of Species’?

(A). Lamarck

(B). Darwin

(C). De Vries

(D). Mendel

Correct Answer: B

71. The larger the __________ , the better the chemotherapeutic agent.

(A). therapeutic index
(B). therapeutic dose
(C). selective toxicity
(D). spectrum

Correct Answer: A

72. The promoter on an expression vector used to overproduce proteins in bacteria is

(A). a bacterial promoter
(B). expressed both in bacteria and mammalian cells
(C). not a regulated promoter
(D). the natural promoter of the gene being cloned

Correct Answer: A

73. Pyorrhoea is a disease of the

(A). nose
(B). gums
(C). heart
(D). lungs

Correct Answer: B

74. Which of the following Staphylococcal haemolysins does not cause lysis of human RBCs?

(A). β haemolysin
(B). γ haemolysin
(C). α haemolysin
(D). δ haemolysin

Correct Answer: C

75. Which one of the following is not a second messenger in hormone action?

(A). Calcium

(B). Sodium

(C). cAMP

(D). cGMP

Correct Answer: B

76. Viral matrix proteins are

(A). exposed on the surface of the virus
(B). found mainly on naked viruses
(C). anchor the envelope of enveloped viruses
(D). part of the nucleoprotein core of viruses

Correct Answer: C

77. Which one of the following is NOT an antitranspirant?

(A). PMA

(B). BAP

(C). Silicon oil

(D). Low viscosity

Correct Answer: B

78. Gram-negative bacteria, responsible for food poisoning, is/are

(A). Salmonella
(B). Pseudomonas
(C). Clostridia
(D). None of these

Correct Answer: A

79. Which of the following bacterial genome was sequenced first?

(A). E. coli
(B). S. pneumoniae
(C). H. influenzae
(D). S. thermophilus

Correct Answer: C

80. Restriction enzymes are used to cut

(A). Single stranded RNA

(B). Double stranded DNA

(C). Single stranded DNA

(D). Double stranded RNA

Correct Answer: B

81. Protoplast fusion technique generally involves

(A). isolation only
(B). isolation and fusion
(C). isolation, fusion and culturing
(D). hybridization between two species

Correct Answer: C

82. The main constituents of Pearl are —

(A). Calcium Carbonate, Magnesium Carbonate
(B). Calcium oxide, Ammonium Chloride
(C). Argonite , Chonchiolin
(D). Ammonium Sulphate, Sodium Carbonate

Correct Answer: A

83. Which device is commonly used for measuring the rate of rotation (rpm) of the stirrer shaft?

(A). Anemometer
(B). Manometer
(C). Tachometer
(D). Barometer

Correct Answer: C

84. Pollination by insect in called

(A). Anemophily
(B). entomophily
(C). ornithophily
(D). Hydrophily


Correct Answer: B

85. Mushrooms are classified in which of the following division?

(A). Ascomycota
(B). Basidiomycota
(C). Zygomycota
(D). Deuteromycota

Correct Answer: B

86. Canned meat and fish exhibit spoilage by

(A). Bacillus species
(B). Clostridium species
(C). both (a) and (b)
(D). Saccharomyces

Correct Answer: C

87. Which is not a category ?

(A). Ecotype 

(B). Species

(C). Genus 

(D). Order

Correct Answer: A

88. Which of the following statements is correct?

(A). Up to 10% of human tumours have a viral risk factor
(B). Up to 40% of human tumours have a viral risk factor
(C). Up to 30% of human tumours have a viral risk factor
(D). Up to 20% of human tumours have a viral risk factor

Correct Answer: D

89. Which of the following is true regarding anthrax?

(A). Anthrax is caused by a virus
(B). Anthrax is highly contagious
(C). Inhalation anthrax and cutaneous anthrax are caused by separate strains of Bacillus anthracis
(D). Inhalation Anthrax requires infection with a large number of spores

Correct Answer: D

90. Movement of cell against concentration gradient is called

(A). passive transport
(B). osmosis
(C). diffusion
(D). active transport

Correct Answer: D

91. The efficiency of amplification in PCR in later cycles is reduced due to

(A). reduction in substrate concentration
(B). insufficient enzyme and time to synthesize mass quantity of DNA
(C). build up of PCR product which competes with primers for hybrid formation
(D). all of these

Correct Answer: D

92. In which of the following class Dolphin belongs?

(A). Mammalian
(B). Pisces
(C). Reptilian
(D). Amphibian

Correct Answer: C

93. Which of the following genetic elements carry the genes required for integration into host chromosomes?

(A). Replicon
(B). Plasmids
(C). Transposons
(D). Tandons

Correct Answer: C

94. Which of the following species of Mycobacterium is positive for nitrate reduction test?

(A). M chelonei
(B). M fortuitum
(C). Mycobacterium tuberculosis
(D). All of these

Correct Answer: D

95. The Archaea include all of the following except

(A). methanogens
(B). halophiles
(C). thermoacidophiles
(D). cyanobacteria   

Correct Answer: D

96. The branch that deals with the plants studies in the geological past is called—

(A). Pteridology 

(B). Palaeobotany

(C). Neurology 

(D). Archaeology

Correct Answer: B

97. The peptide bond in proteins is

(A). only found between proline residues
(B). usually cis unless proline is the next amino acid
(C). usually trans unless proline is the next amino acid
(D). is planar because of steric hinderance

Correct Answer: C

98. Longest phase of meiosis

(A). Prophase I

(B). Prophase II

(C). Anaphase I

(D). Metaphase II

Correct Answer: A

99. The PCR/sequencing approach to rRNA is most likely to give information about

(A). the species to which the bacteria are most closely related
(B). morphology of the bacterium
(C). the type of energy metabolism the bacterium has
(D). whether the bacterium is motile

Correct Answer: A

100. When red blood corpuscles containing both A and B antigens are mixed with your blood serum, they agglutinate. Hence your blood group is _______ type.

(A). O

(B). AB

(C). B

(D). A

Correct Answer: A

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