NTPC SAIL POWER COMPANY LIMITED (NSPCL) is a premier joint venture company of two Maharatnas- NTPC Limited and SAIL. NSPCL presently has four Power Plants at three locations viz. Bhilai, Durgapur & Rourkela and expansion is under progress for 1X250 MW power plant at Rourkela and 2X20 MW power plant at Durgapur. NSPCL has also ventured into solar power generation and has plans of establishing 200 MWp at SAIL Units. NSPCL has been an out performer since its inception and has been consistently paying dividend to the promoters.
SELECTION PROCESS: Eligible candidates will have to undergo two hours objective type written examination / test. Based on the merit and requirement, the list of successful candidates, for appearing in the Interview/ skill test, as the case may be, will be made available at www.nspcl.co.in and communication will be sent to such candidates through e-mail and SMS only. All such shortlisted candidates will have to appear for skill test/interview.
TEST CENTERS: Candidates have to assign preference to cities from amongst Raipur, Kolkata & Bhubaneswar as Test Centre while filling online application. NSPCL reserves the right to cancel or add any center depending on the response of the candidates for that area / center. No change in the test center shall be entertained at any point of time and the candidates will be required to take the test at their assigned test center.
ABOUT WRITTEN TEST: The All India Test is tentatively scheduled to be held on 11.06.2017 (Sunday). The written test can be taken in Hindi and English. Candidates will have to give their choice for appearing in Hindi or English at the time of applying for the post, which cannot be changed subsequently. The test will be in two parts. Part-I will be Knowledge Test and will consist of 70 multiple-choice questions of respective discipline. Part-II will be Aptitude Test and will consist of 50 multiple-choice questions on General Awareness, Quantitative aptitude, English & Reasoning. 1/4th mark will be deducted for each wrong/ multiple answered question. There is a separate qualifying mark for each part.