Gram Panchayat Haminpur Pilani Jhunjhunu


Gram Panchayat

SSC CGL PHYSICS Question Answer Part - 2

SSC CGL PHYSICS Question Answer Part - 2 (Q. No. 51-100)


51. Red data book gives information about species which are-
(a) Extinct
(b) Endagnered
(c) Dangerous
(d) Rare

52. Which one of the following is not a site for in – situ method of conservation of flora?
(a) Biosphere Reserve
(b) Botanical Garden
(c) National park
(d) Wildlife Sanctuary

53. The concept of ‘Carban credit’ originated from which one of the following?
(a) Kyoto Protocol
(b) Earth Summit
(c) Montral Protocol
(d) G – 8 Summit

54. Cadmium pollution is associated with-
(a) Minamata disease
(b) Black foot disease
(c) Dyslexia
(d) Itai-itai

55. SI unit of luninious intensity is:
(a) lumen
(b) lux
(c) candela
(d) watt

56. Ampere is the unit of:
(a) current electricity
(b) magnetic field
(c) electric charge
(d) resistance

57. One astronomical unit is the average distance between:
(a) Earth and the sun
(b) Earth and the Moon
(c) Jupiter and the Sun
(d) Pluto and the Sun

58. The instrument used to measure pressue.
(a) Aneroid Barometer
(b) Anemometer
(c) Thermometer
(d) Hygrometer

59. A person can jump higer on the moon’s surface than on the earth because.
(a) The moon’s surface is rough
(b) The moon has no atmosphere
(c) The acceleration due to gravity in moon is smaller than that on the earth
(d) The moon is cooler than earth

60. A passenger in moving train tosses a coin upward which falls behind him. It implies that the motion of the train is–
(a) accelerated
(b) along the circular tracks
(c) retarded
(d) uniform

61. Dirty cloths containing grease and oil stains are cleaned by adding detergents to water. Stains are removed because detergent:
(a) Reduced drastically the surface tension between water and oil
(b) increases the surface tension between water and oil
(c) increase the viscosity of water and oil
(d) decreases the visocity in detergent mixed water

62. The distance between two crests in a wave in given by-
(a) wave number
(b) wave velocity
(c) Amplitude
(d) Wavelength

63. When the velocity of a body is doubled
(a) its P.E. is doubled
(b) its acceleration is doubled
(c) its K.E. is doubled
(d) its momentum is doubled

64. Which of the following works on the basis of conservation of linear momentum?
(a) Rocket
(b) Helicopter
(c) Jet
(d) Aeroplane

65. Satellite having the same orbital period as the period of rotation of the Earth about its own axis is known as:
(a) Polar satellite
(b) Stationary satellite
(c) Geostationary satellite

66. Planet A has doubled the radius than that of Planet B. If the ass of Planet A is 4 times heavier than the mass of Planet B, which of the following statements regarding weight of an object is correct?
(a) Heavier on Planet A than on Planet B
(b) Heavier on Planet B than on Planet A
(c) Same on both the Planets
(d) Cannot be measured on Planet B

67. A geostationary satellite should be launched such that it moves from:
(a) north to south in the polar plane
(b) South to north in the polar plane
(c) East to west in the equatorial plane
(d) West to east in the equatorial plane

68. If the earth were to spin faster, acceleration due to gravity at the poles:
(a) increases
(b) decreases
(c) remains the same
(d) None of these

69. A spherical ball made of steel when dropped in a bucket full of mercury (hg) will
(a) sink to the bottom
(b) float on the surface
(c) will dissolve
(d) None of these

70. The shape of a rain drop is spherical due to-
(a) Viscosity
(b) Surface tension
(c) Elasticity
(d) Gravitation

71. If temperature rises, the coefficient of viscosity of liqid:
(a) decreases
(b) incrases
(c) remains unchanged
(d) none of these

72. A small and a large rain drops are falling through air:
(a) the large drop moves faster
(b) The small drop moves faster
(c) Both moves with same speed
(d) None of the above

73. When some detergent is added to water, the surface tension:
(a) increases
(b) decreases
(c) remains unaffected
(d) none of these

74. In respect of the difference of the gravitational force from electric and magnetic forces, which of the following statements is true?
(a) Gravitational force is stronger than the other two
(b) Gravitational force is attractive only, whereas the electric and the magnetice forces are attractive as well as repulsive
(c) Gravitational force has a very short range
(d) Gravitational force is along range force, while the other two are short range forces

75. The process of combining strings is known as
(a) compiling
(b) Combining
(c) Attaching
(d) Concatenation

76. Light year is a measurement of–
(a) Speed of aeroplanes
(b) speed of rockets
(c) Stellar distance
(d) Speed of light

77. Which one of the following is not a result of surface tension?
(a) Nearly spherical drop of rain
(b) Capillary rise
(c) Removal of dirt by soap or detergent
(d) Flow of liquid

78. Which one among the following happens when a swing rises to a certain height from its rest position?
(a) Its P.E. decrases while kinetic energy increases
(b) Its K.E. decreases while potential energy increases
(c) Both potential and kinetic energy decrease
(d) Both potential and kinetic energy increase

79. A deep sea driver may hurt his ear drum during diving because of
(a) lack of oxygen
(b) high atmospheric pressure
(c) high water pressure
(d) All of the above

80. The value of g on the Earth’s surface changes due to
(a) Both rotation and shape of the Earth
(b) Rotation orf the Earth only
(c) Shape of Earth only
(d) None of the above

81. If the pressure in closed vessel is reduced by drawing out some gas, the mean free path of the gas molecules will
(a) increase
(b) increase or decrease depending on the nature of
(c) remain unchanged
(d) decrease

82. When an explosive sheel, travelling in a parabolic path under the effect of gravity explodes, the centre of mass of the fragments will move
(a) Vertically downwards
(b) First horizontally and then along a parabolic path
(c) Along the original parabolic path
(d) First vertically upwards and then vertically downwards

83. A change of 10° C in Centigrade scale corresponds to what change in Fahrenheit scale
(a) 18° F (b) 21°F
(c) 10°F (d) 15°F

84. A liquid initially contracts when cooled to 4°C but on further cooling down to 0°C, it expands. The liquid is:
(a) Alcohol
(b) Water
(c) Moltern iron
(d) Mercury

85. The pressure exerted on the walls of the container by a gas is due to the fact that the gas molecules
(a) Lose their kinetic enrgy
(b) Stick to the walls
(c) Are accelerated towards the walls
(d) Change their momenta due to collision with the walls

86. Pressure exerted by gas is
(a) independent of the density of the gas
(b) inversely proportional to the density of the gas
(d) directly proportional to the square of the density of the gas

87. A gas behaves as an ideal gas more closely at
(a) low pressure and high temp
(b) high pressure and low temp
(c) lwo pressure and low temp
(d) high pressure and high temp

88. In an isothermal expansion of a gas
(a) a pressure remains constan
(b) temperature remains constant
(c) density remains constant
(d) None of these

89. The heat transferred by the radiator of arefrigerator is
(a) more than that at the freezer
(b) less than that at the freezer
(c) the same as that at the freezer
(d) none of these

90. Melting point of rice
(a) increases with increase of pressure
(b) decreases with increase of pressure
(c) is independent of pressure
(d) none of these

91. Two block of ice when pressed together join to form one block because
(a) of heat produced during pressing
(b) of cold produced during pressing
(c) melting point of ice increase with increase of pressure
(d) melting point of ice dcreases with increase of pressure

92. In a pressure cooker the cooking is fast because
(a) the boiling point of water is raised by the increased pressure inside the cooker
(b) the B.P. of water is lowered by the increased pressue
(c) more steam is available to cook the food at 1000° C
(d) None of these

93. It is difficult to cook at high altitudes because
(a) there is less oxygen in the air
(b) due to falling temperature, more heat has to be given
(c) due to decrease in atmospheric pressure, the boiling point of water decreases
(d) of high moisture content there

94. A large iceberg melts at the base but not at the top becaue
(a) The base of iceberg remains in warmer conditions
(b) ice at the base contains impurities
(c) higher pressure at the base lowers the melting point of ice.
(d) ice at the top is different kind

95. If the temperature inside a room is increased, the relative humidity will
(a) increase
(b) decrease
(c) remain unchanged
(d) none of these

96. With rise of boiling point of water the latent heat of steam:
(a) Decreases
(b) Increased
(c) Does not change
(d) None of these

97. When a gas expands adiabactically
(a) no energy is required for expansion
(b) energy is required and it comes from the wall of the container of the gas
(d) law of conservation of energy does not hold

98. The freezer in a refrigerator is located at the top section so that:
(a) the entire chamber of the refrigerator is cooled quickly due to convection
(b) the motor is not heated
(c) the heat gained from the environment is high
(d) the heat gained from the environment is low

99. Heat is transmitted from higher to lower temperature through actual mass motion of the molecules in
(a) conduction
(b) convection
(c) radiation
(d) all of the above

100. Woollen clothes keep the body warm because
(a) Wool incrases the temperature of the body
(b) Wool is the bad conductor of the heat so it does not allow heat to flow out of the body
(c) Wool absorbs radiant heat from outer objects
(d) Wool rejects heat from outer objects

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