Gram Panchayat Haminpur Pilani Jhunjhunu


Gram Panchayat

SSC CGL BIOLOGY Question Answer Part - 3

SSC CGL BIOLOGY Question Answer Part - 3 (Q. No. 101-150)

** --> Correct Answer

101. Which organelles in the cell, other than nucleus contain DNA?
(a) Centriole
(b) Goalgi apparatus
(c) Lysosomes
(d) Mitochondria **

102. ‘Barr body’ is found in –
(a) Sperm
(b) Sertoli cells
(c) Femal somatic cells **
(d) Male somatic cells

103. Attractive colour of flower and seed is due to-
(a) Leucoplast
(b) Chromoplast **
(c) Chloroplast
(d) Tonoplast

104. Green colour of leaves is due to –
(a) Chromoplast
(b) Leucoplast
(c) Chloroplast **
(d) Tonoplast

105. Sucidal bag of cell is –
(a) Lysosomes **
(b) Ribsomes
(c) Nucleosomes
(d) Golgibodies

106. Function of lysosome is-
(a) Protein synthesis
(b) Processing and packaging
(c) Intracellular digestion **
(d) Synthesis of fat

107. All life forms contain ‘molecules of life’. These are-
(a) Carbohydrates
(b) Proteins
(c) Ncleic acids **
(d) All of these

108. Cellular totipotency means-
(a) Synthesis of new cells
(b) Formation of new cells
(c) Formation of new species
(d) Formation of new plant
(e) Capability of a plant cell to form complete plant **

109. Which one of the following is the smallest unit showing the properties of life such as capacity for metabolism, response to the environment, growth and reproduction?
(a) Gene
(b) Chromosome
(c) Nucleus
(d) Cell **

110. Longest cell found in the body of human-
(a) Cells of hand
(b) Cells found in leg
(c) Nerve cell **
(d) None of these

111. In human body, ligaments are made up of –
(a) White fibres and some yellow elastic fibres
(b) White fibres only
(c) uyellow fibres only **
(d) yellow fibres and muscle fibres

112. Iodine test is used to detect-
(a) Cholesterol
(b) Fat
(c) Protein
(d) Carbohydrate **

113. Vaccination is available against all of the following disease except-
(a) Yellow fever
(b) Typhoid fever
(c) Malaria **
(d) Hepatitis B

114. Wha is ‘breakbone fever’ most commonly known as?
(a) Typhoid
(b) Rhinitis
(c) Yellow fever
(d) Dengue **

115. The vitamin which is water soluble and generally excreted in urine is
(a) Vitamin A
(b) Vitamin C **
(c) Vitamin D
(d) Vitamin E

116. Which of the following is involved in controlling blood sugar level-
(a) Pitcitary gland
(b) Islets of langerhans **
(c) Hypothalmus
(d) spleen

117. Nosocomial inferection is
(a) acquired from ‘nose’ of humans
(b) acquired from nasal cavity of animals
(c) hospital acquired **
(d) an endemic disease

118. Deficiency of which of the following elements is responsible for weakening of bones?
1. Calcium
2. Phosphorus
3. Nitrogen
4. Carbon Select the correct answer
using the code given below.
(a) 1 and 2 only **
(b) 1 only
(c) 1, 2 and 3
(d) 4

119. The DPT vaccine, a mixture of three vaccines, is used to immunize against three medical conditions/deseases. These medical conditions /diseases are
(a) Diphteria, Pneumonia, Tuberculosis
(b) Diarrhoea, Pertussis, Tetanus
(c) Diarrhoea, Pertussis, Tuberculosis
(d) Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus **

120. Xerophthalmia in human beings is caused due to deficiency of –
(a) Vitamin – K
(b) Vitamin – D
(c) Vitamin – A **
(d) Vitamin – C

121. Who invented the vaccination for small pox-
(a) Sir Fredrick Grant Banting
(b) Sir Alexander Fleming
(c) Edward Jenner **
(d) Louis Pasteur

122. Protein – Energy Malnutrition causes-
(a) Marasmus **
(b) Rickets
(c) Beri- beri
(d) Pellagra

123. Vitamin – A is mainly stored in-
(a) Lungs
(b) Kidney
(c) Breast
(d) Liver **

124. Precursor of which one of the following vitamins comes from β – carotene?
(a) vitamin A
(b) vitamin C
(c) vitamin D **
(d) vitamin K

125. Typhoid and cholera are typical example of –
(a) infectious diseases **
(b) airborne diseases
(c) waterborne disease
(d) None

126. Blood cancer is commonly known as-
(a) Leucoderma
(b) Leukaemia **
(c) Haemophilia
(d) Anemia

127. Which of the following is most injurious growing population of India?
(a) Opium
(b) Datura
(c) Ganja
(d) Tobacco **

128. The word ‘vaccination’ has been derived from a Latin word which relates to:
(a) Pig
(b) Horse
(c) Cow **
(d) Dog

129. Who is the father of Genetics?
(a) Darwin
(b) Medel **
(c) Bridge
(d) Wiseman

130. Word gene was given by-
(a) Morgan
(b) Mental
(c) Johansen **
(d) Bridge

131. Double helix model of DNA is given by
(a) Leween hook
(b) Salach
(c) Watson and Crick **
(d) Dalton

132. DNA fingerprinting is a technique used for the detectin of-
(a) Alzheimer’s disease
(b) Disputed parentage **
(c) AIDS
(d) Yellow fever

133. Differentiation of organs and tissues in a developing organisam is associated with-
(a) Differential expression of genes **
(b) Development mutation
(c) Delation of genes
(d) Lethal mutation

134. Reserve transcription was discovered by-
(a) Watson & Crick
(b) Hargovind Khorana
(c) Lemin & Baltimore
(d) Beadle & Tatum **

135. Gene is :
(a) Particular DNA segment which determines heredity of a particular trait **
(b) Half DNA segment of somatic cells
(c) Whole DNA
(d) Half DNA segment

136. When one gene pair hides the effect of the other unit, the phenomenon is referred to as-
(a) None of the options
(b) Epistasis **
(c) Dominance
(d) Mutation

137. Life originate by chemosynthesis was proved in the labouratory by-
(a) Pasteur
(b) Sager
(c) Aristotle
(d) Miller **

138. Homologous organs are –
(a) Dissimilar origin and dissimilar structure
(b) Dissimilar origin but similar function
(c) Dissimilar origin with similar or dissimilar function **
(d) Dissimilar origin with dissimilar function

139. The term ecosystem is first given by-
(a) Reiter
(b) Aristotal
(c) Tansley **
(d) Haeckel

140. Which one of the following is the correct sequence of a food chain?
(a) Diatoms- Crustaceans – Herrings **
(b) Crustaceans – Diatoms-Herrings
(c) Diatoms – Herrings – Crustaceans
(d) Crustaceans – Herrings – Diatoms

141. Vultures which used to be very common in Indian country side some years ago are rarely seen nowadays. This is attributed to-
(a) The destruction of their nesting sites by new invasive species **
(b) A drug used by cattle owners for treating their diseased cattle
(c) Scarcity of food available to them
(d) A widespread, persistent and fatal disease among them

142. Centre for Ecological Science is situated at-
(a) new Delhi
(b) Allahabad
(c) Karnal
(d) Bengaluru **

143. Which one lacks both root and stomata-
(a) Hydrophyts **
(b) Mesophytes
(c) Hygrophytes
(d) Halophytes

144. 10% law of energy transfer in food chain was given by –
(a) Lindemann **
(b) Stanley
(c) Tansley
(d) Weismann

145. Energy transfer from organism to organism in a natural community develops-
(a) Biological control
(b) Food chain
(c) Food web **
(d) Pyramid of energy

146. Pyramid of energy in a ecosystem is-
(a) Always inverted
(b) Always upright
(c) Spindle shape
(d) Both upright and inverted depending upon ecosystem **

147. Eco-mark is given to an Indian product which is;
(a) Rich in protein
(b) Environment friendly **
(c) Conomically viable
(d) Pure and unadulterated

148. The world’s only floating national park is situated in-
(a) Manipur **
(b) Kulakumpur
(c) Bilaspur
(d) Dispur

149. Which of the following can be found as pollutans in the drinking water in some parts of India- Select the correct answer using the code given below:
(a) Arsenic **
(b) Sorbital
(c) Fluride
(d) Formaldehyde
(e) Uranium

150. The most important indoor air pollutant is-
(a) Sulphur Dioxide
(b) Carbon Dioxide
(c) Nitrogen Dioxide
(d) Radon gas **
(e) None of these


Part - 1 (Q. No. 1-50)

Part - 2 (Q. No. 51-100)

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