The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) has entrusted the responsibility of conducting All India Entrance Examinations for admission to UG, PG & Ph.D Courses in AUs, and award of scholarships and fellowships to the NTA.
Test |
Max Marks |
No. of Questions |
Duration |
600 |
150 |
2.30 Hours |
640 |
160 |
2.30 Hours |
AICE-Ph.D. |
800 |
200 |
3.00 Hours |
The Test will be conducted in Computer Based Test (CBT) mode only.
The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) is the apex body for coordinating, guiding, and managing research and education in agriculture in the entire country under the aegis of DARE, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare. Considering the importance of agricultural education, the University Education Commission (1948) chaired by Dr. S. Radhakrishnan recommended the establishment of Rural Universities in the country. As a result, the first State Agricultural University was established in 1960 at Pantnagar on the pattern of the Land Grant Colleges of the United States. The ICAR-AU system of India has 75 Agricultural Universites comprising 64 State Agricultural, Veterinary, Horticultural and Fisheries Universities (SAUs), 4 ICAR-DUs, viz. IARI, IVRI, NDRI and CIFE, 3 Central Agricultural Universities (CAU, Imphal, Dr. RPCAU, Pusa and RLB CAU, Jhansi), 4 Central Universities (CUs) having Faculty of Agriculture (BHU, AMU, Viswa Bharati and Nagaland University). The National Agricultural Research and Education System (NARES) of India is one of the largest in the world, admitting more than 15,000 graduates, 11,000 post-graduates, and 2,500 Ph.Ds annually, in different disciplines of Agriculture and Allied Sciences.

यह हिंदी टाइपिंग टूल आपको यूनीकोड टेक्स्ट देता है। जिसको आप कॉपी करें और इसे कहीं भी पेस्ट करें; उदाहरण के लिए जीमेल, फेसबुक, ट्विटर, एमएस-वर्ड डॉक्यूमेंट आदि।