
REET Level - II Model Question Paper haminpur.com

1. What type of education system does NCF-2005 encourage ?

(A). Inclusive

(B). Integrated

(C). Special

(D). Regular

Correct Answer: A

2. An example of maturation is when a child learns to

(A). Draw

(B). Read

(C). Ride a bicycle

(D). Walk

Correct Answer: D

3. Which of the following is not a domain of learning ?

(A). Cognitive

(B). Affective

(C). Conative

(D). Spiritual

Correct Answer: D

4. In most schools today the primary consideration for homogeneous grouping is based on

(A). grade levels

(B). age levels

(C). ability levels

(D). pupil preferences

Correct Answer: B

5. According to Bloom’s taxonomy which option is incorrect for the preparation of objective based questions ?

(A). Analysis

(B). Evaluation

(C). Self actualization

(D). Application

Correct Answer: C

6. Rohit returned the pencil, he took from Ajay’s desk because he was afraid of the punishment, if he got caught. This illustrates Kohlberg’s

(A). Pre-conventional level

(B). Conventional level

(C). Post-conventional level

(D). pre-operational level

Correct Answer: A

7. Which of the following is an innovative source of teaching ?

(A). Telescope

(B). Internet

(C). Facebook

(D). Black board

Correct Answer: B

8. a student’s chronological age is 10 years and mental age is 12 years. His I.Q. will be

(A). 80

(B). 100

(C). 120

(D). 140

Correct Answer: C

9. Maximum participation of students is possible in teaching through

(A). Lecture method

(B). Textbook method

(C). Audio-visual aids

(D). discussion method

Correct Answer: D

10. Naresh and Mukesh have same age group. They show quite difference in social and mental development. It is due to the following principle of development.

(A). Principle of modifiability

(B). Principle of definite & predictable pattern

(C). Principle of individuality

(D). Principle of Uniform Pattern

Correct Answer: C

11. Development occurs in human being

(A). upto the end of adolescence period

(B). upto the end of childhood

(C). upto the starting of adulthood

(D). throughout the life

Correct Answer: D

12. In classroom teaching learning is perceived as

(A). Personal adjustment

(B). Social and political awareness

(C). Modification of behaviour

(D). Preparing oneself for employment

Correct Answer: C

13. Which of the following is not a basic function fo the school ?

(A). School preserves and transmits our cultureal heritage

(B). School acts as instruments for cultural change

(C). School develops the ‘whole child’ to his maximum potential

(D). School develop ill-feeling among students due to casteism

Correct Answer: D

14. What is the sign of being gifted ?

I. Novelty in expression

II. Curiosity

III. Talkativeness

IV. Hyper activeness

(A). I and IV

(B). I and II

(C). III and IV

(D). II and III

Correct Answer: B

15. For oan inclusive classroom, what kind of preparation is not necessary for teachers ?

(A). Intensive involvement of behavioural and social activist

(B). Early and continuous contact with children is disadvantaged areas

(C). More frequent exposure to diagnostic and remedial procedures

(D). Low patience level

Correct Answer: D

16. For the students of 3rd class, which will be the best way for teaching ?

(A). Lecture Method

(B). Creational Activities

(C). Group Discussion

(D). Laboratory Method

Correct Answer: B

17. According to Kohlberg, the level in which the child’s morality is controlled by the fear of punishment, is called

(A). premoral level

(B). conventional morality level

(C). self-accepted moral principle level

(D). morality level

Correct Answer: A

18. Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) of measuring personality is a

(A). Subjective technique

(B). Objective technique

(C). Projective technique

(D). Experimental technique

Correct Answer: C

19. “The pre-operational period’ of jean Piaget cognitive development theory is related to the age group of

(A). 0-2 years

(B). 2-7 years

(C). 4-11 years

(D). 7-12 years

Correct Answer: B

20. A child having some problems in seeing objects. According to NCF-2005 he should be admitted in

(A). Regular School

(B). Special School

(C). Inclusive School

(D). Integrated School

Correct Answer: C

21. Which of the following principle of development is incorrect one ?

(A). There are individual differences in development

(B). Development is the result of coincidences

(C). It is a continuous process

(D). It is predictable

Correct Answer: B

22. According to Piaget’s cognitive Development Theory, accommodation is referred to

(A). A find of matching between the already existing cognitive structures and the environmental needs as they arise

(B). Adjust to new ways of thinking and behaving by making modifications in one’s existing cognitive structures

(C). Equilibrium between previous Knowledge and new knowledge

(D). Arrangement of perceptual and cognitive informations in meaningful patterns

Correct Answer: B

23. According to Kolesnik, what is the reorganization of concept ?

(A). Behaviour

(B). Words

(C). Thinking

(D). Problems

Correct Answer: C

24. The academic performance of students can be improved if parents are encouraged to

(A). supervise the work of their wards

(B). arrange for extra tuition

(C). remain unconcerned about it

(D). interact with teachers frequently

Correct Answer: A

25. After preparing a test, if a teacher repeatedly administers it on the children of same age group in order to find out the consistency of test scores, he is looking for the tests

(A). validity

(B). reliability

(C). objectivity

(D). utility

Correct Answer: B

26. Which is regarded as an unique age of socialization in school ?

(A). Infancy

(B). Childhood

(C). Adulthood

(D). adolescence

Correct Answer: B

27. The determinants of individual differences in human is related to

(A). interaction with their environment

(B). differences in their heredity

(C). differences in both heredity and environment

(D). interaction between heredity and environment

Correct Answer: D

28. Which of the following is not a teacher related factor affecting teaching ?

(A). Knowledge of subject

(B). Communicative Skills

(C). Empathy with students

(D). Availability of resources

Correct Answer: D

29. A five years old child will have following type of thinking

(A). Reflective thinking

(B). Directed thinking

(C). Concrete thinking

(D). Logical thinking

Correct Answer: C

30. The psychologist who advocates ‘life space’ in his learning theory is

(A). Thorndike

(B). Kohler

(C). Kurt Lewin

(D). Skinner

Correct Answer: C

31. Direction : Fill the blanks in the given sentences by choosing the most appropriate option :

There ---------------------to be some problems.

(A). seems

(B). seem

(C). is

(D). was

Correct Answer: B

32. Direction : Fill the blanks in the given sentences by choosing the most appropriate option :

This was enjoined ----------------------him as a solemn duty.

(A). over

(B). at

(C). on

(D). for

Correct Answer: C

33. Speaking skill can best be developed by enabling the learners

(A). to listen others to speak

(B). to communicate in real-life situations

(C). to read interesting novels

(D). to follow teacher’s model

Correct Answer: B

34. While reading a passage loudly; Geeta repeats words and phrases, this type of behavior shows that

(A). she does not know how to read

(B). she takes long time in reading

(C). she is trying to read cautiously

(D). she reads in a faltering manner

Correct Answer: D

35. At the end of each semester, a teacher tests the students in listening,comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing. The purpose of this approach is most likely to

(A). Measure the students’ proficiency

(B). Measure the students’ aptitude for language learning

(C). Help the teacher to define curricular objectives

(D). Determine the students’ attitudes toward language classes

Correct Answer: A

36. When a teacher organizes word building game in the class, he uses

(A). Direct method

(B). Play way method

(C). Structural approach

(D). Communicative approach

Correct Answer: B

37. In learning a new language

(A). the knowledge of mother tongue is helpful

(B). the use of mother language interferes rather than facilitates

(C). the use of mother tongue is beneficial

(D). the mother tongue should not be sued by the learner

Correct Answer: D

38. Direction : Choose the part of the sentences which has an error :

(A). Birds are warm-blooded

(B). vertebrate animals

(C). whose bodies are

(D). covered by feathers

Correct Answer: D

39. Direction : Choose the part of the sentences which has an error :

(A). Scarcely he

(B). entered the room

(C). when he heard

(D). a loud noise outside

Correct Answer: A

40. ‘This is where l work.’

The underlined part of the above sentence is the.

(A). Object

(B). Object complement

(C). Subject

(D). Subject complement

Correct Answer: D

41. Direction : Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow by selecting the most appropriate option :

Science, in so far as it consists of Knowledge, must be regarded as having value, but in so far as it consists of technique, the question whether it is to be praised or blamed depends upon the use that is made of the technique. In itself it is neutral, neither good nor bad. Any ultimate view to this or that must come from other sources than science.

Both good and evil, almost everything that distinguishes our age from its predecessors, is due to science. In daily life we have electricity, the radio and cinema. Because of the increased productivity of labour, we are able to devote a far greater proportion of our then was formerly possible and we are able to keep the young in school very much longer than we formerly could. Owing to science we are able to disseminate information through the press and the radio to practically everybody. Owing to science, we can make it more enormously difficult than it used to be for people whom the government dislikes, to escape.

The opposition to science in past was by no means surprising. Men of science affirmed things that were contrary to what everybody had believed, they upset preconceived ideas and were thought to be destitute for reverence.

If would not be surprising if in the present day, a powerful antiscientific movement were to arise as a result’ of the dangers to human life that are resulting from atom bombs and may result from bacteriological warfare. But whatever people may feel about these horrors, they dare not turn against the men of science so long as war is at all probable, because if one side is equipped with scientists and the other not, scientific side would almost certainly win.

What determines whether science is good or bad ?

(A). Its analytical study

(B). Its philosophical conception

(C). The manner of its origin

(D). It’s application in life.

Correct Answer: D

42. Direction : Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow by selecting the most appropriate option :

Science, in so far as it consists of Knowledge, must be regarded as having value, but in so far as it consists of technique, the question whether it is to be praised or blamed depends upon the use that is made of the technique. In itself it is neutral, neither good nor bad. Any ultimate view to this or that must come from other sources than science.

Both good and evil, almost everything that distinguishes our age from its predecessors, is due to science. In daily life we have electricity, the radio and cinema. Because of the increased productivity of labour, we are able to devote a far greater proportion of our then was formerly possible and we are able to keep the young in school very much longer than we formerly could. Owing to science we are able to disseminate information through the press and the radio to practically everybody. Owing to science, we can make it more enormously difficult than it used to be for people whom the government dislikes, to escape.

The opposition to science in past was by no means surprising. Men of science affirmed things that were contrary to what everybody had believed, they upset preconceived ideas and were thought to be destitute for reverence.

If would not be surprising if in the present day, a powerful antiscientific movement were to arise as a result’ of the dangers to human life that are resulting from atom bombs and may result from bacteriological warfare. But whatever people may feel about these horrors, they dare not turn against the men of science so long as war is at all probable, because if one side is equipped with scientists and the other not, scientific side would almost certainly win.

Which conception of science has the author mentioned in the passage ?

(A). Its being good and bad.

(B). Its being a purely empirical enquiry

(C). Science as knowledge and science as technique

(D). Its being both a philosophical and empirical study

Correct Answer: C

43. Direction : Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow by selecting the most appropriate option :

Science, in so far as it consists of Knowledge, must be regarded as having value, but in so far as it consists of technique, the question whether it is to be praised or blamed depends upon the use that is made of the technique. In itself it is neutral, neither good nor bad. Any ultimate view to this or that must come from other sources than science.

Both good and evil, almost everything that distinguishes our age from its predecessors, is due to science. In daily life we have electricity, the radio and cinema. Because of the increased productivity of labour, we are able to devote a far greater proportion of our then was formerly possible and we are able to keep the young in school very much longer than we formerly could. Owing to science we are able to disseminate information through the press and the radio to practically everybody. Owing to science, we can make it more enormously difficult than it used to be for people whom the government dislikes, to escape.

The opposition to science in past was by no means surprising. Men of science affirmed things that were contrary to what everybody had believed, they upset preconceived ideas and were thought to be destitute for reverence.

If would not be surprising if in the present day, a powerful antiscientific movement were to arise as a result’ of the dangers to human life that are resulting from atom bombs and may result from bacteriological warfare. But whatever people may feel about these horrors, they dare not turn against the men of science so long as war is at all probable, because if one side is equipped with scientists and the other not, scientific side would almost certainly win.

What distinguishes our age from the previous ages ?

(A). The prevalence of liberal ideas

(B). Lofty conception of war

(C). Science

(D). Both (A) and (B)

Correct Answer: C

44. Direction : Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow by selecting the most appropriate option :

Science, in so far as it consists of Knowledge, must be regarded as having value, but in so far as it consists of technique, the question whether it is to be praised or blamed depends upon the use that is made of the technique. In itself it is neutral, neither good nor bad. Any ultimate view to this or that must come from other sources than science.

Both good and evil, almost everything that distinguishes our age from its predecessors, is due to science. In daily life we have electricity, the radio and cinema. Because of the increased productivity of labour, we are able to devote a far greater proportion of our then was formerly possible and we are able to keep the young in school very much longer than we formerly could. Owing to science we are able to disseminate information through the press and the radio to practically everybody. Owing to science, we can make it more enormously difficult than it used to be for people whom the government dislikes, to escape.

The opposition to science in past was by no means surprising. Men of science affirmed things that were contrary to what everybody had believed, they upset preconceived ideas and were thought to be destitute for reverence.

If would not be surprising if in the present day, a powerful antiscientific movement were to arise as a result’ of the dangers to human life that are resulting from atom bombs and may result from bacteriological warfare. But whatever people may feel about these horrors, they dare not turn against the men of science so long as war is at all probable, because if one side is equipped with scientists and the other not, scientific side would almost certainly win.

What enables us to devote greater proportion of our energies to wars and preparation for wars today than in the past ?

(A). Increased productivity of  labour

(B). Deep nationalism

(C). Man’s increasing bellicosity

(D). None of the above

Correct Answer: A

45. Direction : Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow by selecting the most appropriate option :

Science, in so far as it consists of Knowledge, must be regarded as having value, but in so far as it consists of technique, the question whether it is to be praised or blamed depends upon the use that is made of the technique. In itself it is neutral, neither good nor bad. Any ultimate view to this or that must come from other sources than science.

Both good and evil, almost everything that distinguishes our age from its predecessors, is due to science. In daily life we have electricity, the radio and cinema. Because of the increased productivity of labour, we are able to devote a far greater proportion of our then was formerly possible and we are able to keep the young in school very much longer than we formerly could. Owing to science we are able to disseminate information through the press and the radio to practically everybody. Owing to science, we can make it more enormously difficult than it used to be for people whom the government dislikes, to escape.

The opposition to science in past was by no means surprising. Men of science affirmed things that were contrary to what everybody had believed, they upset preconceived ideas and were thought to be destitute for reverence.

If would not be surprising if in the present day, a powerful antiscientific movement were to arise as a result’ of the dangers to human life that are resulting from atom bombs and may result from bacteriological warfare. But whatever people may feel about these horrors, they dare not turn against the men of science so long as war is at all probable, because if one side is equipped with scientists and the other not, scientific side would almost certainly win.

If anti-scientific movement were to arise in the present day what factor or factors according to the author would be held responsible for it ?

(A). The misapplication of science

(B). Man’s destructive propensities

(C). The growing materialism of the age

(D). Misuse of science in warfare

Correct Answer: D

46. Direction : Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow by selecting the most appropriate option :

Science, in so far as it consists of Knowledge, must be regarded as having value, but in so far as it consists of technique, the question whether it is to be praised or blamed depends upon the use that is made of the technique. In itself it is neutral, neither good nor bad. Any ultimate view to this or that must come from other sources than science.

Both good and evil, almost everything that distinguishes our age from its predecessors, is due to science. In daily life we have electricity, the radio and cinema. Because of the increased productivity of labour, we are able to devote a far greater proportion of our then was formerly possible and we are able to keep the young in school very much longer than we formerly could. Owing to science we are able to disseminate information through the press and the radio to practically everybody. Owing to science, we can make it more enormously difficult than it used to be for people whom the government dislikes, to escape.

The opposition to science in past was by no means surprising. Men of science affirmed things that were contrary to what everybody had believed, they upset preconceived ideas and were thought to be destitute for reverence.

If would not be surprising if in the present day, a powerful antiscientific movement were to arise as a result’ of the dangers to human life that are resulting from atom bombs and may result from bacteriological warfare. But whatever people may feel about these horrors, they dare not turn against the men of science so long as war is at all probable, because if one side is equipped with scientists and the other not, scientific side would almost certainly win.

How long are people not likely to turn against scientists?

(A). Until science is fully developed

(B). so long as the probability of war is not eliminated

(C). Until the lot of mankind is not ameliorated

(D). so long as we are dominated by fighting instinct

Correct Answer: B

47. Direction : Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow by selecting the most appropriate option :

Science, in so far as it consists of Knowledge, must be regarded as having value, but in so far as it consists of technique, the question whether it is to be praised or blamed depends upon the use that is made of the technique. In itself it is neutral, neither good nor bad. Any ultimate view to this or that must come from other sources than science.

Both good and evil, almost everything that distinguishes our age from its predecessors, is due to science. In daily life we have electricity, the radio and cinema. Because of the increased productivity of labour, we are able to devote a far greater proportion of our then was formerly possible and we are able to keep the young in school very much longer than we formerly could. Owing to science we are able to disseminate information through the press and the radio to practically everybody. Owing to science, we can make it more enormously difficult than it used to be for people whom the government dislikes, to escape.

The opposition to science in past was by no means surprising. Men of science affirmed things that were contrary to what everybody had believed, they upset preconceived ideas and were thought to be destitute for reverence.

If would not be surprising if in the present day, a powerful antiscientific movement were to arise as a result’ of the dangers to human life that are resulting from atom bombs and may result from bacteriological warfare. But whatever people may feel about these horrors, they dare not turn against the men of science so long as war is at all probable, because if one side is equipped with scientists and the other not, scientific side would almost certainly win.

How is it most difficult in the present day for men disliked by the government to escape its clutches ?

(A). A network of information media operating throughout the world will enable it to catch hold of such persons

(B). A highly efficient system of secret service will trace out the whereabouts of such persons

(C). People in the present day have become so slothful that they would not like to escape even though staying at one place entails danger to their security

(D). Such persons will find it difficult to obtain asylum anywhere in the world of today dominated by selfishness

Correct Answer: A

48. Direction : Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow by selecting the most appropriate option :

Science, in so far as it consists of Knowledge, must be regarded as having value, but in so far as it consists of technique, the question whether it is to be praised or blamed depends upon the use that is made of the technique. In itself it is neutral, neither good nor bad. Any ultimate view to this or that must come from other sources than science.

Both good and evil, almost everything that distinguishes our age from its predecessors, is due to science. In daily life we have electricity, the radio and cinema. Because of the increased productivity of labour, we are able to devote a far greater proportion of our then was formerly possible and we are able to keep the young in school very much longer than we formerly could. Owing to science we are able to disseminate information through the press and the radio to practically everybody. Owing to science, we can make it more enormously difficult than it used to be for people whom the government dislikes, to escape.

The opposition to science in past was by no means surprising. Men of science affirmed things that were contrary to what everybody had believed, they upset preconceived ideas and were thought to be destitute for reverence.

If would not be surprising if in the present day, a powerful antiscientific movement were to arise as a result’ of the dangers to human life that are resulting from atom bombs and may result from bacteriological warfare. But whatever people may feel about these horrors, they dare not turn against the men of science so long as war is at all probable, because if one side is equipped with scientists and the other not, scientific side would almost certainly win.

How is science neutral?

(A). It favours neither one party nor the other

(B). In itself it is neither good nor bad for its application determines its effect

(C). It is a lifeless thing

(D). It has no gender

Correct Answer: B

49. Direction : Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow by selecting the most appropriate option :

Science, in so far as it consists of Knowledge, must be regarded as having value, but in so far as it consists of technique, the question whether it is to be praised or blamed depends upon the use that is made of the technique. In itself it is neutral, neither good nor bad. Any ultimate view to this or that must come from other sources than science.

Both good and evil, almost everything that distinguishes our age from its predecessors, is due to science. In daily life we have electricity, the radio and cinema. Because of the increased productivity of labour, we are able to devote a far greater proportion of our then was formerly possible and we are able to keep the young in school very much longer than we formerly could. Owing to science we are able to disseminate information through the press and the radio to practically everybody. Owing to science, we can make it more enormously difficult than it used to be for people whom the government dislikes, to escape.

The opposition to science in past was by no means surprising. Men of science affirmed things that were contrary to what everybody had believed, they upset preconceived ideas and were thought to be destitute for reverence.

If would not be surprising if in the present day, a powerful antiscientific movement were to arise as a result’ of the dangers to human life that are resulting from atom bombs and may result from bacteriological warfare. But whatever people may feel about these horrors, they dare not turn against the men of science so long as war is at all probable, because if one side is equipped with scientists and the other not, scientific side would almost certainly win.

Which of the following has not been mentioned by the author as one of the uses to which science has been put either for good or for bad?

(A). Science has enhanced productivity of labour, and hence we can devote far greater proportion of our time and energies to wars than in the past

(B). We can afford to educate children at school for longer periods of time because of the leisure mode possible by time

(C). with the help of science we can spread information through time and space by means of radio and the press to almost everybody on the globe

(D). Science has increased our longevity, thanks to the invention and discovery of life saving drugs and medicines

Correct Answer: D

50. ‘I wish it were over.’

Above sentence is in the

(A). Indicative mood

(B). Subjunctive mood

(C). past tense

(D). Present tense

Correct Answer: B

51. Direction : Out of the given options, select the one which closely fits each definition  :

A man who is womanish in his habits.

(A). feminist

(B). philologist

(C). effeminate

(D). philanderer

Correct Answer: C

52. Direction : Out of the given options, select the one which closely fits each definition  :

Animals that live in flocks.

(A). pugnacious

(B). gregarious

(C). amphibious

(D). migratory

Correct Answer: B

53. Direction : What does the underlined modal auxiliary suggest in the following sentences ?

The conservatives should win the next election.

(A). Obligation

(B). Probability

(C). Desirability

(D). Conjecture

Correct Answer: B

54. Direction : What does the underlined modal auxiliary suggest in the following sentences ?

He must be at least sixty.

(A). Inference

(B). Probability

(C). Conjecture

(D). Belief

Correct Answer: A

55. “The birds are flying in the sky.’

What kind of verb is ‘are flying’ in above sentence?

(A). Transitive

(B). Intransitive

(C). infinitive

(D). Phrasal verb

Correct Answer: B

56. ’Apparently, he tried to telephone me after receiving my letter.’

The underlined words in the above sentence constitute a/an

(A). Adverbial phrase of time

(B). Non-finite adverbial clause of time

(C). Finite adverbial clause of time

(D). Adverb of time

Correct Answer: B

57. The antonym of ‘querulous’ is

(A). peevish

(B). timorous

(C). noisy

(D). quiet

Correct Answer: D

58. Which of the following is not true about the teaching of grammar?

(A). it should be taught through inductive method

(B). learners should be allowed to observe examples

(C). learner should be encouraged to frame their rules

(D). learners should be forced to memorize rules

Correct Answer: D

59. Change ‘contempt’ into is correct adjective form

(A). contempteble

(B). contemptable

(C). contemptiable

(D). contemptible

Correct Answer: D

60. Acquisition of language is

(A). a matter of habit formation

(B). a laborious process

(C). possible only in the class-room

(D). enhanced by memorization of vocabulary

Correct Answer: A

61. निम्नलिखित में से सही वर्तनी वाला शब्द है

(A). अनिर्णीत

(B). आशिर्वाद

(C). षष्टम्

(D). शहॅंशाह

Correct Answer: A

62. एक शिक्षक को भाषा पढ़ाते समय किस माध्यम का सर्वप्रथम प्रयोग करना चाहिए ?

(A). पाठ्यपुस्तक का

(B). सामान्य बोलचाल का

(C). श्यामपट्ट का

(D). प्रश्नोत्तर का

Correct Answer: B

63. मानव में प्रत्यय है

(A). अ

(B). व

(C). अव

(D). नव

Correct Answer: ,,

64. प्राथमिक स्तर पर हिन्दी भाषा शिक्षण का उद्देश्य नहीं है

(A). विद्यार्थियों को सस्वर वाचन में सक्षम बनाना

(B). विद्यार्थियों को शुद्ध उच्चारण के लिए प्रेरित करना

(C). विद्यार्थियों को सुलेख और श्रुतलेख लिखने में सक्षम बनाना

(D). व्याकरण के नियमों का विशद् ज्ञान देना

Correct Answer: D

65. देवनागरी लिपि के संदर्भ में कौन-से कथन सत्य हैं ?


I              देवनागरी में एक ध्वनि के लिए एक ही प्रतीक है।

I I           देवनागरी में विदेशी ध्वनियों को व्यक्त करने की क्षमता है।

I I I        देवनागरी दायीं ओर से बायीं ओर लिखी जाती है।

 IV           देवनागरी में वर्णों की संख्या रोमन लिपि से कम  है।

(A). I और I I
(B). I I I और IV
(C). I और I I I

(D). I, I I और I I I

Correct Answer: A

66. निम्नलिखित में से विदेशी शब्द नहीं है

(A). चाकू

(B). पपीता

(C). गमला

(D). खिड़की

Correct Answer: D

67. ‘अनुकम्पा का सही शाब्दिक अर्थ है

(A). अपने से बड़ों पर प्रसन्न होकर उनकी भलाई करना

(B). किसी के दु:ख से दु:खी होकर उस पर कृपा करना

(C). किसी को विशेष सहयोग देना

(D). उपर्युक्त सभी

Correct Answer: B

68. रिक्त स्थान के लिए उपयुक्त शब्द का चयन करें :

शांति संधि से पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री ने वरिष्ठ मंत्रियों के साथ ................. की।

(A). चर्चा

(B). मंत्रणा

(C). बैठक

(D). वार्ता

Correct Answer: B

69. कहानी सुनाने का मूल उद्देश्य होना चाहिए

(A). बच्चों को प्रसन्न करना

(B). बच्चों को एकाग्रचित्त करना

(C). बच्चों की कल्पनाशक्ति का विकास करना

(D). बच्चों को अनुशासन में रखना

Correct Answer: C

70. ‘जीतने की इच्छा के लिए शब्द है

(A). जिजीविषा

(B). जिघृक्षा

(C). जिघत्सा

(D). जिगीषा

Correct Answer: D

71. निर्देश : निम्नलिखित गद्यांश को पढ़कर दिये गये प्रश्नों  के सबसे उचित विकल्प चुनिए :

महाभारत में कृष्ण से संबद्ध आख्यान भी है और प्रसिद्ध काव्य भगवद्गीता भी। गीता के दर्शन के अलावा, इस ग्रंथ में शासन कला और सामान्य रूप से जीवन के नैतिक और आचार संबंधी सिद्धान्तों पर जोर दिया गया है। धर्म की इस बुनियाद के बिना न सच्चा सुख मिल सकता है और न समाज में एका रह सकता है। इसका लक्ष्य है लोकमंगल, किसी विशेष वर्ग का नहीं बल्कि पूरे विश्व का। लेकिन धर्म स्वयं सापेक्ष है और सत्य-निष्ठा, अहिंसा आदि जैसे कुछ बुनियादी सिद्धान्तों को छोड़कर खुद समय और मौजूदा परिस्थितियों पर निर्भर करता है। ये सिद्धान्त टिकाऊ हैं और अपरिवर्तनशील भी, परन्तु इसके अलावा धर्म, जो कर्तव्यों और जिम्मेदारियों का सम्मिश्रण है, समय के साथ बदलता है। अहिंसा पर यहां और दूसरी जगहों पर भी जो बल दिया गया है, वह दिलचस्प है क्योंकि अहिंसा और किसी अच्छे मकसद के लिए संघर्ष करने में प्रत्यक्ष रूप से कोई विरोध नहीं दिखाई पड़ता। पूरे महाकाव्य का केंद्र एक विराट् युद्ध है।

‘आख्यान का पर्याय है

(A). कथाएं

(B). उपदेश

(C). विमर्श

(D). काव्य

Correct Answer: A

72. निर्देश : निम्नलिखित गद्यांश को पढ़कर दिये गये प्रश्नों  के सबसे उचित विकल्प चुनिए :

महाभारत में कृष्ण से संबद्ध आख्यान भी है और प्रसिद्ध काव्य भगवद्गीता भी। गीता के दर्शन के अलावा, इस ग्रंथ में शासन कला और सामान्य रूप से जीवन के नैतिक और आचार संबंधी सिद्धान्तों पर जोर दिया गया है। धर्म की इस बुनियाद के बिना न सच्चा सुख मिल सकता है और न समाज में एका रह सकता है। इसका लक्ष्य है लोकमंगल, किसी विशेष वर्ग का नहीं बल्कि पूरे विश्व का। लेकिन धर्म स्वयं सापेक्ष है और सत्य-निष्ठा, अहिंसा आदि जैसे कुछ बुनियादी सिद्धान्तों को छोड़कर खुद समय और मौजूदा परिस्थितियों पर निर्भर करता है। ये सिद्धान्त टिकाऊ हैं और अपरिवर्तनशील भी, परन्तु इसके अलावा धर्म, जो कर्तव्यों और जिम्मेदारियों का सम्मिश्रण है, समय के साथ बदलता है। अहिंसा पर यहां और दूसरी जगहों पर भी जो बल दिया गया है, वह दिलचस्प है क्योंकि अहिंसा और किसी अच्छे मकसद के लिए संघर्ष करने में प्रत्यक्ष रूप से कोई विरोध नहीं दिखाई पड़ता। पूरे महाकाव्य का केंद्र एक विराट् युद्ध है।

धर्म का बुनियादी सिद्धान्त है

(A). अनुष्ठान

(B). उपासना

(C). सत्य-अहिंसा

(D). तपस्या

Correct Answer: C

73. धर्म किस प्रकार सापेक्ष है ?

(A). यह समुदायों के अनुसार बदलता रहता है

(B). यह निरंतर बदलता रहता है

(C). यह समय और परिस्थितियों के अनुसार बदलता रहता है

(D). यह अपरिवर्तनीय है

Correct Answer: C

74. महाभारत है

(A). एक आख्यायिका

(B). एक महाकाव्य

(C). एक प्रबंध काव्य

(D). एक प्रहसन

Correct Answer: B

75. महाभारत में सम्मिलित है

(A). गीता

(B). कृष्ण के आख्यान

(C). कुरूक्षेत्र का युद्ध

(D). उपर्युक्त सभी

Correct Answer: D

76. ‘गुरूमुखी पद में समास होगा

(A). तत्पुरूष

(B). बहुव्रीहि

(C). द्वन्द्व

(D). द्विगु

Correct Answer: B

77. स्पृष्ट संघर्षी व्यंजन है

(A). ज्

(B). ठ्

(C). थ्

(D). फ्

Correct Answer: A

78. उस शब्द समूह को चुनिए जो ‘श्यामा शब्द के विभिन्न अर्थों को व्यक्त करता हो

(A). राधा, यमुना, कोयल

(B). काली, कोयल, रात्रि

(C). यमुना, रूकमणि, राधा

(D). रूकमणी, कोयल, रात्रि

Correct Answer: A

79. ‘सुरभि-सुरभी युग्म का सही अर्थ युग्म है

(A). गाय-कमल

(B). सुगन्ध-गंगा

(C). सुगन्धित-दूध

(D). सुगन्ध-गाय

Correct Answer: D

80. यण् सन्धि का उदाहरण है

(A). अभ्यर्थी

(B). नव़ोढ़ा

(C). शुभेच्छा

(D). प्राप्तोदक

Correct Answer: A

81. भाषा की सबसे छोटी इकाई है

(A). लिपि

(B). वर्ण

(C). शब्द

(D). वाक्य

Correct Answer: B

82. निम्नलिखित में से किस वर्ण का मूल उच्चारण हिन्दी में प्रचलित नहीं है ?

(A). श्र

(B). क्ष

(C). ऋ

(D). श

Correct Answer: C

83. कविता शिक्षण के अन्तर्गत सिखने का मुख्य उद्देश्य है

(A). शब्द भंडार वृद्धि

(B). भावों की अनुभूति

(C). तुकबंदी का ज्ञान

(D). रोमांच की अनुभूति

Correct Answer: B

84. प्राथमिक स्तर पर बच्चे किस प्रकार की कविताएं पसंद करते हैं

(A). जो तुकान्त न हो

(B). जो कोई सीख देती हो

(C). जो लयात्मक और गेयात्मक हो

(D). उपर्युक्त सभी

Correct Answer: C

85. निम्न में शुद्ध रूप से लिखा वाक्य है

(A). अनजाने में कर दिया

(B). वे बड़े अच्छे खिलाड़ी हैं

(C). पुस्तकों में यह बहुत श्रेष्ठ है

(D). यह सुन्दरतम साड़ी है

Correct Answer: D

86. ‘शक्तिशाली की विजय अर्थ वाली लोकोक्ति है

(A). एकता में बल है

(B). अपना हाथ जगन्नाथ

(C). जिसकी लाठी उसकी भैंस

(D). जाको राखे साईंया मार सके ना कोय

Correct Answer: C

87. ‘हतभागी का स्त्रीलिंग है

(A). हतभागनी

(B). हतभाग्यवती

(C). हतभाग्या

(D). हतभागु

Correct Answer: D

88. ‘धनुष्टंकार का संधि-विच्छेद है

(A). धनु: + टंकार

(B). धनुष् + टंकार

(C). अनुम् + टंकार

(D). धनु + टंकार

Correct Answer: A

89. ‘क्षणिक शब्द का विपरीतार्थक है

(A). शाश्वत

(B). नश्वर

(C). सनातन

(D). अमर

Correct Answer: A

90. निम्न में से कौन-सा अमृत का पर्याय है

(A). नवनीत

(B). हेम

(C). अमी

(D). रसाल

Correct Answer: C

91. The devices which are used to make teaching methods more effective are known as

(A). Objectives of teaching

(B). Principles of teaching

(C). Techniques of teaching

(D). All of the above

Correct Answer: C

92. The product of the successor and predecessor of an even natural number is always

(A). Divisible by 2

(B). Divisible by 3

(C). Divisible by 4

(D). An odd number

Correct Answer: D

93. What minimum percentage of children in private schools are to be enrolled free under ‘Right to Education Art’?

(A). 15%

(B). 20%

(C). 25%

(D). 30%

Correct Answer: C

94. The given figure consists of five squares of the same size. The area of this figure is 245 cm2 . Then its perimeter will be

(A). 60 cm

(B). 77 cm

(C). 84 cm

(D). 196 cm

Correct Answer: C

95. On dividing 15406 by a certain number the quotient is 88 and remainder 6. What is the divisor?

(A). 174

(B). 147

(C). 157

(D). 175

Correct Answer: D

96. Convert 3 days 7 hours 20 minutes in minutes

(A). 4720 min.

(B). 4270 min.

(C). 4670 min.

(D). 4760 min.

Correct Answer: D

97. Select the correct answer

64 dm2 = -----------------------decameter2

Here dm = decimeter

(A). 6400

(B). 0.0064

(C). 0.00064

(D). 0.000064

Correct Answer: B

98. Study the following pattern :

9 x 9 = 81

99 x99 = 9801

999 x 999 = 998001

What is 99999 x 99999?

(A). 9999888001

(B). 9999800001

(C). 999880001

(D). 9999880001

Correct Answer: B

99. Select the correct answer

0.6 + 0.66+0.066+6.066+66.06=?

(A). 14.752

(B). 13.726

(C). 73.542

(D). None of these

Correct Answer: D

100. -------------------------------refers to a system where students are tested their educational achievements at the end of year or a definite period.

Select the correct answer for blank

(A). Examination

(B). Evaluation

(C). Measurement

(D). Test

Correct Answer: A

101. The value of 

(A). 22

(B). 33

(C). 44

(D). 55

Correct Answer: ,,

102. What will be the sum of odd numbers from 1 to 50?

(A). 625

(B). 650

(C). 667

(D). 670

Correct Answer: A

103. The five stepped system of lesson planning was started by

(A). Kilpatrick

(B). Bloom

(C). Herbert

(D). Morrison

Correct Answer: C

104. Curriculum means

(A). Topic of different concepts

(B). Subject matter

(C). Activities and experience in school situation

(D). All of the above

Correct Answer: D

105. The value of x for the equation x+7 =15 is

(A). 7

(B). 8

(C). 9

(D). 10

Correct Answer: B

106. If part of the spectators of a football match, sit under the shade while 4000 in open. Then how many spectators were in all?

(A). 4500

(B). 4400

(C). 4800

(D). 4200

Correct Answer: C

107. Simplest form of will be




(D). None of these

Correct Answer: C

108. Oral examples help to develop which power in pupils?

(A). Thought

(B). Logics

(C). Imaginations

(D). All of the above

Correct Answer: D

109. What is the difference between the place value and face value 7 in 937521?

(A). 7514

(B). 521

(C). 6993

(D). None of these

Correct Answer: C

110. In an elementary class a student commits mistake in multiplication of numbers in the way as 4 x1 = 5, 5 x 1 = 6 etc. What type of remedial teaching programme should be planned?

(A). Use visual presentation in shapes

(B). More and more practice

(C). Estimation

(D). All of the above

Correct Answer: A

111. In class III, a teacher teaches the addition of decimals, following ‘Learning by doing method’. What will be the most suitable teaching activity?

(A). Abacus

(B). Napier Method

(C). Chart

(D). All of the above

Correct Answer: A

112. Number 36005023 will be read as

(A). Three crore sixty lakh five hundred twenty three

(B). Thirty six crore five thousand twenty three

(C). Three crore sixty lakh five thousand twenty three

(D). Three crore sixty thousand five hundred twenty three

Correct Answer: C

113. Which method of teaching is suitably used to teach mathematics for the following situations?

(I) To give mathematical informations.

(II) To introduce the new topic or lesson and new points of mathematics.

(III) to give the informations regarding historical development of mathematics.

(A). Project Method

(B). Lecture Method

(C). Problem Solving Method

(D). None of these

Correct Answer: B

114. The perimeter of any square is 420 cm, then the area of this square will be

(A). 225 cm2
(B). 225 cm

(C). 11025 cm2
(D). 11025 cm

Correct Answer: C

115. The number which is to be added to 0.001 to get 1.111

(A). 0.111

(B). 1.112

(C). 1.1

(D). 1.11

Correct Answer: D

116. Which teaching the’concept of circle’, by Mathematics teacher in the class which one of the following would the best way to do it?

(A). By showing the pictures of circles and polygons

(B). By showing a picture of circle

(C). By showing the pictures of circles of various sizes

(D). By showing the pictures of circles and cylinders

Correct Answer: C

117. Find the number of triangles in the given figure

(A). 5

(B). 6

(C). 12

(D). 10

Correct Answer: D

118. If 192192192192 is divided by 192, then the quotient will be

(A). 1001001001

(B). 1001001

(C). 10101

(D). 111

Correct Answer: A

119. Find the distance travelled by a car with speed 92.4 km/hr in 20 minutes

(A). 18480m

(B). 30800 m

(C). 15400 m

(D). 92400 m

Correct Answer: B

120. The weight of some papayas in 3 kg 30 gm and the weight of some apples is 1 kg 765 gm. By how much the weight of apples is less than the weight of papayas?

(A). 265 gm

(B). 1 kg 265 gm

(C). 535 gm

(D). 1 kg 535 gm

Correct Answer: B

121. A student prepared two boxes. In first box the slip containing name of sun, water and air had been put while in second, the slip containing name of coal, petroleum and natural gases had been put. The name of the first box will be

(A). Natural Resources

(B). Non-renewable Resources

(C). Degradable Resources

(D). Original Resources

Correct Answer: A

122. ------------------------is considered key to make science learning more effective.

(A). Practical

(B). Story telling

(C). Symposium

(D). Group discussion

Correct Answer: A

123. Which of the following phenomenon cannot be exhibited in the class?

(A). Snow formation

(B). Condensation

(C). Fog formation

(D). Water formation from ice

Correct Answer: C

124. During infection, the ---------------count increases.

(A). erythrocyte

(B). leucocyte

(C). platelet

(D). haemoglobin

Correct Answer: B

125. Mt. Everest is the highest mountain on Earth; its peak reaches------------------above Sea


(A). 8,848 meters

(B). 18,888 meters

(C). 8,000 meters

(D). 848 meters

Correct Answer: A

126. Tsunami is caused by

(A). A very warm ocean current

(B). A large bank of fish

(C). A melting glacier

(D). An earthquake under the ocean

Correct Answer: D

127. Biotic environment includes

(A). producers

(B). consumers

(C). decomposers

(D). all of the above

Correct Answer: D

128. Red blood cells carry oxygen around the body. In adult they are created in----------------- .

(A). Liver

(B). Kidneys

(C). Heart

(D). Bone Marrow

Correct Answer: D

129. ‘Mithila Folk Painting’ is popularly known as

(A). Warli

(B). Mandana

(C). Madhubani

(D). Alpana

Correct Answer: C

130. ‘Kankan Rail’ directly connects

(A). Mangalore and Mumbai

(B). Kochi and Goa

(C). Kollam and Kozhikode

(D). Alappuzha and Mangalore

Correct Answer: A

131. Why does female mosquito suck blood?

(A). For spreading Malaria

(B). For generating infection

(C). To save her own life

(D). To reproduce eggs

Correct Answer: D

132. Green colour of the leaves is due to presence of which of the following?

(A). glucose

(B). nitrogen

(C). chlorophyII

(D). oxygen

Correct Answer: C

133. Which amongst the following are the functions of ‘Gram Sabha’?

a. To review the annual accounts of Panchayat.

b. To approve the plans and programmes for socio-economic development.

c. Identification of persons as beneficiaries under the poverty alleviation programme.

d. Exercise social audit.

(A). a & b

(B). c & d

(C). a, b & c

(D). All of the above

Correct Answer: D

134. The gas involved in the photosynthesis process is

(A). Ozone

(B). Oxygen

(C). Hydrogen

(D). Carbon dioxide

Correct Answer: D

135. Which should be the best teaching aid to introduce the warm-blooded animals?

(A). Life cycle chart of a frog

(B). Life cycle model of a hen

(C). Real butterfly

(D). The dog sitting outside the classroom

Correct Answer: D

136. Keenly observe the following chart of energy flow:

On the basis of above chart which option is correct?

(A). 2-goat, 3-human, 5-lion

(B). 2-sun, 3-goat, 5-human

(C). 1-sun, 3-goat, 5-human

(D). 1-sun, 2-plant, 3-lion

Correct Answer: C

137. Which of the following is the main cause of rainfall?

(A). Filteration

(B). Evaporation

(C). Condensation

(D). Both Evaporation & condensation

Correct Answer: D

138. Rohit is making various figures by card sheet with the help of scissor. Which force is being used in this activity?

(A). Muscular force

(B). Frictional force

(C). Mechanical force

(D). Gravitational force

Correct Answer: C

139. Which of the following statement is wrong?

(A). Quinine, a malarial drug is obtained from the plant cinchona

(B). Rice is good source of vegetable oil

(C). Pulses are rich source of proteins

(D). Green vegetables are good source of vitamins and minerals

Correct Answer: B

140. What should be used as safety measure against fire in kitchen?

(A). First Aid Box

(B). Fire Extinguisher

(C). Fire Proof System

(D). Fireless Machine

Correct Answer: B

141. A teacher is speaking about the contribution of Medha Patkar and Amrita Devi Vishnoi because

(A). Both are related to water conservation

(B). Both are related to water women empowerment movement

(C). Their movements are on environmental issues

(D). Both of them took ahead the chipko Movement

Correct Answer: C

142. The sun’s mass is made up of around

(A). 25% Oxygen

(B). 90% Nitrogen

(C). 88.8% Nitrogen

(D). 0.97% Oxygen

Correct Answer: D

143. Which of the following statement is correct.?

(A). Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide are evolved by both human & plants

(B). Human evolved both Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide

(C). Plants evolved both Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide

(D). None of the above

Correct Answer: C

144. The most appropriate use of rain water harvesting is

(A). Irrigation

(B). Agriculture

(C). Drinking water

(D). Rise of ground water level

Correct Answer: D

145. ‘Changpas’ tribe is found in

(A). Ladakh

(B). Manipur

(C). Assam

(D). Sikkim

Correct Answer: A

146. Sound travels faster in

(A). Vacuum

(B). Water

(C). Air

(D). Wood

Correct Answer: D

147. Pole star appears to be stationary in all seasons because

(A). Pole star does not rotate on its axis

(B). Pole star happens to lie on the axis of equator

(C). Pole star happens to lie above the axis of North Pole of earth

(D). Pole star is far away from all the stars

Correct Answer: C

148. Excretory system is not associated with

(A). Kidneys

(B). Ears

(C). Lungs

(D). Skin

Correct Answer: B

149. Which amongst the following is of non Indian origin?

(A). Mango

(B). Banana

(C). Coconut

(D). Strawberry

Correct Answer: D

150. Which of the following gas is believed to cause temperature rise in the atmosphere?

(A). Hydrogen

(B). Helium

(C). Carbon dioxide

(D). Radon

Correct Answer: C


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