
REET Level - I Model Question Paper haminpur.com

1. A child learns more if he is

(A). taught through textbook

(B). taught through computer

(C). taught through lecture method

(D). taught through activity method

Correct Answer: D

2. The teacher in the classroom makes effort

(A). To provide experiences to students

(B). To provide supportive learing environment

(C). To provide opportunity to reflect

(D). All of the above

Correct Answer: D

3. There are two main objectives of education

(A). To instill subject knowledge in the children and to cause mental development of the children

(B). To provide subject knowledge and prepare for examination

(C). To provide subject knowledge and help in memorization

(D). To provide subject knowledge and develop vocational skill

Correct Answer: A

4. Most children learn their native language

(A). at the age of one year

(B). at the age of four years

(C). at the age of six years

(D). at the age of two years

Correct Answer: B

5. Children of 6-11 years age group need

(A). Democratic environment in the classroom

(B). Autonomy in learning

(C). Activity based interactive learning

(D). All of the above

Correct Answer: D

6. A child shows jealousy at the age of

(A). 6 months

(B). 12 months

(C). 18 months

(D). 24 months

Correct Answer: C

7. Students learn in variety of ways

(A). From the lecture of the teacher

(B). Through experiment, discussion, asking questions, doing activities and through reflection

(C). Teacher directed and controlled textbook based teaching

(D). None of the above

Correct Answer: B

8. Children of 6-11 years age group have following characteristics

(A). Children are natural and active learners

(B). Depend on teachers for learning

(C). Children receive knowledge from teachers

(D). Children are not interested in Learning

Correct Answer: A

9. Which statement about a creative child is not true ?

(A). A creative child is curious

(B). A creative child is not adventurous

(C). A creative child is extrovert

(D). A creative child is ambitious

Correct Answer: B

10. New knowledge is acquired through

(A). transmission of knowledge

(B). memorization

(C). experience and searching new meanings

(D). None of the above

Correct Answer: C

11. Teaching is a process of

(A). Transmitting knowledge by the teacher to the learners

(B). Directing learning

(C). Giving instruction

(D). Facilitating of teaching learning

Correct Answer: D

12. Social development of a child actually begins

(A). in early school stage

(B). in infancy

(C). in early childhood

(D). in later childhood

Correct Answer: C

13. A suitable method of teaching primary class children is

(A). Trial and error method

(B). Imitation method

(C). Lecture method

(D). Play-way method

Correct Answer: D

14. In India, primary education system is laying emphasis on

(A). Developing understanding

(B). Strengthening spiritual aspects

(C). Developing critical thinking

(D). Encouraging rote learning

Correct Answer: D

15. Teaching becomes much more effective provided

(A). Students are given autonomy and control to work on their own

(B). Students learning is directed and controlled by the teacher

(C). Teacher plays a central role in explaining the facts

(D). Teacher directs learning

Correct Answer: A

16. Learning is a process of

(A). Memorizing facts

(B). Memorizing the text material

(C). Meaning making through expenence

(D). Preparing for examination

Correct Answer: C

17. I.Q. of a talented child is

(A). 130

(B). 140

(C). 125

(D). 120

Correct Answer: C

18. A student's development depends on

(A). Heredity

(B). Environment

(C). Heredity and Environment

(D). None of the above

Correct Answer: C

19. A good teacher is one who

(A). Causes desired behavioral change in the learner

(B). Transmits knowledge verbally

(C). Narrates information

(D). Transmits curriculum

Correct Answer: A

20. Instruction at the pnmary stage needs to be

(A). Teacher centered

(B). Textbook centered

(C). Student centered

(D). Teacher and Textbook centered

Correct Answer: C

21. What is essential for learning?

(A). Self experience

(B). Self thinking

(C). Self activity

(D). All of the above

Correct Answer: D

22. A child of 6 or 7 years old is not able to accept other's view point

(A). Because he is too young

(B). Because he is ego centric

(C). Because he is not intelligent

(D). Because he is imaginative

Correct Answer: B

23. Children of 6-11 years age group need the following for learning

(A). Availability of concrete activities or experience

(B). Transfer of knowledge by the teacher

(C). Provision of opportunities for memorization

(D). Motivation to attain high rank in the class

Correct Answer: A

24. Which among the following plays the most important role for emotional development of a child in early childhood?

(A). Teachers

(B). Peer-groups

(C). Neighbours

(D). Parents

Correct Answer: D

25. Education psychology is

(A). pure Science

(B). an applied science

(C). a normative science

(D). None of the above

Correct Answer: B

26. Ink blot test of personality is

(A). a subjective test

(B). an objective test

(C). a projective test

(D). None of the above

Correct Answer: C

27. For the 6-11 years age group learning is

(A). an active process of knowledge construction

(B). a process of passive memorization

(C). a process of hearing attentively in the classroom

(D). a process of studying a textbook

Correct Answer: A

28. Learning in children occurs through

(A). Memorizing the knowledge

(B). Reading the textbook

(C). Transmission of knowledge by the teacher

(D). Doing activity

Correct Answer: D

29. Learning takes place effectively if a child

(A). is made ready to learn

(B). repeats what he learns

(C). feels satisfied

(D). does all the above

Correct Answer: D

30. What is not true about growth ?

(A). Growth is physical

(B). Growth is quantitative

(C). Growth is measurable

(D). Growth is a life long process

Correct Answer: D

31. Choose the correct preposition for the blank:
John, do you remember Mary? She is an old friend ......... school times.

(A). from

(B). to

(C). of

(D). in

Correct Answer: C

32. Choose the right answer:
'I visited the parliament' means

(A). I always live there

(B). I came there for a short time

(C). I was born there

(D). None of these

Correct Answer: B

33. Complete the sentence by choosing the correct option:
Potato chips are ................ .

(A). Crispy

(B). crunchy

(C). salty

(D). All of the above

Correct Answer: D

34. Choose one word for the following group of words:
 'a sweet dish served after the main meal'

(A). Desert

(B). Dessert

(C). Deseert

(D). Deserte

Correct Answer: B

35. Choose the correct form of verb given in bracket for the blank:
They ......... in the river yesterday(swim).

(A). swimming

(B). swam

(C). swum

(D). swims

Correct Answer: B

36. Choose the correct. meaning of the phrase ‘idled away’

(A). wasted

(B). admired

(C). rested

(D). None of the above

Correct Answer: A

37. Choose the correct pronoun for the blank:
She has an apple in………hand

(A). his

(B). hers

(C). her

(D). him

Correct Answer: C

38. Choose correct article for the blank:
This wine is ...... expensive.

(A). an

(B). the

(C). a

(D). Zero article

Correct Answer: D

39. Choose the correct word for the blank:
My Mother is at home. Where is ..........?

(A). yours

(B). yours'

(C). your

(D). None of the above

Correct Answer: A

40. Choose the correct word for the blank:
There is hardly……….time left for the train to depart.

(A). much

(B). more

(C). any

(D). most

Correct Answer: C

Directions (41 to 50): Read the passage given below and answer the question that follow by selecting the most appropriate option :
The Ghost in the Forest
Many people who live near the Theme Park are afraid to go into the forest area. There is a legend, that a woman who once lived in the forest as an outlaw hundreds & hundreds of years ago, still walks there as a ghost at night.
The legend says, she was a great warrior from a rich family, but the wicked king, who ruled the country, killed her family and burned her castle, that is quite close to the Theme Park. Her name was Maureen. Maureen escaped being killed, by running into the forest. Because of this, the king made an announcement to reward the person who reported anything about Maureen by giving a handsome amount of 500 gold coins. Many of the poor people, who knew Maureen liked her very much and they told her what the king was going- to do. Maureen decided to fight the king. She did this by helping the poor, robbing the rich and giving their money to the poor. Every time someone rich come through the forest, she would rob him . Maureen was a heroine for the poor, but in the end, one of the poor betrayed her. She was caught by the king's soldiers and hung in the forest by the king from one of the old oak trees. The legend says, that her ghost still walks there by night. So Beware! ! !

41. 'One of the poor betrayed Maureen.'
The underlined word means

(A). Be supportive to

(B). Be disloyal to

(C). Be or give sign of

(D). None of the above

Correct Answer: B

42. What reward would the king give for anyone who found Maureen?

(A). He would give 500 silver coins

(B). He would give 50 gold coins

(C). He would give 500 gold coins

(D). He would give 50 silver coins

Correct Answer: C

43. Who betrayed Maureen?

(A). One of the rich betrayed Maureen

(B). One of the poor betrayed Maureen

(C). One of the king's soldiers betrayed Maureen

(D). One of her family members

Correct Answer: B

44. Find the word from the passage which is the antonym of 'Punish'

(A). Price

(B). Reward

(C). Penalty

(D). Blame

Correct Answer: B

45. Who made an announcement to reward the person ?

(A). Ghost

(B). King

(C). Queen

(D). Woman

Correct Answer: B

46. What was the king like?

(A). He was good

(B). He was nice

(C). He was wicked

(D). He was generous

Correct Answer: C

47. Who killed Maureen's family &. burned her castle?

(A). The king killed her family

(B). The queen killed her family

(C). The witch killed her family

(D). No one

Correct Answer: A

48. Why are some people afraid of the forest area in the Theme Park ?

(A). Because there is darkness

(B). Because the ghost of a man lives there

(C). Because the ghost of a woman walks at night

(D). Because there is a lion

Correct Answer: C

49. Where did Maureen go after her family was killed and her castle was burnt?
She went ……………

(A). to the Theme Park for the day

(B). to the forest

(C). to the poor people

(D). None of the above

Correct Answer: B

50. How did Maureen help the poor?

(A). By fighting the king

(B). By robbing the king

(C). By robbing the rich who came into the forest

(D). By killing the rich

Correct Answer: C

51. Choose the correct meaning of 'Look before you leap'

(A). Think carefully before taking an action

(B). See before you jump

(C). See carefully and then jump

(D). Act carefully

Correct Answer: A

52. Choose the correct opposite word for the underlined word:
The teacher isn't kind. He's ....... .

(A). nice

(B). ugly

(C). funny

(D). harsh

Correct Answer: D

53. Which is the correct order of the words?
art / study / do / ? / you

(A). You study art do ?

(B). You do art study?

(C). Do you study art?

(D). None of the above

Correct Answer: C

54. Choose the plural form of the words given in the brackets:
………….(ox) and ......... (goose) are animals.

(A). Oxess, geese

(B). Oxen, geese

(C). Oxen, goose

(D). Oxes, goose

Correct Answer: B

55. Which words can fill the blanks correctly?
He .. ...... already ........ when you arrived.

(A). has, start

(B). had, started

(C). had, starts

(D). None

Correct Answer: B

56. Choose the correct word for the blank :
In meetings she often says what she thinks
She is quite ................ .

(A). outgoing

(B). outspoken

(C). shy

(D). decisive

Correct Answer: B

57. Choose the odd one out

(A). Left

(B). Milkshake

(C). Right

(D). Forward

Correct Answer: B

58. Which sentence is correctly punctuated ?

(A). Ms. Jones went to dinner with mr and mrs brown.

(B). Ms Jones went to dinner with Mr and Mrs. Brown.

(C). ms. jones went to dinner with Mr. and Mrs. brown.

(D). Ms. J ones went to dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Brown.

Correct Answer: D

59. Choose one word for the underlined words:
It was foggy and I watched my friend move out of sight into the distance as he walked away.

(A). toss

(B). throw

(C). pour

(D). disappear

Correct Answer: D

60. Choose the most appropriate word for the blank :
She entered the room ......... since the baby was sleeping.

(A). quiet

(B). quitely

(C). quite

(D). quietly

Correct Answer: D

61. पथ - पथ्य युग्म का अर्थ है

(A). रास्ता - रोगी का भोजन

(B). रोगी का भोजन - रास्ता

(C). मत - भोजन

(D). कोई नहीं

Correct Answer: A

62. गायक का संधि-विच्छेद है

(A). गा + यक

(B). गाय + इक

(C). गै + अक

(D). ग + आयक

Correct Answer: C

63. प्रत्यय के योग से बना शब्द कौन-सा है?

(A). सुगंध

(B). अपमान

(C). मालिन

(D). अनुकूल

Correct Answer: C

64. समुद्रगुप्त ' भारत का नेपोलियन ' था। यहां  ' नेपोलियन ' किस प्रकार की संज्ञा का उदाहरण है ?

(A). व्यक्तिवाचक

(B). जातिवाचक

(C). भाववाचक

(D). समूहवाचक

Correct Answer: C

65. निम्नलिखित में से अशुद्ध शब्द छाॅंटिये

(A). क्षत्रिय
(B). धोखा

(C). श्रेष्ठ
(D). अविष्कार

Correct Answer: D

निर्देष (66 to 75): निम्नलिखित गद्यांष को पढ़कर दिये गये प्रश्न के उत्तर सबसे उचित विकल्प चुनकर दीजिए:
 बुद्धिजीवी वह है, जो विचार के माध्यम से सत्य का अन्वेषण करता है। सत्य की अवधारणा सुन्दर है, किन्तु बहुत अमूर्त और द्वेधात्मक भी है ........... शायद समस्त सर्वाभौमिक अवधारणाओं की तरह वह थोड़ा अस्पष्ट होती है। बुद्धिजीवी यदि अन्य दार्षनिकों और तत्त्ववेत्ताओं से थोड़ा अलग होता है, तो मेरे विचार में इसलिए कि वह सार्वभौमिक और विषिष्ट के बीच नाजुक और मूल्यवान सन्तुलन बनाने का प्रयास करता है ............. समाज की हर विषिष्ट समस्या पर विचार करते समय उसके सामने कुछ ऐसे ष्मूल्यष् होते हैं, जो ष्परम और शाष्वतष् होते हैं ........... जरूरी नहीं, वह उन्हें परिभाषित करे - किन्तु उनके आलोक में वह अच्छे औरे बुरे, नैतिक और अनैतिक , सही और गलत का विवेक अर्जित करता है। वह जो है, उसके यर्थाथ का तटस्थ ढंग से यथावत विष्लेषण करता है ...... पूर्ण रूप से वस्तुपरक होना उसकी प्राथमिक शर्त है .... किन्तु वह ही काफी नहीं है। वस्तुपरक तो वैज्ञानिक, समाजषास्त्री, गणितज्ञ भी होते हैं ............ यदि बुद्धिजीवी उनसे अलग है, तो इसलिए कि वह जो है, उसका उवलोकन करते समय, जो ष्होना चाहिएष् उसके बारे में विचार करता है .......... और इस तरह एक नैतिक आयाम स्वतः ही उसके बौद्धिक कार्य-कलाप के साथ जुड़ जाता है। बुद्धि के माध्यम से वह आलोचनात्मक चेतना, का संवाहक बन जाता है। चेतना का यह तत्त्व ही है, जो भारतीय परम्परा में बुद्धिजीवी को एक मनीषी का गौरव प्रदान करता है। एक ऐसा व्यक्ति ही मनीषी की मर्यादा को प्राप्त करता है - जिसका विचार तन्त्र मनुष्य का समूचा अस्तित्व हो ....... और यह तभी सम्भव हो सकता है, जब वह अपनी बुद्धि को प्रज्ञा में परिलक्षित कर सकने के योग्य हो - प्रज्ञा वह समझदारी है, जहां मनुष्य अपने आत्म में रहकर भी समूची सृष्टि से ............ जिसमें चराचर सब शामिल हैं, एकात्म स्थापित कर लेता है।

66. सत्य की अवधारणा होती है

(A). सार्वभौमिक और स्पष्ट

(B). मूर्त और अस्पष्ट

(C). सार्वभौमिक, अमूर्त और द्वेधात्मक

(D). उपर्युक्त सभी

Correct Answer: C

67. बुद्धिजीवी के कार्य-कलापों में नैतिक आयाम कब जुड़ता है?

(A). आलोचनात्मक चेतना आ जाने से

(B). जब वह 'क्या होना चाहिए' इसकी परिकल्पना करता है

(C). जब वह तटस्थ हो जाता है

(D). ज बवह वस्तुपरक हो जाता है

Correct Answer: B

68. वस्तुपरक ज्ञान होता है

(A). कल्पना पर आधारित ज्ञान

(B). वस्तु पर आधारित ज्ञान

(C). वस्तु को परखने वाला ज्ञान

(D). वास्तविक तथ्यों पर आधारित ज्ञान

Correct Answer: D

69. भारतीय परंपरा में ष्मनीषीष् कहलाता है

(A). ज्ञानवान व्यक्ति

(B). प्रज्ञावान व्यक्ति

(C). तीक्ष्ण बुद्धि वाला व्यक्ति

(D). सचेतन व्यक्ति

Correct Answer: B

70. 'शाश्वत' का विलोम है

(A). नश्वर

(B). मर्त्य

(C). अमर
(D). अक्षर

Correct Answer: A

71. बुद्धिजीवी अन्य तत्त्वेत्ताओं से किस प्रकार अलग है?

(A). वह वस्तुपरक पर जोर देता है

(B). वह तटस्थता पर जोर देता है

(C). वह शाश्‍वत मूल्यों पर जोर देता है

(D). वह बौद्धिक होता है

Correct Answer: C

72. बुद्धि 'प्रज्ञा' में कब रूपान्तरित होती है?

(A). जब आलोचनात्मक चेतना का आविर्भाव होता है

(B). जब ज्ञान का आलोक प्राप्त होता है

(C). जब मनुष्य का चिन्तन व्यापक होता है और समस्त
चराचर  जगत उसकी दृष्टि बिन्दु में सम्मलित हो जाता हो

(D). उपर्युक्त में से कोई नहीं

Correct Answer: C

73. 'संवाहक'  शब्द का अर्थ है

(A). लाने वाला

(B). ले जाने वाला

(C). बहने वाला

(D). उपर्युक्त में से कोई नहीं

Correct Answer: B

74. 'चराचर' का आशय है

(A). चरने वाला और नहीं चरने वाला

(B). चलने वाला और नहीं चलने वाला

(C). सजीव और निर्जीव

(D). उपर्युक्त सभी

Correct Answer: C

75. अवतरण के आधार पर  'प्रज्ञा' का पर्याय चुनिए

(A). बुद्धि

(B). ज्ञान

(C). सत्य

(D). समझदारी

Correct Answer: D

76. 'वनवासी ' शब्द में समास है

(A). द्विगु

(B). द्वन्द्व

(C). तत्पुरूष

(D). कर्मधारय

Correct Answer: C

77. निम्न में से दंतव्य वर्ण है

(A). ट्
(B). च्

(C). त्
(D). उ

Correct Answer: C

78. शब्दकोष में पहले आने वाला शब्द है

(A). वक्त
(B). वरक

(C). वक्र
(D). वर्ग

Correct Answer: A

79. निम्नलिखित में से तत्सम शब्द है

(A). कोयल
(B). कपाट

(C). ऊॅंट
(D). काठ

Correct Answer: B

80. 'अकिंचन' का अर्थ है

(A). जिसके पास कुछ न हो

(B). जो निर्धन हो

(C). जो कुछ न करता हो

(D). उपर्युक्त सभी

Correct Answer: A

81. 'निजत्व' संज्ञा शब्द है

(A). व्यक्तिवाचक

(B). भाववाचक

(C). द्रव्यवाचक

(D). जातिवाचक

Correct Answer: B

82. संयुक्त व्यंजन 'क्ष' की ध्वनियां हैं

(A). क् + अ + ष

(B). क् + अ + श

(C). क् + अ + छ्

(D). क् + अ + स्

Correct Answer: A

83. निर्भय का संधि-विच्छेद है

(A). नि + भय

(B). नि + रभय

(C). निः + भय

(D). निृ + भय

Correct Answer: C

84. निम्नलिखित में से शुद्ध शब्द छांटिए

(A). अगामी
(B). केंद्रिय

(C). अधीन
(D). दिक्षा

Correct Answer: C

85. 'केर-बेर का संग होना' का अर्थ है

(A). दोनों अलग-अलग

(B). विपरीत स्वभाव वालों का साथ-साथ रहना

(C). भाग्य की बात

(D). दयावान व निष्ठुर का साथ

Correct Answer: B

86. निम्न में कौन सी सकर्मक क्रिया है?

(A). आना
(B). जाना

(C). लेना
(D). मरना

Correct Answer: C

87. निम्न में से कौन-सा 'कामदेव' का पर्यायवाची है

(A). मन्मथ
(B). मनोज

(C). अनंग
(D). मरीचि

Correct Answer: D

88. निम्न में से भाववाचक संज्ञा है

(A). पराया
(B). अपना

(C). जागरण
(D). सभ्य

Correct Answer: C

89. भाषा सम्बंधी भूल को कहते हैं

(A). पाप
(B). त्रुटि

(C). अपराध
(D). द्रोह

Correct Answer: B

90. निम्नलिखित में से तद्भव शब्द है

(A). सायं
(B). गृह

(C). चंचु
(D). सुर

Correct Answer: D

91. Simplify :

(A). 2.468

(B). 24.68

(C). 68.24

(D). 6.824

Correct Answer: A

92. Find the median of the following data:
24,36,46, 17, 18, 25, 35

(A). 36

(B). 18

(C). 25

(D). 35

Correct Answer: C

93. Find the value :

(B). 1

(C). -1

(D). 0

Correct Answer: D

94. HCF of 315, 441, 357 is

(A). 17

(B). 19

(C). 21

(D). 16

Correct Answer: C

95. Find the value of <x in the given triangle

(A). 65°

(B). 60°

(C). 115°

(D). 145°

Correct Answer: C

96. A train is moving at a uniform speed of 75 Km/hour. How far will it travel in 20 minutes ?

(A). 25 Km

(B). 20 Km

(C). 15 Km

(D). 7.5 Kin

Correct Answer: A

97. The place value of '0' in 273045 is

(A). 1000

(B). 0

(C). 100

(D). 10

Correct Answer: B

98. Find the sum of the AP : -37, -33, -29, ...... of first 12 terms

(A). -180

(B). 180

(C). 810

(D). -108

Correct Answer: A

99. Simplify :

(A). 108

(B). 72

(C). 18

(D). 144

Correct Answer: D

100. Find the smallest number by which the number 81 must be divided to obtain a perfect cube

(A). 27

(B). 81

(C). 9

(D). 3

Correct Answer: D

101. Hindu-Arabic numeral of LXXXVI is

(A). 95

(B). 56

(C). 86
(D). 126

Correct Answer: C

102. If the simple interest for 5 years is 77.50, find the simple interest for 4 years for the same principal and rate

(A). 124

(B). 15.5

(C). 387.5

(D). 62

Correct Answer: D

103. Find the volume of the right circular cone with radius 3.5 cm & height 12cm

(A). 308cm3
(B). 154cm3
(C). 77cm3
(D). 231 cm3

Correct Answer: B

104. Write a' Pythagorean triplet whose two members are 16 & 63

(A). 79

(B). 32

(C). 65

(D). 126

Correct Answer: C

105. Diameter of a circular garden is 9.8 m. Find its area

(A). 75.46m2
(B). 80.46m2
(C). 47.49m2
(D). 75.86m2

Correct Answer: A

106. Find the roots of the equation


Correct Answer: B

107. The angle subtended by an arc at the centre is ........... the angle subtonded
by it at any point on the remaining part of the circle.

(A). double

(B). three times

(C). same

(D). four times

Correct Answer: A

108. Cube root of 4096 is

(A). 24

(B). 14

(C). 16

(D). 12

Correct Answer: C

109. Simplify:
25 x 8358 x 4

(A). 837900

(B). 835100

(C). 835800

(D). None of these

Correct Answer: C

110. Find the surface area of a sphere of diameter 21 cm

(A). 1386cm2
(B). 693cm2
(C). 66cm2
(D). 462 cm2

Correct Answer: A

111. One card is drawn from a well shuffled deck of 52 cards. Find the probability of getting a king of red colour


Correct Answer: B

112. If a = 2, b = 3, c = 4 then find the value of a3 + b3 + c3 - 3 abc

(A). 64

(B). 27

(C). 99

(D). 72

Correct Answer: B

113. The population of a city decreased from 25000 to 24500. The percentage of decrease is

(A). 5%

(B). 2%

(C). 4%

(D). 3%

Correct Answer: B

114. Milk was bought for 150. For what price should it be sold to gain 20% profit ?

(A). 170

(B). 180

(C). 130

(D). 120

Correct Answer: B

115. Divide the polynomial 3x4-4x3-3x-1 by x-1 the remainder is

(A). -5

(B). 5

(C). 2 .

(D). -2

Correct Answer: A

116. Solve :
501x 502

(A). 152502
(B). 125502

(C). 251502

(D). 551202

Correct Answer: C

117. What could be the possible one's digits of the square root of the num­ber 9801 ?

(A). 1,9

(B). 3,9

(C). 3,3

(D). 0,1

Correct Answer: A

118. Find the distance between the pairs of points: (-5, 7); (-1,3)


Correct Answer: C

119. Find the angle which is equal to its supplementary angle

(A). 450
(B). 1800
(C). 900
(D). 3600

Correct Answer: C

120. 1500 families with 2 children were selected randomly and following data were recorded :

Number of girls in a family
Number of Families
Compute the probability of a family choosen at random having 1 girl

(A). 407 / 750
(B). 207 / 250
(C). 40 / 500
(D). 307 / 350

Correct Answer: A

121. The Palas , Pratiharas and Rashtrakutas fought for control of……………..the sym bol of power after Harsha’s reign.

(A). Punjab

(B). Kannauj

(C). Ujjain

(D). Kanchi

Correct Answer: B

122. An amalgam of metal has which other element

(A). Carbon
(B). Sodium

(C). Gold

(D). Mercury

Correct Answer: D

123. If pH of any so lution is 2, means it is

(A). Weak acid

(B). Weak base

(C). Strong acid

(D). Strong base

Correct Answer: C

124. Which of the following is the oldest Vedas?

(A). Rigveda

(B). Yajurveda

(C). Samaveda

(D). Atharvaveda

Correct Answer: A

125. Where in India horned Rhinoceros are

(A). Gujarat

(B). Assam

(C). Karnataka

(D). Kerala


Correct Answer: B

126. A neutral body has

(A). only positive charge, no negative charge

(B). only negative charge, no positive charge

(C). equal amount of both positive and negative charge

(D). no charge at all

Correct Answer: C

127. The western coastal strip, south of
Goa is referred as

(A). Malabar

(B). Konkan

(C). Kannad

(D). Northern Circar


Correct Answer: A

128. D D T is:

(A). An antibiotic

(B). Non-degradable pollutant

(C). Degradable fertilizer

(D). Dichlorodifluro Titanium

Correct Answer: B

129. Who founded the Lodhi Dynasty?

(A). Bahlol Lodhi

(B). Ibrahim Lodhi

(C). Sikander Lodhi

(D). None of the above

Correct Answer: A

130. Which of the following bacteria is
used as an indicator of water pollution ?

(A). Staphylococcus

(B). Streptococcus

(C). Diplococcus

(D). Coliform

Correct Answer: D

131. A student of class VIII performs an experiment to separate, constituents of a mixture, the chart of the process is shown here. What are A and B respectively?

(A). Iron nail and sand

(B). Iron nail and sugar

(C). Wooden pieces and sand

(D). Stainless steel and sugar

Correct Answer: A

132. The birth place of Buddha is

(A). Ayodhya

(B). Sarnath

(C). Lumbini

(D). Bodh Gaya

Correct Answer: C

133. Konark Temple is located in

(A). Rajasthan

(B). Madhya Pradesh

(C). Orissa

(D). Tamil Nadu

Correct Answer: C

134. In the balanced equation:

(A). 3, 2, 1,3

(B). 2,2, 2, 2

(C). 3, 3, 3, 3

(D). 2, 3, 2, 2

Correct Answer: B

135. Which of the following is not an instance of an exercise of a fundamental right?

(A). Seeking employment of Bihari labourers in Punjab

(B). Establishing mission school by Christian missionaries

(C). Getting the same salary by men and women working on same position

(D). Inheriting parental property by the children

Correct Answer: D

136. Which of the following statement is correct for chemical reaction?

(A). Chemical reactions are reversible

(B). Energy is absorbed during all chemical reactions

(C). Chemical reaction involves breaking and making of chemical bonds

(D). All of the above

Correct Answer: C

137. In reflex action, reflex arch is formed by


Correct Answer: B

138. Who is considered the Mastermind behind German unification ?

(A). Frederic William

(B). Garibaldi

(C). Bismark

(D). Hitler

Correct Answer: C

139. According to 2011 census the density of population in India is

(A). 382

(B). 324

(C). 421

(D). 518


Correct Answer: A

140. If a bar magnet cut lengthwise into four parts, the total number of poles will be

(A). Two

(B). Four

(C). Eight

(D). Six

Correct Answer: C

141. In Human Development· Report, 2010
India's position is

(A). 116

(B). 119

(C). 123

(D). 132

Correct Answer: B

142. "Dantewada" which recently came into news for Maoist attack, is  located in

(A). Assam

(B). Chhattisgarh

(C). West Bengal

(D). Andhra Pradesh

Correct Answer: B

143. Population becomes human capital
when there is investment made in the
form of

(A). Education

(B). Training

(C). Medical care

(D). All of the above

Correct Answer: D

144. Sometimes during cooking the bottom of vessel, becomes black from out side. This means that

(A). Food is over cooked

(B). Vessel is made up of steel

(C). Fuel is not burning completely

(D). The used fuel is non-conventional

Correct Answer: C

145. Pancreas has

(A). only endocrine cells

(B). only exocrine cells

(C). two types of cells exocrine and endocrine

(D). only one type of cell function both in endocrine as well as exocrine

Correct Answer: C

146. Chief Election Commissioner of India is

(A). S. Y. Quraishi

(B). N. Gopalaswami

(C). Navin Chawla
(D). None of the above

Correct Answer: A

147. A fresh egg sinks in pure water whereas it floats in saturated salty water, this is due to

(A). the fluid matter inside the egg shell

(B). higher density of the pure water

(C). higher density of the salty water

(D). egg shell is made ·up of calcium which is lighter than pure water

Correct Answer: C

148. Which of the following method is used to produce Oxygen gas in laboratory?

(D). (A). and (C). both

Correct Answer: A

149. Who amongest following was the
member of Constituent Assembly')

(A). Pt. Neki Ram Sharma

(B). Sir Chhotu Ram

(C). Shri Ranbir Singh Hooda

(D). Shri Sher Singh

Correct Answer: C

150. A ball is thrown up with a certain velocity, it attains 50 m and come back to the thrower then the

(A). Total distance covered by it is 50 In

(B). Total displacement covered by it is 100 m

(C). Total displacement is zero

(D). Total distance covered by it is 120 m

Correct Answer: C


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