

1. Teaching becomes much more effective provided

(A). Students are given autonomy and control to work on their own

(B). Students learning is directed and controlled by the teacher

(C). Teacher plays a central role in explaining the facts

(D). Teacher directs learning

Correct Answer: A

2. Teaching becomes effective provided

(A). Direct instruction is used in the classroom

(B). Teacher directed methods are used in the classroom

(C). Both teacher directed methods. and direct instruction are used

(D). Learner centered instruction and interactive methods are used

Correct Answer: D

3. A good classroom teacher

(A). Nurtures learner's natural curiosity

(B). Encourages learners to engage in dialogue

(C). Involves learners in real world situations

(D). All of the above

Correct Answer: D

4. Characteristic of creativity is

(A). Originality

(B). Fluency

(C). Flexibility

(D). All of the above

Correct Answer: D

5. Students have following characteristics For learning and teaching

(A). Activeness in learning

(B). Students have abilities to learn

(C). Students construct knowledge through self activity in relation to  new experiences

(D). All of the above

Correct Answer: D

6. A slow learner needs

(A). extra help

(B). special help

(C). no help

(D). some help

Correct Answer: A

7. If a student gives wrong answer to a question put up by you. You will

(A). put up another question so that he himself realises that his answer was wrong

(B). tell him why his answer was wrong

(C). ask some other student to answer

(D). tell the correct answer

Correct Answer: A

8. Teaching is defined as

(A). Facilitation of learning

(B). Transmission of knowledge by teachers and its reception by the students

(C). Reading the textbooks

(D). Transmission of knowledge by teachers

Correct Answer: A

9. Which one of the following is a level of teaching?

(A). Reflective

(B). Interactive

(C). Projective

(D). Summative

Correct Answer: A

10. Teachers need to practise the following teaching methods

(A). Lecture method

(B). Interactive methods

(C). Narratives

(D). None of the above

Correct Answer: B

11. Counseling to students is most useful for

(A). Enhancing their knowledge

(B). Developing their skills

(C). Developing self confidence in them

(D). Making them worldly successful

Correct Answer: C

12. - Multigrade teaching is that where in

(A). A student can pass more than one class at a time

(B). A teacher has to teach the students of more than one class at the same time

(C). There is no point in class wise teaching

(D). All of the above

Correct Answer: B

13. The role of the teacher is

(A). Communicating knowledge

(B). Maintaining discipline among students

(C). Creating a learner centered, activity based, interactive learning

(D). All of the above

Correct Answer: C

14. Teachers should do while teaching

(A). Transmit knowledge verbally

(B). Encourage inquiry

(C). Teach through textbook in the classroom

(D). None of the above

Correct Answer: B

15. You can help a talented child by

(A). Paying more attention to him

(B). Giving him more books

(C). Spending more time on him

(D). Giving enriched learning expenences

Correct Answer: D

16. According to Prof., Jean Piaget the mental development of 0-14 years age group occurs in four stages. Name  the stage of development for 7-14 years age group

(A). Sensori motor stage

(B). Pre operational stage

(C). Concrete operational stage

(D). Formal operational stage

Correct Answer: C

17. As a teacher, how would you deal with those students sitting in the backseats and talking to each other?

(A). By ignoring them

(B). Ask them to keep quiet or leave the class

(C). Get them out form the class

(D). Ask them why they are not paying attention

Correct Answer: D

18. Most objective method for measuring personality of a child is

(A). Projective method

(B). Interview method

(C). Questionnaire method

(D). Sociometry method

Correct Answer: D

19. Education system in India is

(A). Preparing students for life

(B). Preparing for employment

(C). Preparing for vocational courses

(D). Preparing for examination

Correct Answer: D

20. In a class a naughty child disturbs the students. Which method should a teacher adopt to know the problem of the child?

(A). Survey method

(B). Case study method

(C). Experimental method

(D). Observation method

Correct Answer: B

21. Oral guidance is less effective in

(A). Teaching concepts

(B). Teaching skills

(C). Teaching facts

(D). None of the above

Correct Answer: B

22. An emotionally stable student

(A). Maintains cordial interrelationship with classmates

(B). Does not interact effectively with other classmates

(C). Does not contribute any new ideas .

(D). does not respect the ideas given by other classmate

Correct Answer: A

23. The role of a teacher is .

(A). Transferring information

(B). Providing knowledge

(C). Giving training in skills

(D). Facilitating of knowledge construction

Correct Answer: D

24. You can gain attension of your class through

(A). Speaking loudly

(B). Writing on Black Board

(C). Drawing diagrams.

(D). Stimulus Variation

Correct Answer: D

25. For adaptive and positive behavior a student needs following life skills

(A). Effective interpersonal communication

(B). Decision making ability

(C). Coping with emotions and stress

(D). All of the above

Correct Answer: D

26. If a student asks a question of which you don't have answer. What will you do? You will

(A). tell the student that his question is senseless

(B). try to avoid

(C). Explore the answer of the question and convey him next day

(D). Rebuke the student for asking unnecessary questions

Correct Answer: C

27. A reflective teacher creates classroom situations for

(A). Listening the lecture

(B). Taking notes from the lecture of the teacher

(C). Maintaining classroom discipline

(D). Promoting interaction between students and the teacher

Correct Answer: D

28. The aim of education should be

(A). To develop vocational s kills in the students

(B). To develop social awareness in  the students

(C). To prepare the students for examination

(D). To prepare the students for practical life

Correct Answer: D

29. It is necessary for a teacher to know to guide a student

(A). His learning difficulty

(B). His personality

(C). Environment of his home

(D). All of the above

Correct Answer: D

30. Which of the following is the nature of education al psychology?

(A). Art

(B). Science

(C). Positive Science

(D). None of the above


Correct Answer: C

31. निर्देश: निम्नलिखित गद्यांश को पढ़कर दिये गये प्रश्‍न के उत्तर सबसे उचित विकल्प चुनकर दीजिए:
लोकगीत अपनी लोच, ताजगी और लोकप्रियता में शास्त्रीय संगीत से भिन्न हैं। लोकगीत सीधे जनता के संगीत हैं। घर, गाँव और नगर की जनता के गीत हैं ये। इनके लिए साधना की जरूरत नहीं होती। त्योहारों और विशेष अवसरों पर ये गाए जाते हैं।
एक समय था जब शास्त्रीय संगीत के सामने इनको हेय समझा जाता था। अभी हाल तक इनको बड़ी उपेक्षा की जाती थी। पर इधर साधारण जनता की ओर जो लोगां की नजर फिरी है तो साहित्य और कला के क्षेत्र में भी परिवर्तन हुआ है । अनेक लोगों ने विविध बोलियों के लोक-साहित्य और लोकगीतों के संग्रह पर कमर बाँधी है और इस प्रकार के अनेक संग्रह अब तक प्रकाशित भी हो गए हैं।
वास्तविक लोकगीत देश के गाँवों और देहातों में है। इनका संबंध देहात की जनता से है। चैता,कजरी ,बारहमासा, सावन आदि मिर्जापुर ,बनारस और उत्तर प्रदेश के पूरबी और बिहार के पश्चिमी जिलों में गाए जाते है। हीर-राँझा, सोहनी-महीवाल संबंधी गीत पंजाबी में और ढोला-मारू आदि के गीत राजस्थानी में बड़े चाव से गाए जाते हैं।

‘देहात की जनता’ का तात्पर्य है

(A). कस्बे का जनसमुदाय

(B). ग्रामीण जनसमुदाय

(C). शहरी जनसमुदाय

(D). आदिवासी जनसमुदाय

Correct Answer: B

32. निर्देश: निम्नलिखित गद्यांश को पढ़कर दिये गये प्रश्‍न के उत्तर सबसे उचित विकल्प चुनकर दीजिए:
लोकगीत अपनी लोच, ताजगी और लोकप्रियता में शास्त्रीय संगीत से भिन्न हैं। लोकगीत सीधे जनता के संगीत हैं। घर, गाँव और नगर की जनता के गीत हैं ये। इनके लिए साधना की जरूरत नहीं होती। त्योहारों और विशेष अवसरों पर ये गाए जाते हैं।
एक समय था जब शास्त्रीय संगीत के सामने इनको हेय समझा जाता था। अभी हाल तक इनको बड़ी उपेक्षा की जाती थी। पर इधर साधारण जनता की ओर जो लोगां की नजर फिरी है तो साहित्य और कला के क्षेत्र में भी परिवर्तन हुआ है । अनेक लोगों ने विविध बोलियों के लोक-साहित्य और लोकगीतों के संग्रह पर कमर बाँधी है और इस प्रकार के अनेक संग्रह अब तक प्रकाशित भी हो गए हैं।
वास्तविक लोकगीत देश के गाँवों और देहातों में है। इनका संबंध देहात की जनता से है। चैता,कजरी ,बारहमासा, सावन आदि मिर्जापुर ,बनारस और उत्तर प्रदेश के पूरबी और बिहार के पश्चिमी जिलों में गाए जाते है। हीर-राँझा, सोहनी-महीवाल संबंधी गीत पंजाबी में और ढोला-मारू आदि के गीत राजस्थानी में बड़े चाव से गाए जाते हैं।

‘कजरी’ गायी जाती है

(A). उत्तर प्रदेश में

(B). आसाम में

(C). गुजरात में

(D). राजस्थान में

Correct Answer: A

33. निर्देश: निम्नलिखित गद्यांश को पढ़कर दिये गये प्रश्‍न के उत्तर सबसे उचित विकल्प चुनकर दीजिए:
लोकगीत अपनी लोच, ताजगी और लोकप्रियता में शास्त्रीय संगीत से भिन्न हैं। लोकगीत सीधे जनता के संगीत हैं। घर, गाँव और नगर की जनता के गीत हैं ये। इनके लिए साधना की जरूरत नहीं होती। त्योहारों और विशेष अवसरों पर ये गाए जाते हैं।
एक समय था जब शास्त्रीय संगीत के सामने इनको हेय समझा जाता था। अभी हाल तक इनको बड़ी उपेक्षा की जाती थी। पर इधर साधारण जनता की ओर जो लोगां की नजर फिरी है तो साहित्य और कला के क्षेत्र में भी परिवर्तन हुआ है । अनेक लोगों ने विविध बोलियों के लोक-साहित्य और लोकगीतों के संग्रह पर कमर बाँधी है और इस प्रकार के अनेक संग्रह अब तक प्रकाशित भी हो गए हैं।
वास्तविक लोकगीत देश के गाँवों और देहातों में है। इनका संबंध देहात की जनता से है। चैता,कजरी ,बारहमासा, सावन आदि मिर्जापुर ,बनारस और उत्तर प्रदेश के पूरबी और बिहार के पश्चिमी जिलों में गाए जाते है। हीर-राँझा, सोहनी-महीवाल संबंधी गीत पंजाबी में और ढोला-मारू आदि के गीत राजस्थानी में बड़े चाव से गाए जाते हैं।

‘नजर फिरी है’ का तात्पर्य है

(A). उपेक्षा करना

(B). दृष्टिकोण मे परिवर्तन आना

(C). अवलोकन करना

(D). कुदृष्टि डालना

Correct Answer: B

34. निर्देश: निम्नलिखित गद्यांश को पढ़कर दिये गये प्रश्‍न के उत्तर सबसे उचित विकल्प चुनकर दीजिए:
लोकगीत अपनी लोच, ताजगी और लोकप्रियता में शास्त्रीय संगीत से भिन्न हैं। लोकगीत सीधे जनता के संगीत हैं। घर, गाँव और नगर की जनता के गीत हैं ये। इनके लिए साधना की जरूरत नहीं होती। त्योहारों और विशेष अवसरों पर ये गाए जाते हैं।
एक समय था जब शास्त्रीय संगीत के सामने इनको हेय समझा जाता था। अभी हाल तक इनको बड़ी उपेक्षा की जाती थी। पर इधर साधारण जनता की ओर जो लोगां की नजर फिरी है तो साहित्य और कला के क्षेत्र में भी परिवर्तन हुआ है । अनेक लोगों ने विविध बोलियों के लोक-साहित्य और लोकगीतों के संग्रह पर कमर बाँधी है और इस प्रकार के अनेक संग्रह अब तक प्रकाशित भी हो गए हैं।
वास्तविक लोकगीत देश के गाँवों और देहातों में है। इनका संबंध देहात की जनता से है। चैता,कजरी ,बारहमासा, सावन आदि मिर्जापुर ,बनारस और उत्तर प्रदेश के पूरबी और बिहार के पश्चिमी जिलों में गाए जाते है। हीर-राँझा, सोहनी-महीवाल संबंधी गीत पंजाबी में और ढोला-मारू आदि के गीत राजस्थानी में बड़े चाव से गाए जाते हैं। 

जनता का संगीत है

(A). लोकगीत

(B). फिल्म संगीत

(C). शास्त्रीय संगीत

(D). पाश्चात्य संगीत

Correct Answer: A

35. निर्देश: निम्नलिखित गद्यांश को पढ़कर दिये गये प्रश्‍न के उत्तर सबसे उचित विकल्प चुनकर दीजिए:
लोकगीत अपनी लोच, ताजगी और लोकप्रियता में शास्त्रीय संगीत से भिन्न हैं। लोकगीत सीधे जनता के संगीत हैं। घर, गाँव और नगर की जनता के गीत हैं ये। इनके लिए साधना की जरूरत नहीं होती। त्योहारों और विशेष अवसरों पर ये गाए जाते हैं।
एक समय था जब शास्त्रीय संगीत के सामने इनको हेय समझा जाता था। अभी हाल तक इनको बड़ी उपेक्षा की जाती थी। पर इधर साधारण जनता की ओर जो लोगां की नजर फिरी है तो साहित्य और कला के क्षेत्र में भी परिवर्तन हुआ है । अनेक लोगों ने विविध बोलियों के लोक-साहित्य और लोकगीतों के संग्रह पर कमर बाँधी है और इस प्रकार के अनेक संग्रह अब तक प्रकाशित भी हो गए हैं।
वास्तविक लोकगीत देश के गाँवों और देहातों में है। इनका संबंध देहात की जनता से है। चैता,कजरी ,बारहमासा, सावन आदि मिर्जापुर ,बनारस और उत्तर प्रदेश के पूरबी और बिहार के पश्चिमी जिलों में गाए जाते है। हीर-राँझा, सोहनी-महीवाल संबंधी गीत पंजाबी में और ढोला-मारू आदि के गीत राजस्थानी में बड़े चाव से गाए जाते हैं। 

‘बाउल’ कहाँ का लोक संगीत है ?

(A). गुजरात

(B). उत्तर प्रदेश

(C). बिहार

(D). बंगाल

Correct Answer: D

36. ‘तृ’ की ध्वनियाँ हैं

(A). त् + ऋ

(B). त + र

(C). त् + ऋ

(D). त्र + अ

Correct Answer: A

37. निम्न में से कौन-सा समूह ‘विष्णु’ के पर्यायवाची शब्दों का है ?

(A). सुदेश, चक्रपाणि, चतुर्भुज, फणीश

(B). चक्रपाणि, चतुर्भुज, शेषशायी, गरूड़ध्वज

(C). शेखर , शशांक, दामोदर, विठ्ठल

(D). महीधर, वैनतेय, वासव, देवराज

Correct Answer: B

38. निम्न में से तद् भव शब्द है

(A). कुमार

(B). कुक्कुर

(C). काजल

(D). कोण

Correct Answer: C

39. निम्न में से शुद्ध शब्‍द पहचानिए

(A). सहानुभूती

(B). अश्रू

(C). अनुपातिक

(D). ऐतिहासिक

Correct Answer: D

40. ‘पतझड़’ में समास है

(A). करण तत्पुरूष

(B). कर्म तत्पुरूष

(C). बहुव्रीहि

(D). द्वन्द्व

Correct Answer: C

41. ‘हँसना’ कैसी क्रिया है ?

(A). सकर्मक क्रिया

(B). अकर्मक क्रिया

(C). संयुक्त क्रिया

(D). प्रेरणार्थक क्रिया

Correct Answer: B

42. ‘‘जो पहले कभी नही हुआ हो’’ कहलाता है

(A). अद्भुत

(B). अप्रत्याशित

(C). अनुपम

(D). अभूतपूर्व

Correct Answer: D

43. निम्न से से सधोष वर्ण है

(A). अ

(B). क

(C). ख

(D). च

Correct Answer: A

44. ‘हृषीकेश’ की संधि है

(A). हृषी + केश

(B). ऋषी + केश

(C). हृषीक + ईश

(D). ऋषी + ईश

Correct Answer: C

45. टिकाऊ में प्रत्यय है

(A). ऊ

(B). आऊ

(C). वू

(D). उक

Correct Answer: B

46. शब्दकोश में निम्न शब्दों का सही क्रम बताइये

(A). विश्व, विश्वंभरा, विश्वस्त,विश्वास

(B). विश्वस्त, विश्व, विश्वंभरा, विश्वास

(C). विश्वंभरा, विश्वस्त, विश्व, विश्वास

(D). विश्वंभरा, विश्व, विश्वस्त, विश्वास

Correct Answer: D

47. निर्देश: निम्नलिखित गद्यांश को पढ़कर दिये गये प्रश्‍न के उत्तर सबसे उचित विकल्प चुनकर दीजिये:
मोर के सिर की कलगी और सधन, ऊँची तथा चमकीली हो गई। चोंच अधिक बंकिम और पैनी हो गई, गोल आँखों में इंद्रनी की नीलाभ द्युति झलकने लगी । लंबी नील-हरित ग्रीवा की हर भंगिमा में धूपछाँही तरंगें उठने-गिरने लगी । दक्षिण-वाम दोनों पंखों में सलेटी और सफेद आलेखन स्पष्ट होने लगे। पूँछ लंबी हुई और उसके पंखों पर चंद्रिकाओं के इंद्रधनुषी रंग उद्दप्त हो उठे । रंग-रहित पैरों को गरवीली गति ने एक नयी गरिमा से रंजित कर दिया । उसका गरदन ऊँची कर देखना, विशेष भंगिमा के साथ उसे नीची कर दाना चुगना, पानी पीना, टेढ़ी कर शब्द सुनना आदि क्रियाओं में जो सुकुमारता और सौंदर्य था, उसका अनुभव देखकर ही किया जा सकता है। गति चित्र नही आँका जा सकता।
मोरनी का विकास मोर के समान चमत्कारिक तो नहीं हुआ- परंतु अपनी लंबी धूपछाँही गरदन , हवा में चंचल कलगी, पंखों की श्‍याम-श्‍वेत पत्रलेखा, मंथर गति आदि से वह भी मोर की उपयुक्त सहचारिणी होने का प्रमाण देने लगी ।

प्रस्तुत गद्यांश है

(A). एक शब्दचित्र

(B). एक निबंध

(C). एक रिपोर्ताज

(D). एक कहानी

Correct Answer: A

48. निर्देश: निम्नलिखित गद्यांश को पढ़कर दिये गये प्रश्‍न के उत्तर सबसे उचित विकल्प चुनकर दीजिये:
मोर के सिर की कलगी और सधन, ऊँची तथा चमकीली हो गई। चोंच अधिक बंकिम और पैनी हो गई, गोल आँखों में इंद्रनी की नीलाभ द्युति झलकने लगी । लंबी नील-हरित ग्रीवा की हर भंगिमा में धूपछाँही तरंगें उठने-गिरने लगी । दक्षिण-वाम दोनों पंखों में सलेटी और सफेद आलेखन स्पष्ट होने लगे। पूँछ लंबी हुई और उसके पंखों पर चंद्रिकाओं के इंद्रधनुषी रंग उद्दप्त हो उठे । रंग-रहित पैरों को गरवीली गति ने एक नयी गरिमा से रंजित कर दिया । उसका गरदन ऊँची कर देखना, विशेष भंगिमा के साथ उसे नीची कर दाना चुगना, पानी पीना, टेढ़ी कर शब्द सुनना आदि क्रियाओं में जो सुकुमारता और सौंदर्य था, उसका अनुभव देखकर ही किया जा सकता है। गति चित्र नही आँका जा सकता।
मोरनी का विकास मोर के समान चमत्कारिक तो नहीं हुआ- परंतु अपनी लंबी धूपछाँही गरदन , हवा में चंचल कलगी, पंखों की श्‍याम-श्‍वेत पत्रलेखा, मंथर गति आदि से वह भी मोर की उपयुक्त सहचारिणी होने का प्रमाण देने लगी । 

‘रंजित’ का तात्पर्य है

(A). रंगयुक्त

(B). आवेश युक्त

(C). शोभा युक्त

(D). इनमें से कोई नहीं

Correct Answer: C

49. निर्देश: निम्नलिखित गद्यांश को पढ़कर दिये गये प्रश्‍न के उत्तर सबसे उचित विकल्प चुनकर दीजिये:
मोर के सिर की कलगी और सधन, ऊँची तथा चमकीली हो गई। चोंच अधिक बंकिम और पैनी हो गई, गोल आँखों में इंद्रनी की नीलाभ द्युति झलकने लगी । लंबी नील-हरित ग्रीवा की हर भंगिमा में धूपछाँही तरंगें उठने-गिरने लगी । दक्षिण-वाम दोनों पंखों में सलेटी और सफेद आलेखन स्पष्ट होने लगे। पूँछ लंबी हुई और उसके पंखों पर चंद्रिकाओं के इंद्रधनुषी रंग उद्दप्त हो उठे । रंग-रहित पैरों को गरवीली गति ने एक नयी गरिमा से रंजित कर दिया । उसका गरदन ऊँची कर देखना, विशेष भंगिमा के साथ उसे नीची कर दाना चुगना, पानी पीना, टेढ़ी कर शब्द सुनना आदि क्रियाओं में जो सुकुमारता और सौंदर्य था, उसका अनुभव देखकर ही किया जा सकता है। गति चित्र नही आँका जा सकता।
मोरनी का विकास मोर के समान चमत्कारिक तो नहीं हुआ- परंतु अपनी लंबी धूपछाँही गरदन , हवा में चंचल कलगी, पंखों की श्‍याम-श्‍वेत पत्रलेखा, मंथर गति आदि से वह भी मोर की उपयुक्त सहचारिणी होने का प्रमाण देने लगी । 

मंथर गति होती है

(A). तेज गति

(B). धीमी गति

(C). लय युक्त गति

(D). टेढ़ी गति

Correct Answer: B

50. निर्देश: निम्नलिखित गद्यांश को पढ़कर दिये गये प्रश्‍न के उत्तर सबसे उचित विकल्प चुनकर दीजिये:
मोर के सिर की कलगी और सधन, ऊँची तथा चमकीली हो गई। चोंच अधिक बंकिम और पैनी हो गई, गोल आँखों में इंद्रनी की नीलाभ द्युति झलकने लगी । लंबी नील-हरित ग्रीवा की हर भंगिमा में धूपछाँही तरंगें उठने-गिरने लगी । दक्षिण-वाम दोनों पंखों में सलेटी और सफेद आलेखन स्पष्ट होने लगे। पूँछ लंबी हुई और उसके पंखों पर चंद्रिकाओं के इंद्रधनुषी रंग उद्दप्त हो उठे । रंग-रहित पैरों को गरवीली गति ने एक नयी गरिमा से रंजित कर दिया । उसका गरदन ऊँची कर देखना, विशेष भंगिमा के साथ उसे नीची कर दाना चुगना, पानी पीना, टेढ़ी कर शब्द सुनना आदि क्रियाओं में जो सुकुमारता और सौंदर्य था, उसका अनुभव देखकर ही किया जा सकता है। गति चित्र नही आँका जा सकता।
मोरनी का विकास मोर के समान चमत्कारिक तो नहीं हुआ- परंतु अपनी लंबी धूपछाँही गरदन , हवा में चंचल कलगी, पंखों की श्‍याम-श्‍वेत पत्रलेखा, मंथर गति आदि से वह भी मोर की उपयुक्त सहचारिणी होने का प्रमाण देने लगी । 

बंकिम का तात्पर्य है

(A). टेढ़ा

(B). सुंदर

(C). तीखा

(D). कठोर

Correct Answer: B

51. निर्देश: निम्नलिखित गद्यांश को पढ़कर दिये गये प्रश्‍न के उत्तर सबसे उचित विकल्प चुनकर दीजिये:
मोर के सिर की कलगी और सधन, ऊँची तथा चमकीली हो गई। चोंच अधिक बंकिम और पैनी हो गई, गोल आँखों में इंद्रनी की नीलाभ द्युति झलकने लगी । लंबी नील-हरित ग्रीवा की हर भंगिमा में धूपछाँही तरंगें उठने-गिरने लगी । दक्षिण-वाम दोनों पंखों में सलेटी और सफेद आलेखन स्पष्ट होने लगे। पूँछ लंबी हुई और उसके पंखों पर चंद्रिकाओं के इंद्रधनुषी रंग उद्दप्त हो उठे । रंग-रहित पैरों को गरवीली गति ने एक नयी गरिमा से रंजित कर दिया । उसका गरदन ऊँची कर देखना, विशेष भंगिमा के साथ उसे नीची कर दाना चुगना, पानी पीना, टेढ़ी कर शब्द सुनना आदि क्रियाओं में जो सुकुमारता और सौंदर्य था, उसका अनुभव देखकर ही किया जा सकता है। गति चित्र नही आँका जा सकता।
मोरनी का विकास मोर के समान चमत्कारिक तो नहीं हुआ- परंतु अपनी लंबी धूपछाँही गरदन , हवा में चंचल कलगी, पंखों की श्‍याम-श्‍वेत पत्रलेखा, मंथर गति आदि से वह भी मोर की उपयुक्त सहचारिणी होने का प्रमाण देने लगी । 

किसकी क्रियाओं में सुकुमारता व सौदर्य था ?

(A). मोर की

(B). मोरनी की

(C). तोते की

(D). लेखिका की

Correct Answer: A

52. शब्द युग्म अवर - अपर का सही अर्थ है

(A). अतिरिक्त - निम्न

(B). निम्न - अन्य

(C). उच्च - निम्न

(D). निम्न - उच्च

Correct Answer: B

53. ‘किसी वस्तु को गलत समझ लेना’ है

(A). सन्देह

(B). संशय

(C). भ्रान्ति

(D). अज्ञान

Correct Answer: C

54. ‘पण्डित’ से बनी भाववाचक संज्ञा है

(A). पाण्डित्य

(B). पंडिताईन

(C). पठन

(D). ये सभी

Correct Answer: A

55. ‘मुद्रा’ शब्द का अर्थ समूह चुनिए

(A). मोहर, छाप, सिक्का, अँगूठी

(B). चेहरे का भाव, छाप, अँगूठी, प्रति

(C). नाम, लिखना, सिक्का, छापाखाना

(D). चोट,छापा, धन, स्टाम्प

Correct Answer: A

56. ‘मरने की इच्छा’ के लिए एक शब्द है

(A). मृत्यकांक्षी

(B). मुमुर्षा

(C). मरणेच्छु

(D). मरणासन्न

Correct Answer: B

57. निम्नलिखित में से एक अनेकार्थी शब्द ‘खग’ से संबंधित नहीं है, उसको चुनिए

(A). मन

(B). तीर

(C). पक्षी

(D). आकाश

Correct Answer: A

58. निम्न में से तत्सम शब्द है

(A). अगम

(B). अमिय

(C). आंवला

(D). आ​शिष

Correct Answer: D

59. निम्न में से कौन ​‌‌‌शब्द हमेशा बहुवचन में प्रयुक्त होता है ?

(A). हस्ताक्षर

(B). समाचारपत्र

(C). चिड़िया

(D). तिजोरी

Correct Answer: A

60. ‘त्यक्त’ षब्द का सही विलोम है

(A). गृहीत

(B). त्याज्य

(C). तुच्छ

(D). प्रिय

Correct Answer: A

61. Choose the correct word for the blank: You can park the car on………..side of the road.

(A). Either

(B). None

(C). Both

(D). Neither

Correct Answer: A

62. Choose the correct meaning of  'A beverage'

(A). Something red

(B). An alcoholic drink

(C). Any drink

(D). Soft drink

Correct Answer: C

63. Choose one word for the words underlined :
When her dog died she cried very hard for half an hour.

(A). Howl

(B). Screamed

(C). Sobbed

(D). Drowned

Correct Answer: C

64. Kashmir is ............. between India & Pakistan.

(A). an apple of eye

(B). an apple of  discord

(C). an apple of light

(D). None of the above

Correct Answer: B

65. The Solitary Reaper is a melancholy song. Here, the word melancholy means

(A). expressing joy

(B). expressing sadness

(C). expressing humour

(D). expressing anger

Correct Answer: B

66. Directions:  Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow by selecting the most appropriate option:
A completely uneducated farmer’s work is far more important than that of a professor. We can live without education, but we die if we have no food. If no one cleaned our streets and took the rubbish away from the house, we should get terrible diseases in our towns. In countries where there are no servants, because everyone is ashamed of doing house work, the professors have to waste much of their time doing house work.
 In fact when we say that all of us must be educated, we mean that all of us must be educated in such a way that firstly, each of us can do what ever job is suited to his ability and brain and secondly that we can realize that all jobs arc necessary to society and that it is very bad to be ashamed of one's work or to scorn someone else's. Only such type of’ education can be called valuable to society.

If no one cleans our streets we should

(A). be unclean

(B). be unhappy

(C). get diseases

(D). get dirty

Correct Answer: C

67. Directions:  Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow by selecting the most appropriate option:
A completely uneducated farmer’s work is far more important than that of a professor. We can live without education, but we die if we have no food. If no one cleaned our streets and took the rubbish away from the house, we should get terrible diseases in our towns. In countries where there are no servants, because everyone is ashamed of doing house work, the professors have to waste much of their time doing house work.
 In fact when we say that all of us must be educated, we mean that all of us must be educated in such a way that firstly, each of us can do what ever job is suited to his ability and brain and secondly that we can realize that all jobs arc necessary to society and that it is very bad to be ashamed of one's work or to scorn someone else's. Only such type of’ education can be called valuable to society.

Only such type of education can be called valuable. Such type of education refers to

(A). that which enables us to do any thing

(B). that which enables us to scorn someone' else's work

(C). that which develops dislike in us

(D). that which enables us to do any work and not to hate any work

Correct Answer: D

68. Directions:  Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow by selecting the most appropriate option:
A completely uneducated farmer’s work is far more important than that of a professor. We can live without education, but we die if we have no food. If no one cleaned our streets and took the rubbish away from the house, we should get terrible diseases in our towns. In countries where there are no servants, because everyone is ashamed of doing house work, the professors have to waste much of their time doing house work.
 In fact when we say that all of us must be educated, we mean that all of us must be educated in such a way that firstly, each of us can do what ever job is suited to his ability and brain and secondly that we can realize that all jobs arc necessary to society and that it is very bad to be ashamed of one's work or to scorn someone else's. Only such type of’ education can be called valuable to society.

Which word in the passage is one word for 'one who is a university teacher' ?

(A). Teacher

(B). Professor

(C). Educationist

(D). lecturer

Correct Answer: B

69. Directions:  Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow by selecting the most appropriate option:
A completely uneducated farmer’s work is far more important than that of a professor. We can live without education, but we die if we have no food. If no one cleaned our streets and took the rubbish away from the house, we should get terrible diseases in our towns. In countries where there are no servants, because everyone is ashamed of doing house work, the professors have to waste much of their time doing house work.
 In fact when we say that all of us must be educated, we mean that all of us must be educated in such a way that firstly, each of us can do what ever job is suited to his ability and brain and secondly that we can realize that all jobs arc necessary to society and that it is very bad to be ashamed of one's work or to scorn someone else's. Only such type of’ education can be called valuable to society.

A completely uneducated farmer's work is more important than

(A). that of a businessman

(B). that of a professor

(C). that of an artist

(D). that of an advocate

Correct Answer: B

70. Directions:  Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow by selecting the most appropriate option:
A completely uneducated farmer’s work is far more important than that of a professor. We can live without education, but we die if we have no food. If no one cleaned our streets and took the rubbish away from the house, we should get terrible diseases in our towns. In countries where there are no servants, because everyone is ashamed of doing house work, the professors have to waste much of their time doing house work.
 In fact when we say that all of us must be educated, we mean that all of us must be educated in such a way that firstly, each of us can do what ever job is suited to his ability and brain and secondly that we can realize that all jobs arc necessary to society and that it is very bad to be ashamed of one's work or to scorn someone else's. Only such type of’ education can be called valuable to society.

Professors in some countries waste their time because

(A). they have to do house work

(B). they have to teach lower classes

(C). they have to help the student

(D). they have to wait for train

Correct Answer: A

71. Directions:  Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow by selecting the most appropriate option:
A completely uneducated farmer’s work is far more important than that of a professor. We can live without education, but we die if we have no food. If no one cleaned our streets and took the rubbish away from the house, we should get terrible diseases in our towns. In countries where there are no servants, because everyone is ashamed of doing house work, the professors have to waste much of their time doing house work.
 In fact when we say that all of us must be educated, we mean that all of us must be educated in such a way that firstly, each of us can do what ever job is suited to his ability and brain and secondly that we can realize that all jobs arc necessary to society and that it is very bad to be ashamed of one's work or to scorn someone else's. Only such type of’ education can be called valuable to society.

Which word in the passage is the opposite of 'like' ?

(A). terrible

(B). ashamed

(C). scorn

(D). dislike

Correct Answer: C

72. Directions:  Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow by selecting the most appropriate option:
A completely uneducated farmer’s work is far more important than that of a professor. We can live without education, but we die if we have no food. If no one cleaned our streets and took the rubbish away from the house, we should get terrible diseases in our towns. In countries where there are no servants, because everyone is ashamed of doing house work, the professors have to waste much of their time doing house work.
 In fact when we say that all of us must be educated, we mean that all of us must be educated in such a way that firstly, each of us can do what ever job is suited to his ability and brain and secondly that we can realize that all jobs arc necessary to society and that it is very bad to be ashamed of one's work or to scorn someone else's. Only such type of’ education can be called valuable to society.

According to this passage what is very  bad?

(A). to be ashamed of one's work

(B). to scorn someone else's work

(C). both (a) and b

(D). not to do work suited to our ability

Correct Answer: C

73. Directions:  Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow by selecting the most appropriate option:
A completely uneducated farmer’s work is far more important than that of a professor. We can live without education, but we die if we have no food. If no one cleaned our streets and took the rubbish away from the house, we should get terrible diseases in our towns. In countries where there are no servants, because everyone is ashamed of doing house work, the professors have to waste much of their time doing house work.
 In fact when we say that all of us must be educated, we mean that all of us must be educated in such a way that firstly, each of us can do what ever job is suited to his ability and brain and secondly that we can realize that all jobs arc necessary to society and that it is very bad to be ashamed of one's work or to scorn someone else's. Only such type of’ education can be called valuable to society.

Which word in the passage means waste material  ?

(A). uneducated

(B). ashamed

(C). rubbish

(D). none of these

Correct Answer: C

74. Directions:  Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow by selecting the most appropriate option:
A completely uneducated farmer’s work is far more important than that of a professor. We can live without education, but we die if we have no food. If no one cleaned our streets and took the rubbish away from the house, we should get terrible diseases in our towns. In countries where there are no servants, because everyone is ashamed of doing house work, the professors have to waste much of their time doing house work.
 In fact when we say that all of us must be educated, we mean that all of us must be educated in such a way that firstly, each of us can do what ever job is suited to his ability and brain and secondly that we can realize that all jobs arc necessary to society and that it is very bad to be ashamed of one's work or to scorn someone else's. Only such type of’ education can be called valuable to society.

We can live without

(A). food

(B). education

(C). playing

(D). doing exercise

Correct Answer: B

75. Directions:  Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow by selecting the most appropriate option:
A completely uneducated farmer’s work is far more important than that of a professor. We can live without education, but we die if we have no food. If no one cleaned our streets and took the rubbish away from the house, we should get terrible diseases in our towns. In countries where there are no servants, because everyone is ashamed of doing house work, the professors have to waste much of their time doing house work.
 In fact when we say that all of us must be educated, we mean that all of us must be educated in such a way that firstly, each of us can do what ever job is suited to his ability and brain and secondly that we can realize that all jobs arc necessary to society and that it is very bad to be ashamed of one's work or to scorn someone else's. Only such type of’ education can be called valuable to society.

What should we realize? We should realize that

(A). each of us can do farming

(B). all jobs are necessary to society

(C). all of us cannot get education

(D). all of us should not do house work

Correct Answer: B

76. The word 'Oasis' means

(A). a garden full of flowers

(B). a palace surrounded by trees

(C). a green patch in a desert

(D). a barren piece of land

Correct Answer: C

77. The passive form of 'He knows her' is

(A). She knows him

(B). She is known to him

(C). She has known to him

(D). She has been known to him

Correct Answer: B

78. Choose the correct conjunction for the blank:
He is witty ...... .. ........ vulgar.

(A). that

(B). because

(C). though

(D). so

Correct Answer: C

79. Choose the correctly punctuated sentence

(A). What a day.

(B). What a day?

(C). What, a day?

(D). What a day!

Correct Answer: D

80. The phrase - 'to look into' means

(A). to examine

(B). to search

(C). to exercise

(D). to take care of

Correct Answer: A

81. 'To imitate' someone means to

(A). copy someone

(B). tease someone

(C). make someone angry

(D). please someone

Correct Answer: A

82. Choose the correct preposition for
the blank:
I mix up the butter …………… I bake
the cake.

(A). before

(B). after

(C). to

(D). None of the above

Correct Answer: A

83. Choose the correct indirect form of:
Ravi said, "Guests have taken their lunch. "

(A). Ravi said that guests had taken their lunch.

(B). Ravi said that guests have taken their lunch.

(C). Ravi said that guests had to take their lunch.

(D). Ravi said that guests are taking their lunch.

Correct Answer: A

84. Choose the correct preposition for the blank:
There is a bench ................ the lamp post.

(A). through

(B). over

(C). along

(D). beside

Correct Answer: D

85. Choose the correct article for the blank :
Please help me clean my …………. apartment.

(A). a

(B). an

(C). the

(D). Zero article

Correct Answer: D

86. Choose the correct opposite word for the underlined word:
Her nephew isn't ugly.

(A). beautiful

(B). handsome

(C). large

(D). heavy

Correct Answer: B

87. Choose the plural of the word given in bracket:
Scientists are always studying the ........ ... ..... (phenomenon) of nature.

(A). phenomenons

(B). phenomenones

(C). phenomena

(D). phenomenas

Correct Answer: C

88. Meaning of the word 'prophecy' is

(A). proverb

(B). old saying

(C). prediction

(D). None of the above

Correct Answer: C

89. Choose the most natural order of the following words:
what's that bag /? in small

(A). What's small in that bag ?

(B). Small whats in that bag ?

(C). What's in that small bag ?

(D). All of the above

Correct Answer: C

90. Choose the correct tense of the underlined verb phrase :
Kavita said that she had been waiting for me for two hours when I arrived

(A). simple past

(B). past perfect continuous

(C). past perfect

(D). present perfect continuous



Correct Answer: B

91. The basic theme for water conservation is

(A). Collecting water where it falls

(B). Collecting water in dams

(C). Collecting water in canals or streams

(D). None of the above

Correct Answer: A

92. Detergent is

(A). salt of strong acid and strong base

(B). salt of weak acid and strong base

(C). salt of strong acid and weak base

(D). salt of weak acid and weak base

Correct Answer: A

93. The colour of the fast rotating Newton's Disc, appears to be

(A). like a rainbow

(B). orange

(C). almost white

(D). colourless

Correct Answer: C

94. Which group shows viral disease ?

(A). Cholera and Polio

(B). Typhoid and Cold

(C). Chicken pox and Polio

(D). Polio and Tuberculosis

Correct Answer: C

95. The incubation periods for typhoid bacteria is

(A). 1-5 days

(B). 10-20 days

(C). 20-25 days

(D). 20-30 days

Correct Answer: B

96. Which of the following quantities can be measured by potentiometer ?

(A). e.m.f. of cell

(B). current

(C). resistance

(D). All of the above

Correct Answer: D

97. The image formed by a convex lens, when the object is placed between /' and 2 f is

(A). Real and erect

(B). Virtual and inverted

(C). Virtual and erect

(D). Real and inverted

Correct Answer: D

98. Magnets lose their magnetic properties, when

(A). Heated

(B). Dropped from a height

(C). Hammered

(D). All of the above take place

Correct Answer: D

99. Brass is made up of

(A). Zinc and copper

(B). Zinc and tin

(C). Copper and aluminium

(D). Aluminium and tungsten

Correct Answer: A

100. The acceleration of a particle in SHM is

(A). always zero

(B). always constant

(C). maximum at mean position

(D). maximum at amplitude

Correct Answer: D

101. The food required for body growth is

(A). Fat containing

(B). Protein containing

(C). Carbohydrate containing

(D). Fibrous

Correct Answer: B

102. Atmospheric Nitrogen converts into soluble substances by

(A). Algae

(B). Rhizobium

(C). Fungi

(D). Lichen

Correct Answer: B

103. If pollen grain is transferred from anther to stigma of the same flowor, it is called

(A). Autogamy

(B). Geitonogamy

(C). Xenogamy

(D). Syngamy

Correct Answer: A

104. "Hertz" is the unit of

(A). Force

(B). Pressure

(C). Momentum

(D). Frequency

Correct Answer: D

105. A taxonomy includes

(A). Classification

(B). Nomenclature

(C). Identification

(D). All of the above

Correct Answer: D

106. An electric cell transforms

(A). Potential Energy into Kinetic Energy

(B). Potential Energy into Electrical Energy

(C). Electrical Energy into Kinetic Energy

(D). Chemical Energy into Electrical Energy

Correct Answer: D

107. Example of striated muscle is

(A). Alimentary canal muscle

(B). Cardiac muscle

(C). Reproductive tract muscle

(D). None of the above

Correct Answer: B

108. Minute cells are found in mycoplasma. Mycoplasma is

(A). Virus

(B). Fungi

(C). Bacteria

(D). Green algae

Correct Answer: C

109. - "Cytokinin" is a

(A). Plant Enzyme

(B). Animal Hormone

(C). Animal Enzyme

(D). Plant Hormone

Correct Answer: D

110. The phenomenon of obtaining pure water from the sea water is

(A). Osmosis

(B). Filteration

(C). Desaltation

(D). Reverse Osmosis

Correct Answer: D

111. The standard atmospheric pressure can not be expressed as

(A). 760 mm Hg

(B). 1.03,Kg/cm2

(C). 101.3 Kilo Pascal

(D). 1.03 Kg/cm3

Correct Answer: D

112. The desired varieties of economically useful crops are raised by

(A). Vernalization

(B). Mutation

(C). Natural selection

(D). Hybridization

Correct Answer: D

113. The substance used for adsorbing poisonous gases is

(A). Graphite fibre

(B). Carbon black

(C). Activated Charcoal '

(D). Sodium Sulplate

Correct Answer: A

114. 'Migration' is commonly practiced by

(A). Birds

(B). Mammals

(C). Insects & Fishes

(D). All of these

Correct Answer: D

115. The beans are cooked faster in pressure cooker because

(A). boiling point increase with increasing pressure

(B). boiling point decrease with increasing pressure

(C). Extra pressure of pressure cooker softens the beans

(D). Internal energy is not lost while cooking in pressure cooker

Correct Answer: A

116. The primary rainbow appears after the rain is due to

(A). the reflection of light from rain drop

(B). the total internal reflection of sun rays by small drops

(C). the diffraction of rain drops

(D). the double refraction by rain drops

Correct Answer: B

117. Keeping the momentum unchanged, if the mass of a body is doubled, then its kinetic energy

(A). remains unchanged

(B). gets doubled

(C). becomes half

(D). increases four times

Correct Answer: C

118. While storing a horse shoe magnet, its poles are placed in contact with

(A). a piece of wood

(B). a piece of iron

(C). a gold wire

(D). a piece of glass

Correct Answer: B

119. Natural indicator litmus is extracted from

(A). Lichens
(B). Earthworm

(C). Ant
(D). Algae

Correct Answer: A

120. When an ant bites calamine solution
is applied on the skin. The chemical
formula of calamine is

(A). CaCO3
(B). CaC2
(C). ZnCO3
(D). K2CO3

Correct Answer: C

121. In a mixture of 42 Kg rice and wheat, the ratio of rice and wheat are 5 : 2. If 3 Kg of wheat is added in the mixture, then what will be the ratio of rice and wheat in new mixture ?

(A). 1 : 2

(B). 2 : 1

(C). 3 : 2

(D). 2 : 3

Correct Answer: B

122. Find the simple interest of 2 years of Rs. 4,000 at the rate of 10% pel-annum

(A). Rs. 8

(B). Rs. 80

(C). Rs. 800

(D). Rs. 1,600

Correct Answer: C

123. Vaidehi sells 144 hens and she gets loss equal to selling price of 6 hens. What is her loss in percentage ?

(A). 14%

(B). 8%

(C). 1%

(D). 4%

Correct Answer: D

124. Differentiate tan (2x + 3) with respect to x

(A). 2cos2(2x + 3)

(B). 2sec2(2x+3)

(C). 2xsec2(2x+3)

(D). 2 sec2.2x

Correct Answer: B

125. The sum of Monika and her Mother's age is 49 years. Seven years before the Mother's age was four times of Monika's age. Find the age of Monika

(A). 35 Years

(B). 21 Years

(C). 12 Years

(D). 14 Years

Correct Answer: D

126. If Rs. 1000 becomes Rs. 1102.50 in 2 years.What is the compound interest rate ?

(A). 5% annual

(B). 4 % annual

(C). 7% annual

(D). 6% annual

Correct Answer: A


(A). 295

(B). -259

(C). -592

(D). -293

Correct Answer: D

128. How 70,040,000,000 can be written in standard form ?

(A). 700.4 X 1010
(B). 7004 X 107
(C). 7004 X 1010
(D). 0.7004 X 1011

Correct Answer: C



Correct Answer: C



Correct Answer: B

131. The quotient and remainder obtained from dividing 2+7x+7x2+2x3 by 1 + 2x are respectively

(A). 1,x2+3x-2
(B). 0,x2+3x+2
(C). x2+3x+2,0
(D). x2+3x-2,1

Correct Answer: C

132. If Arithmetic mean and Geometric mean of two positive numbers a and 6 are 10 and 8 respectively, find the numbers

(A). 2, 4

(B). 4, 16

(C). 4, 8

(D). 2, 16

Correct Answer: B



Correct Answer: A

134. Find the square root of the number 1296

(A). 24

(B). 36

(C). 34

(D). 26

Correct Answer: B

135. What is the least number, divided by 12, 16, 24 and 36 gives remainder 9 in each case ?

(A). 151

(B). 149

(C). 153

(D). 137

Correct Answer: C

136. Find the measurement of the angle which is equal to its complementary angle

(A). 90°

(B). 45°

(C). 80°

(D). 100°

Correct Answer: A

137. Which of the following cannot be the
probability of an event ?

(B). -1.5

(C). 15%

(D). 0.7

Correct Answer: B



Correct Answer: A

139. The mean, mode and median of the
given data :
6, 15, 50, 120, 80, 100, 15, 10, 10, 8, 15
are respectively

(A). 39, 15, 17

(B). 15, 15, 39

(C). 39, 15, 15

(D). 37, 15, 15

Correct Answer: C

140. The areas of square and rectangle are
equal. If side of square is 40 cm and
length of rectangle is 64 cm then
perimeter of rectangle is

(A). 25cm

(B). 187 cm

(C). 178cm

(D). 1600cm

Correct Answer: C

141. How can 80 be written in Roman system ?

(A). XXC


(C). XXXI,

(D). XXL

Correct Answer: B

142. A bus travels 267.3 Km in 6.6 hours. Find out average distance covered by bus per hour

(A). 4.05 Km
(B). 40.5 Km
(C). 41.5 Km
(D). 50.4 Km

Correct Answer: B

143. Circular area bounded by a chord and corresponding arc of a circle is called

(A). Radial Sector

(B). Circumference

(C). Chord

(D). Circular Sector

Correct Answer: D

144. The cube of 87 will be

(A). 658403
(B). 648503

(C). 658503
(D). 658513

Correct Answer: C



Correct Answer: A

146. If 14/21 = x/3 = 6/y, then values of x .
and y are respectively

(A). 2,9

(B). 9,2

(C). 7, 9

(D). 2, 7

Correct Answer: A

147. The diagonal of a square is 3.2 m. Its ' area is

(A). 10.24m2
(B). 2.56m2
(C). 3.41m2
(D). 5.12m2

Correct Answer: D

148. The diameter of a bus wheel is 1.40 m. What is the speed of bus if it rounds 250 per minute ?

(A). 33 Km/h
(B). 86 Km/h
(C). 68 Km/h
(D). 66 Km/h

Correct Answer: D

149. How many square tiles of 50 em wide
are required to cover a room's floor of
3 m width and 4 m length ?

(A). 96

(B). 84

(C). 48

(D). 240

Correct Answer: C

150. Convert 40°21' into radian measure


Correct Answer: D


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