
HTML Solved Question Paper haminpur.com

Which of the following is incorrect regarding Logical styles?
a. Code looks like teletype
b. Sample looks like teletype
c. Keyboard looks like teletype
d. Variable looks like teletype
Ans. d

Which of the following is correct character entities for "Copyright" symbol?
a. & #149 ;
b. & #159 ;
c. & #169 ;
d. & #179 ;
Ans. c

Which tag is used to display Preformatted texts?
a. <pre> … </ pre>
b. <prefor> … </ prefor>
c. <pre text> … </ pre text>
d. <pre format> … </ pre format>
Ans. a

Which is the correct to create an Arabic numeral list
a. <ul type="1">
b. <ol type="1">
c. <il type="1">
d. <li type="1">
Ans. b

How to add alternative text for an Image?
a. <img src = "http://haminpur.com/bimages/logo.png" alternate = "Logo of website" />
b. <img src = "http://haminpur.com/bimages/logo.png" alt text = "Logo of website" />
c. <img src = "http://haminpur.com/bimages/logo.png" alternate text = "Logo of website" />
d. <img src = "http://haminpur.com/bimages/logo.png" alt = "Logo of website" />
Ans. d

How to embedded Audio Files in HTML?
a. <embed src = "mysong.mid" width = "100" height = "15">
b. <embed sound = "mysong.mid" width = "100" height = "15">
c. <embed audio = "mysong.mid" width = "100" height = "15">
d. <embed music = "mysong.mid" width = "100" height = "15">
Ans. a

Whichg of the following is used to create web pages?
b. C
c. JVM
d. DTD
Ans. a

HTML is considered as ___ language
a. Programming Langauge
b. OOP Language
c. High Level Language
d. Markup Language
Ans. d

HTML language is a set of markup ___
a. Attributes
b. Tags
c. Sets
d. Groups
Ans. b

HTML tags are used to describe document ____
a. Definition
b. Language
c. Content
d. None of these
Ans. c

HTML document can contain
a. Attributes
b. Tags
c. Plain text
d. All of these
Ans. d

Page designed in HTML is called a
a. Yellow Page
b. Web Page
c. Server Page
d. Front Page
Ans. b

We can write HTML code using ____. Select appropriate option(s).
a. VLC Media
b. Notepad++
c. Microsoft PowerPoint
d. None of these
Ans. a

HTML document is saved using ____ extension.
a. .htl
b. .html
c. .hml
d. .htnl
Ans. b

The software that can read and render HTML documents is
a. Server
b. Compiler
c. Interpreter
d. Browser
Ans. d

PCs running Windows 3.x will have ____extension for html pages
a. .htl
b. .html
c. .htm
d. .hml
Ans. c

Which of the following is not an example of browser?
a. Netscape Navigator
b. Microsoft Bing
c. Mozilla Firefox
d. Opera
Ans. b

Who is the primary author of HTML?
a. Brendan Eich
b. Tim Berners-Lee
c. Web Programmer
d. Google Inc
Ans. b

HTML was first proposed in year ___.
a. 1980
b. 1990
c. 1995
d. 2000
Ans. b

HTML tags are surrounded by ___ brackets
a. Angle
b. Square
c. Round
d. Curly
Ans. a

Opening tag of HTML is called
a. Ending tag
b. Starting tag
c. Closed tag
d. Pair tags
Ans. b

HTML document contain one root tag called ____
b. Title
c. Body
Ans. d

Basic fundamental block is called as ___
a. HTML tag
b. HTML body
c. HTML Attribute
d. HTML Element
Ans. a

Pick the odd out
a. Table
b. TR
c. TD
d. Form
Ans. d

The first page of a website is called
a. Design
b. Home page
c. First page
d. Main page
Ans. b


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