
HTML Solved Question Paper haminpur.com

How to define the link should open in new page in HTML?
a. <a href = "http://www.haminpur.com/" target = "blank">Click Here</a>
b. <a href = "http://www.haminpur.com/" target = "_blank"> Click Here </a>
c. <a href = "http://www.haminpur.com/" target = "#blank"> Click Here </a>
d. <a href = "http://www.haminpur.com/" target = "@blank"> Click Here </a>
Ans. b

In HTML, Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is used to
a. To create a frame document .
b. To create a image map in the webpage.
c. To customize the image in the webpage.
d. To identify a name or a resource on the internet.
Ans. d

CSS is an acronym for
a. Cascading Style Sheet
b. Costume Style Sheet
c. Cascading System Style
d. None of the Above
Ans. a

Which of the following protocol is not used in the Internet
a. Telnet
d. Gopher
Ans. b

Who invented World Wide Web (WWW)?
a. Blaise Pascal
b. Charles Babbage
c. Herman Hollerith
d. Tim Berners-Lee
Ans. d

What is the use of Web Font in HTML ?
a. that is the core font that is use to develop Web Pages.
b. that enables to use fonts over the Web without installation.
c. that is the special font that developed by Microsoft Corp.
d. All of the Above.
Ans. b

What is <tt> tag in HTML?
a. It renders fonts as teletype text font style.
b. It renders fonts as truetype text font style.
c. It renders fonts as truncate text font style.
d. None of the Above.
Ans. a

What is the use of Forms in HTML?
a. to display contents of email.
b. to display animation effect.
c. to collect user’s input.
d. None of the Above.
Ans. c

What is the use of iframe in HTML?
a. to display a web page within a web page.
b. to display a web page with animation effect.
c. to display a web page without browser.
d. All of the Above.
Ans. a

FTP is an acronym for
a. File Transaction Protocol
b. File Transmission Protocol
c. File Translation Protocol
d. File Transfer Protocol
Ans. d

Which HTML Tag will use to scroll a text in web page?
a. <marquee> … </marquee>
b. <scroll> … </scroll>
c. <round> … </round>
d. <go> … </go>
Ans. a

Which organization defines the Web Standards?
a. Microsoft Corporation
b. IBM Corporation
c. World Wide Web Consortium
d. Apple Inc.
Ans. c

How to set a picture as a background web page?
a. <body background= “bgimage.gif”>
b. <body background image= “bgimage.gif”>
c. <background= “bgimage.gif”>
d. <background image= “bgimage.gif”>
Ans. a

Which of following HTML Tag will inserting a line break?
a. <p />
b. <lb />
c. <br />
d. <break />
Ans. c

Which of the following tags are related to Table in HTML ?
a. <table> <row> <column>
b. <table> <tr> <td>
c. <table> <head> <body>
d. <table> <header> <footer>
Ans. b

Which of the following is correct HTML for inserting an image?
a. <image source= “http://haminpur.com/bimages/logo.png” alt= “This is me” />
b. <img src= “http://haminpur.com/bimages/logo.png” alt= “This is me” />
c. <img source= “http://haminpur.com/bimages/logo.png” alt= “This is me” />
d. <img alt= “This is me”>http://haminpur.com/bimages/logo.png</img>
Ans. b

Choose the correct HTML tag to left-align the content of a cell.
a. <tdleft>
b. <td leftalign>
c. <td valign= “left”>
d. <td align= “left”>
Ans. d

Which tag is used to lists the items with bullets?
a. <bullet>…</bullet>
b. <list>…</list>
c. <ul>…</ul>
d. <ol>…</ol>
Ans. c

Is it possible to insert a table within another table?
a. Yes, but there must be exactly 2 rows and 2 columns in first table.
b. Yes, table can be inserted into cell of another table.
c. Yes, but there must be no border in second table.
d. No, it’s not possible.
Ans. b

What is the usage of alt value in <img> tag?
a. Alternative text for an Image
b. Alternative source of an Image
c. Caption of an Image
d. All of above
Ans. a

Which of the following is the correct regarding meta tag in HTML?
a. A. <meta> … </meta>
b. B. <meta name = " " />
c. C. <metadata> … </metadata>
d. D. <metadata name = " " />
Ans. b

Which of the following is correct to set "Black" color as Background of page?
a. A. <body bgcolor = "#000000">
b. B. <body background = "#000000">
c. C. <body Background color = "#000000">
d. D. All of Above
Ans. a

Which of the following is correct to align H1 tag to Right Alignment
a. A. <h1 align = "right"> … </h1>
b. B. <h1 alignment = "right"> … </h1>
c. C. <h1 tag align = "right"> … </h1>
d. D. H1 cannot make Right Alignment
Ans. a

Which of the following is correct to change font face in Web Page
a. A. <font = "font name"> … </font>
b. B. <font name = "font name"> … </font>
c. C. <font face = "font name"> … </font>
d. D. Font Face cannot change
Ans. c


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