
REET MATHEMATICS Question Paper haminpur.com

1. When the gases sulphur dioxide and hydrogen sulphide mix in the presence of water, the reaction

SO2+ 2H2S → 2H2O + 3S occurs. Here, hydrogen sulphide is acting as

(A). an oxidising agent

(B). a reducing agent

(C). a dehydrating agent

(D). a catalyst

Correct Answer: ,B,

2. Food cans are coated with tin and not zinc because :

(A). zinc is costlier than tin.

(B). zinc has a higher melting point than tin.

(C). zinc is more reactive than tin.

(D). zinc is less reactive than tin.

Correct Answer: ,C,

3. Aluminium is used in thermite welding be­cause

(A). aluminium is a light metal

(B). aluminium has more affinity for oxygen

(C). aluminium is a strong oxidising agent

(D). aluminium is a reactive metal

Correct Answer: ,B,

4. Which of the following constitutes a food chain?

(A). Grass, Wheat and Mango

(B). Grass, Goat and Human

(C). Goat, Cow and Elephant

(D). Grass, Fish and Goat

Correct Answer: ,B,

5. In the following equations

Na2CO3+ xHCl → 2NaCl + CO2+ H2O the value of x is

(A). 1

(B). 2

(C). 3

(D). 4

Correct Answer: ,B,

6. The anther contains:

(A). sepals

(B). ovules

(C). carpel

(D). pollen grains

Correct Answer: ,D,

7. The oceans cover almost______ percent of the surface of earth with water and act as a vast collector of______energy.

(A). 71, chemical

(B). 97, solar

(C). 71, solar

(D). 17, hydro energy

Correct Answer: ,C,

8. The split rings in motion are called

(A). armature

(B). commutator

(C). rotor

(D). core

Correct Answer: ,C,

9. Magnetic lines of force

(A). are mere directions

(B). have no physical reality

(C). can be used to indicate the direction of the magnetic field of a point

(D). all the above are correct

Correct Answer: ,D,

10. Which of the following hydroxides is most basic?

(A). Be(OH)2

(B). Ba(OH)2

(C). Ca(OH)2

(D). Mg(OH)2

Correct Answer: ,B,

11. The anther contains:

(A). sepals

(B). ovules

(C). carpel

(D). pollen grains

Correct Answer: ,D,

12. Gastric glands are present in the wall of:

(A). oesophagus

(B). stomach

(C). small intestine

(D). large intestine.

Correct Answer: ,B,

13. The substance which, on treating with chlo­rine, yields bleaching powder is

(A). quick lime

(B). slaked lime

(C). limestone

(D). gypsum

Correct Answer: ,B,

14. A solution reacts with crushed egg-shells to give a gas that turns lime-water milky.

The solution contains:

(A). NaCl

(B). HCl

(C). LiCl

(D). KCI

Correct Answer: ,B,

15. In India, uranium is found in

(A). U.P.

(B). M.P.

(C). Bihar

(D). Orissa

Correct Answer: ,C,

16. A small portion of oviduct is removed in:

(A). Vasectomy

(B). Tubectomy


(D). Barrier method

Correct Answer: ,B,

17. The coil of a heater is cut into two equal halves and only one of them is used in the heater. The ratio of the heat produced by this half of the coil to that produced by the original coil is

(A). 2 : 1

(B). 4 : 1

(C). l:2

(D). 1:4

Correct Answer: ,A,

18. The female hormone secreted from ovary is:

(A). estrogen

(B). FSH

(C). LH

(D). all of these

Correct Answer: ,A,

19. Which of the following is not a balanced equation?

(A). Ca(HO)2+ CO2→ CaCO3+ H2O

(B). Fe + CuSO4→ FeSO4+ Cu

(D). Cu + 2HNO3→Cu(NO3)2+ 2NO2+ H2O

Correct Answer: ,D,

20. The frequency of AC used in India is

(A). 50 Hz

(B). 100 Hz

(C). 200 Hz

(D). none of these

Correct Answer: ,A,

21. Which of the following is the correct order of ralative size?

(A). I->I+>I

(B). I->I>I+

(C). I>I+>I-

(D). I+>I->I

Correct Answer: ,B,

22. The acid having ahighestH+ion concentration is one with

(A). pH = 7.0

(B). pH = 1.2

(C). pH = 2.3

(D). pH = 8.2

Correct Answer: ,B,

23. Which of the following reactions will not take place?

(A). Zn + FeSO4→ ZnSO4+ Fe

(B). 2KI + Cl2→ 2KCI +I2

(C). Zn + MgSO4→ ZnSO4+ Mg

(D). Mg + CuSO4→ MgSO4+ Cu

Correct Answer: ,C,

24. 10 mL of a solution of NaOH is found to be completely neutralised by 8 mL of a given solution of HC1. If we take 20 mL of the same solution of NaOH, the amount of HC1 solution (the same solution as before) required to neutralise it will be

(A). 4mL

(B). 8 mL

(C). 12 mL

(D). 16 mL

Correct Answer: ,D,

25. The intensity of a magnetic field is defined as the force experienced by a

(A). standard compass

(B). unit negative charge

(C). unit positive charge

(D). unit north pole.

Correct Answer: ,D,

26. A solar water heater cannot be used to get hot water on :

(A). a sunny day

(B). a cloudy day

(C). a hot day

(D). a windy day

Correct Answer: ,B,

27. About one-third of the energy that we receive from the sun consists of

(A). infra-red rays

(B). visible light

(C). ultra-violet rays

(D). all the above

Correct Answer: ,A,

28. The human species has genetic roots in

(A). America

(B). Africa

(C). Australia

(D). Antarctica

Correct Answer: ,B,

29. The unit of magnetic flux is

(A). Weber

(B). Gauss

(C). Tesla

(D). Weber/m2

Correct Answer: ,A,

30. The element with the largest size in the second period is

(A). lithium

(B). fluorine

(C). sodium

(D). oxygen

Correct Answer: ,A,

31. The highest boiling point is of

(A). ethane

(B). ethanol

(C). ethanol

(D). ethanoic acid

Correct Answer: ,D,

32. In evolutionary terms, we have more in common with :

(A). a Chinese school boy

(B). a chimpanzee

(C). a spider

(D). a bacterium

Correct Answer: ,A,

33. The gas evolved when ethanol reacts with sodium metal is

(A). H2

(B). CO2

(C). H2O

(D). CO

Correct Answer: ,A,

34. Which of the following elements is not present in stainless steel?

(A). Iron

(B). Tungsten

(C). Chromium

(D). Nickel

Correct Answer: ,B,

35. Which of the following can't be used to make a solar cell?

(A). Silicon

(B). Platinum

(C). Gallium

(D). Germanium

Correct Answer: ,B,

36. With the increase in atomic number in period

(A). metallic character decreases

(B). metallic character increases

(C). chemical reactivity decreases

(D). chemical reactivity increases

Correct Answer: ,A,

37. The uterus prepares itself to receive the fertilised egg:

(A). every hour

(B). every day

(C). every month

(D). every year

Correct Answer: ,C,

38. In the reaction

The conc. H2SO4acts as

(A). an oxidizing agent

(B). provides acidic medium

(C). a dehydrating agent

(D). a drying agent

Correct Answer: ,C,

39. Which of the following is not associated with Fleming's left hand rule?

(A). Resistance

(B). Magnetic field

(C). Force

(D). Current

Correct Answer: ,A,

40. The frequency of direct current is

(A). zero

(B). 50 Hz

(C). 60 Hz

(D). 100 Hz

Correct Answer: ,A,

41. Every-hot object emits

(A). X-rays

(B). infra-red rays

(C). visible light

(D). none of these

Correct Answer: ,B,

42. An element reacts with oxygen to give a compound with a high melting point. This compound is also soluble in water. The element is likely to be :

(A). calcium

(B). carbon

(C). silicon

(D). iron

Correct Answer: ,A,

43. Thyroid glands is located:

(A). near the heart

(B). at the base of the brain

(C). in the neck region

(D). between stomach and duodenum

Correct Answer: ,C,

44. In the reaction2PbO +C → 2Pb + CO2:

(A). lead is getting reduced

(B). carbon dioxide is getting oxidised

(C). lead oxide is getting reduced.

(D). carbon is getting reduced.

Correct Answer: ,C,

45. At many places in the ocean, the difference in temperatures between the water 'at the surface of ocean' and 'at deeper levels' is upto

(A). 120°C

(B). 80°C

(C). 50°C

(D). 20°C

Correct Answer: ,D,

46. The gas which turns fat and oil containing foods rancid is :

(A). hydrogen

(B). oxygen

(C). nitrogen

(D). carbon dioxide

Correct Answer: ,B,

47. A stream of positively charged particles (alpha particles) moving towards west is deflected towards north by a magnetic field. The direction of magnetic field is :

(A). towards south

(B). towards east

(C). downward

(D). upward.

Correct Answer: ,D,

48. In the equation

NaOH + HNO3→ NaNO3+ H2O nitric acid is acting as

(A). an oxidising agent

(B). an acid

(C). a nitrating agent→

(D). a dehydrating agent

Correct Answer: ,B,

49. Which order of relative size amongst the following is incorrect?

(A). Li < Na < K

(B). C< Si < Al

(C). Mg > Al < Na

(D). F < Cl < Br

Correct Answer: ,C,

50. A dynamo converts

(A). mechanical energy into sound energy

(B). mechanical energy into electrical energy

(C). electrical energy into mechanical energy

(D). electrical energy into sound energy

Correct Answer: ,B,

51. A candidate who gets 30% of the marks in a test fails by 50 marks. Another candidate

who get 320 marks fails by 30 marks. Find the maximum marks.

(A). 1,000

(B). 1,300

(C). 1,700

(D). 1,850

Correct Answer: ,A,

52. There are three people in a room. If they cut an apple into 3 equal pieces and take 1

piece each, each has eaten what part of the apple?

(A). 1

(B). Half

(C). one – third

(D). one - fourth

Correct Answer: ,C,

53. Raju is carrying two bags. One bag weighs  kg and the other  kg. The total

weight Raju carrying is:




(D). None of these

Correct Answer: ,B,

54. A line segment drawn from the centre of the circle to any point on the circle is called:

(A). Radius

(B). Diameter

(C). Chord

(D). None of these

Correct Answer: ,A,

55. The difference between two numbers is 4937. If the greater number is 30451, what is

the smaller number?

(A). 35,388

(B). 35,514

(C). 25,514

(D). 26,514

Correct Answer: ,C,

56. The sum of two numbers is 34 and their product is 288. What is the difference

between these two numbers?

(A). 2

(B). 4

(C). 6

(D). Data inadequate

Correct Answer: ,A,


(A). 49400

(B). 94400

(C). 48400

(D). 45000

Correct Answer: ,A,

58. The average age of 8 persons in a committee is increased by 2 years when two men

aged 35 yrs and 45 yrs are substituted by two women. Find the average are of these

two women.

(A). 45 yrs

(B). 48 yrs

(C). 50 yrs

(D). 54 yrs

Correct Answer: ,B,


(A). 32

(B). 45

(C). 99

(D). 43

Correct Answer: ,A,

60. 15 persons can fill 35 boxes in 7 days. How many persons can fill 65 boxes in 5 days?

(A). 13

(B). 39

(C). 45

(D). 65

Correct Answer: ,B,

61. The average age of a group of 16 persons is 28 yrs and 3 months. Two persons each

58 yrs old left the group. The average age of the remaining persons is

(A). 26

(B). 20

(C). 22

(D). 24

Correct Answer: ,D,

62. A man drives to his office at 60km/hr and returns home along the same route at

30km/hr. find the average speed.

(A). 50 km/hr

(B). 45 km/hr

(C). 40 km/hr

(D). 55 Km/hr

Correct Answer: ,C,

63. Kamla was married six years ago. Today her age is times of her age at the time of

marriage. The age of her son is times of her present age. What is the age of her


(A). 2 years

(B). 3 years

(C). 4 years

(D). 5 years

Correct Answer: ,B,

64. The length and breadth of a rectangular piece of land are in the ratio of 5:3. The

owner spent Rs. 3000 for surrounding it from all the sides @ Rs. 7.50 per meter.

What is the difference between the length and breadth?

(A). 50

(B). 100

(C). 200

(D). 150

Correct Answer: ,A,

65. 10 yrs ago, Sita’s mother was 4 times older than he daughter. After 10 yrs, the mother

will be twice older than the daughter. What is the present age of Sita?

(A). 20 yrs

(B). 22 yrs

(C). 17 yrs

(D). 15 yrs

Correct Answer: ,A,

66. The ratio between the breadth and the perimeter of rectangular plot is 1:5. If the area

of the plot is 2400 square metre, what is its length?

(A). 40 metres

(B). 80 metres

(C). 60 metres

(D). Data inadequate

Correct Answer: ,C,

67. A bought paper sheets for Rs.3600 and spent Rs. 10 on Transport. Paying Rs. 300, he

had 330 boxes made, which he sold at Rs. 14 each. What is his profit percentage?

(A). 40%

(B). 60%

(C). 180%

(D). None of these

Correct Answer: ,D,

68. At simple interest Rs. 800 becomes Rs. 920 in 3 years. If the rate of interest is

increased by 3%, then the total amount will become

(A). Rs.92

(B). Rs.1056

(C). Rs.1112

(D). Rs.1182

Correct Answer: ,A,


(A). 4.04

(B). 1.48

(C). 6.06

(D). 6.6

Correct Answer: ,D,


(A). 21.09

(B). 11.09

(C). 21.19

(D). 107.01

Correct Answer: ,A,

71. The sum of the ages of a son and father is 56 yrs. After 4 yrs, the age of the father will

be three times that of the son. What is the age of the son?

(A). 17 yer

(B). 10 yer

(C). 12 yrs

(D). 15 yrs

Correct Answer: ,C,

72. of a number is 16 more than forty percent of that number. What is the number?

(A). 120

(B). 60

(C). 180

(D). 45

Correct Answer: ,B,

73. A man buys a toy for Rs 25 and sells it for Rs30. Find his gain per cent.

(A). 20%

(B). 23%

(C). 27%

(D). 29%

Correct Answer: ,A,


(A). 25.25

(B). 252.5

(C). 40.4

(D). 202.5

Correct Answer: ,B,

75. If by selling an article for Rs 390 a shopkeeper gains 20%, find his cost.

(A). 317

(B). 325

(C). 347

(D). 356

Correct Answer: ,B,

76. A number exceeds its 1/7 by 84. What is that number?

(A). 12

(B). 14

(C). 196

(D). 98

Correct Answer: ,D,

77. A boy buys a pen for Rs 25 and sells it for Rs 20. Find his loss per cent.

(A). 22%

(B). 17%

(C). 11%

(D). 20%

Correct Answer: ,D,

78. 245.168 - ? = 69.3 + 70.7

(A). 105.168

(B). 140

(C). 175.868

(D). 174.468

Correct Answer: ,A,

79. The year ago B was ten times as old as C. If the ratio of their present ages is 4:1, what

is B’s present age?

(A). 10 Years

(B). 40 years

(C). 60 years

(D). 15 years

Correct Answer: ,C,


(A). 100

(B). 1000

(C). 10

(D). 40

Correct Answer: ,A,

81. A machine is sold for Rs 5060 at a gain of 10%. What would have been the gain or

loss per cent if it had been sold for Rs 4370?

(A). 5%

(B). 7%

(C). 11%

(D). 14%

Correct Answer: ,A,


(A). 120

(B). 625

(C). 187.5

(D). 480

Correct Answer: ,D,

83. 45% of 160 = ?

(A). 28

(B). 80

(C). 88

(D). 72

Correct Answer: ,D,

84. A watch costing Rs 120 was sold at a loss of 15%. The selling price is ________.

(A). Rs.103

(B). Rs.101

(C). Rs.102

(D). Rs.105

Correct Answer: ,C,

85. A sum of money doubles itself in 10 years at simple interest. What is the rate of


(A). 10%

(B). 13%

(C). 16%

(D). 18%

Correct Answer: ,A,






Correct Answer: ,B,


(A). 8


(C). 2

(D). 10

Correct Answer: ,C,

88. What will be 80% of a number whose 200 per cent is 90?

(A). 144

(B). 72

(C). 36

(D). 90

Correct Answer: ,C,

89. 90% of 180 + 200% of 19 = ?

(A). 38

(B). 162

(C). 124

(D). 200

Correct Answer: ,D,

90. At what rate per cent. Compound interest will Rs625 amount to Rs 676 in 2 years?

(A). 4%

(B). 9%

(C). 7%

(D). 2%

Correct Answer: ,A,

91. In what time will Rs 1200 amount to Rs 1323 at 5% compound interest?

(A). 4 yrs

(B). 2 yrs

(C). 7 yrs

(D). 9yrs

Correct Answer: ,B,

92. At what rate per cent compound interest will Rs 400 amout to Rs 441 in 2 years?

(A). 5%

(B). 6%

(C). 7%

(D). 8%

Correct Answer: ,A,

93. If the selling price of 40 articles is equal to the cost price of 50 similar articles, what is

the % gain or less?

(A). 25% loss

(B). 25% gain

(C). 20% loss

(D). 20% gain

Correct Answer: ,B,

94. 16 men can do a piece of work in 10 days. How many men are needed to complete the

work in 40 days?

(A). 8 men

(B). 6 men

(C). 4 men

(D). 3 men

Correct Answer: ,C,

95. 4/5 of a certain number is 64. Half of the number is

(A). 32

(B). 40

(C). 80

(D). 16

Correct Answer: ,B,

96. Which of the following fraction’s in descending order?



(C). ,


Correct Answer: ,B,

97. A train runs at the rate of 45 km an hour. What is its speed in metres per second?

(A). 12.5 m/s

(B). 15.3 m/s

(C). 17.8 m/s

(D). 18.7 m/s

Correct Answer: ,A,


(A). 2.2

(B). 10

(C). 11

(D). 1.1

Correct Answer: ,A,

99. Sanjay can do piece of work in 10 days and Ramesh can do the same work in 15 days.

How long will they take if both work together?

(A). 4 days

(B). 6 days

(C). 9 days

(D). 13 days

Correct Answer: ,B,

100. The sum of age of Ram and his mother is 63 years. Four years back his mother’s age

was 4 times the Ram’s age what is the present age in years of Ram’s mother?

(A). 44

(B). 48

(C). 58

(D). 52

Correct Answer: ,B,

101. Sunil purchased a plot of land at Rs. 80 per sq. metre through an estate dealer. If the

area of the plot was 300 square metre and rate of commission was 3% what amount

Sunil was required to pay in all?

(A). Rs. 24,720

(B). Rs. 24,900

(C). Rs. 23,380

(D). Rs. 23,100

Correct Answer: ,A,

102. The simple interest on Rs. 6000 at certain rate of interest for 7 years is Rs. 3780.

What is the rate of interest per annum?

(A). 6

(B). 10.5

(C). 7

(D). 9

Correct Answer: ,D,

103. Mohan can do a job in 20 days and Sohan can do the same job in 30 days. How long

would they take to do it working together?

(A). 12 days

(B). 15 days

(C). 19 days

(D). 23 days

Correct Answer: ,A,

104. A and B working together can do a piece of work in 6 days. B alone can do it in 8 days.

In how many days A alone could finish?

(A). 11 days

(B). 15 days

(C). 21 days

(D). 24 days

Correct Answer: ,D,


(A). 1

(B). 10

(C). 70

(D). 690

Correct Answer: ,C,

106. A pipe can fill a tank in 15 hours. Due to a leak in the bottom, it is filled in 20 hours. If

the tank is full, how much time will the leak take to empty it?

(A). 56 hrs

(B). 60 hrs

(C). 62 hrs

(D). 67 hrs

Correct Answer: ,B,

107. The ratio of the age of mother to son is 7:3 and the sum of their ages is 60 years. What

is the difference in their age in years?

(A). 42

(B). 24

(C). 18

(D). 4

Correct Answer: ,B,

108. A boy goes to school at a speed of 3 km/hr and returns to the village at a speed of 2

km/hr. if he takes 5 hrs in all, what is the distance between the village and the


(A). 3 km

(B). 4 km

(C). 6 km

(D). 8 km

Correct Answer: ,C,

109. By selling on article for Rs. 460, Mahesh gained 15% profit. What was the cost price

of the article?

(A). Rs. 391

(B). Rs. 400

(C). Rs. 529

(D). Data inadequate

Correct Answer: ,B,


(A). 0

(B). 44

(C). 42

(D). 68

Correct Answer: ,A,

111. I was paid $2.80 on the first day, and my salary doubled each day thereafter. I earned a total of $714. How many days did I work?

(A). 8

(B). 10

(C). 12

(D). 14

Correct Answer: ,A,

112. In a camel herd with 80 legs, half the camels have one hump and half have two. How many humps are there in this herd?

(A). 24

(B). 26

(C). 28

(D). 30

Correct Answer: ,D,

113. Katie and Jim play a game with 2 six sided number cubes numbered 1 through 6. When the number cubes are rolled, Katie gets a point if the sum of the two is even and Jim gets a point if the product is even. What is the likelihood that on one roll of both cubes both Katie and Jim get a point?

(A). 1/2

(B). 1/3

(C). 1/4

(D). 1/5

Correct Answer: ,C,

114. Pictured is a sequence of growing chairs. The first chair is made of 6 squares. How many more squares are in the 8th chair in the sequence than in the first?

(A). 24

(B). 26

(C). 28

(D). 30

Correct Answer: ,C,

115. A dart hits the dartboard shown at random. Find the probability of the dart landing in the shaded region.

(A). 1/2

(B). 1/3

(C). 1/4

(D). 1/5

Correct Answer: ,B,

116. The colored stripes pattern Red, Blue, Blue, Green, Yellow repeats on wall paper. What will be the color of the 32nd stripe?

(A). Red

(B). Blue

(C). Green

(D). Yellow

Correct Answer: ,B,

117. Find the measure of angle ABC as shown in the following figure, where AC = CB = CD, and the measure of angle ADC is 29 degrees.

(A). 58 degree

(B). 45 degree

(C). 56 degree

(D). 61 degree

Correct Answer: ,C,

118. In 2008, the price of car A is $20,000 and car B is $25,000. Each year, the price of car A decreases by 5% and that of car B decreases by 10%. In what year will car B be cheaper than car A?

(A). 2011

(B). 2012

(C). 2013

(D). 2014

Correct Answer: ,C,

119. The average of 10 consecutive odd numbers is 120. What is the average of the 5 largest numbers?

(A). 100

(B). 105

(C). 115

(D). 125

Correct Answer: ,D,

120. Peter usually travels from town P to town Q in eight hours. One day, he increased his average speed by 5km per hour so that he arrived 20 minutes earlier. Find his usual average speed, in km per hour.

(A). 110 km/h

(B). 115 km/h

(C). 125 km/h

(D). 135 km/h

Correct Answer: ,B,

121. Sasi has 20 coins in her purse. They are $10, $20 and $50 coins and the total value of the coins is $500. If she has more $50 than $10 coins, how many $10 coins she has?

(A). 1

(B). 2

(C). 3

(D). 4

Correct Answer: ,B,

122. In the multiplication example above, all number from 1 through 9 have been used once, and once only. Three of the numbers are given. What is the three digit number on top?

(A). 279

(B). 297

(C). 246

(D). 264

Correct Answer: ,B,

123. A goat is tied by a rope to a corner of a rectangular shed as shown. The shed is 8 metres long and 5 metres wide and the rope is 10 metres long. The shed is surrounded by grass. What is the area, in square metres, that the goat can graze upon? (The ratio of the circumference of the circle to the diameter is π = 3.14.)

(A). 236.4 m2

(B). 248.8 m2

(C). 258.3 m2

(D). 263.6 m2

Correct Answer: ,C,

124. The accompanying diagram is a road plan of a city. All the roads go east-west or north-south, with the exception of the one short diagonal road shown. Due to repairs one road is impassable at the point X. Of all the possible routes from P to Q, there are several shortest routes. How many such shortest routes are there?

(A). 11

(B). 12

(C). 13

(D). 14

Correct Answer: ,D,

125. The diagram shows a 5 by 5 table. The top row contains the symbols A, B, C, D and E. The fourth row contains the symbols A, B and C at the centre. The remaining squares can be filled with A’s, B’s, C’s, D’s and E’s such that no row, column or diagonal contains the same symbol more than once. What is the symbol that must go into the shaded square?

(A). A

(B). B

(C). C

(D). D

Correct Answer: ,A,

126. The fraction 2007/7000 is written as a decimal. What digit is in the 2007th place?

(A). 4

(B). 5

(C). 6

(D). 7

Correct Answer: ,B,

127. The rectangle PQRS measures 24 cm by 16 cm. Points T, U, V and W are on the sides with measurements, in centimeters, as shown. Find the area, in square centimeters, of shaded portion.

(A). 300 cm2

(B). 320 cm2

(C). 340 cm2

(D). 360 cm2

Correct Answer: ,A,

128. What would be the third number from the left of the 75th row of the accompanying triangular number pattern?

(A). 1962

(B). 1756

(C). 2354

(D). 1296

Correct Answer: ,D,

129. In the diagram is made from two overlapping squares. The lighter shaded area comprises 75/73 of the larger square and darker area 15/14 of the smaller square. What is the ratio of the area of the smaller square to the area of the larger square?

(A). 1:3

(B). 1:5

(C). 2:3

(D). 2:5

Correct Answer: ,D,

130. If a car runs at 60 km/h, it completes a certain distance in 18 minutes. At what average speed, in kilometers per hour, would this car need to cover the same distance in 15 minutes?

(A). 68 km/h

(B). 70 km/h

(C). 72 km/h

(D). 74 km/h

Correct Answer: ,C,

131. What is the smallest number of 6 cm by 8 cm rectangles which can be fitted together to make a large rectangle with sides in the ratio 53 ?

(A). 16

(B). 20

(C). 24

(D). 28

Correct Answer: ,B,

An octahedron has all its corners cut off as shown. How many edges does the new shape have?

(A). 18

(B). 24

(C). 36

(D). 48

Correct Answer: ,C,

133. What are the last 5 digits of the sum

(A). 13057

(B). 25018

(C). 35006

(D). 03035

Correct Answer: ,D,

134. On the table, there are 6 coins each of the values $5, $10, and $50. Dev takes $75. The number of coins Dev takes is more than 5, but less than 9. Does Dev take all the three types of coins? If not, which type does he not take?

(A). $5

(B). $10

(C). $50

(D). None of the above

Correct Answer: ,B,

135. Now we are in the year 2004. The ratio of ages of my father, my mother, and my younger brother is 12:9:1. Five years from now, my father will be 41 years old. In what year was my younger brother born?

(A). 1998

(B). 1999

(C). 2000

(D). 2001

Correct Answer: ,D,

136. Laura’s savings in a bank is $100. Diana’s savings is $40. Every end of the week, Laura withdraws $3 from her savings. At the same time, Diana always deposit $2.40 into her savings. After how many weeks will Laura’s savings be $6 more than Diana’s savings?

(A). 9 weeks

(B). 10 weeks

(C). 11 weeks

(D). 12 weeks

Correct Answer: ,B,

137. The weight of a small box, two medium boxes and a large box altogether is 10 kg. The weight of a small box, two medium boxes and two large boxes altogether is 15 kg. What is the total weight of two small boxes and four medium boxes?

(A). 8 kg

(B). 10 kg

(C). 12 kg

(D). 14 kg

Correct Answer: ,B,

138. In the following figures, the three squares have equal areas. Determine whether the areas of the three shaded regions in each square are also equal.

(A). equal

(B). not equal

(C). Can not determine

(D). None of the above

Correct Answer: ,A,

139. Find the total area of the shaded regions in the figure.

(A). 68

(B). 72

(C). 76

(D). 82

Correct Answer: ,C,

Three circular disks of radius 7 cm each are bound tightly with a belt, see figure. What is the length of the belt?

(A). 64 cm

(B). 68 cm

(C). 74 cm

(D). 86 cm

Correct Answer: ,D,

141. A train travels between two stations. The train will be on time if it runs at an average speed of 60 km/hour, but will be late by 5 minutes if it runs at an average speed of 50 km/hour. What is the distance between the two stations?

(A). 20 km

(B). 25 km

(C). 28 km

(D). 32 km

Correct Answer: ,B,

142. The volume of a small balloon is 2 liters and a larger balloon is 5 liters. The small balloon is increased at a rate of 0.3 liters per second. The larger balloon is decreased at a rate of 0.12 liters per second. After how many seconds will the two balloons have the same volume?

(A). 5.3 seconds

(B). 6.2 seconds

(C). 7.1 seconds

(D). 8.0 seconds

Correct Answer: ,C,

143. Twice the number of marbles in bag A is less than the number of marbles in bag(B)The sum of the number of marbles in bags A and C is less than the number of marbles in bag(B)There are more marbles in bag D than in bag(B)There are 6 marbles in bag C and 9 marbles in bag(D)How many marbles does bag B contain?

(A). 4

(B). 6

(C). 8

(D). 10

Correct Answer: ,C,

144. How many times does the digit 9 appear in the answer when 1010101 is subtracted from 1000000000000?

(A). 7

(B). 8

(C). 9

(D). 10

Correct Answer: ,C,

145. A rectangle has its length 9 times its width. What is the ratio of its perimeter to the perimeter of the square of the same area?

(A). 4:3

(B). 3:2

(C). 5:4

(D). 5:3

Correct Answer: ,D,

146. Andy and Jack each have a number of candies. Andy gives a half of his candies to Jack. After that, Jack gives one third of his candies to Andy. At last both of them have 20 candies. How many candies does Andy have at first?

(A). 18

(B). 20

(C). 22

(D). 24

Correct Answer: ,B,

The diagram shows a cube with length 2 cm, in which A is the midpoint of one of the edges. Find the length of AB.

(A). 2 cm

(B). 3 cm

(C). 4 cm

(D). 5 cm

Correct Answer: ,B,

148. What is the largest 8-digits number that is a multiple of 9, but which has no two digits the same?

(A). 98765432

(B). 97865432

(C). 98763210

(D). 96785432

Correct Answer: ,C,

149. The number of female employees in a company is more than 60% and less than 65% of the total respectively. Determine the minimum number of employees overall.

(A). 6

(B). 8

(C). 10

(D). 12

Correct Answer: ,B,

150. When a two digit number is added to its reverse, the result is 143. The number is 3 less than the sum of the squares of its digits. Calculate this number.

(A). 68

(B). 72

(C). 86

(D). 94

Correct Answer: ,D,


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