
REET English Question Paper haminpur.com

1. Choose the correct preposition for the blanks.

Open your book……………………. Page 42.

(A). On

(B). At

(C). From

(D). Of

Correct Answer: B

2. Change the narration.

He said,”May God might ardon that sinner.”

(A). He asked that God might pardon that sinner.

(B). He prayed that God might pardon that sinner.

(C). He prayed that God might pardon this sinner.

(D). None of above

Correct Answer: B

3. Find the correct selt word.

(A). Stationry

(B). Quenine

(C). Treasurey

(D). Receipt

Correct Answer: D

4. Fill in the blank space.

A ……………….. of years.

(A). Series

(B). Chain

(C). Band

(D). Bundle

Correct Answer: A

5. Change the voice.

Is he teaching me?

(A). Are you being taught by him?

(B). Am I being taught by he?

(C). Am I being taught by him?

(D). I am being taught by him?

Correct Answer: C

6. Complete the sentence by choosing the correct option.

It is my school ……………………..

(A). Bag dairy

(B). Mother diary

(C). Dairy

(D). Diary

Correct Answer: D

7. Choose the right answer

‘For good’ means

(A). Very good

(B). Best

(C). Forever

(D). At last

Correct Answer: C

8. Choose one word for the following group of words

A sweet dish served after the main meal.

(A). Desert

(B). Dessert

(C). Deseert

(D). Deserte

Correct Answer: B

9. Find the correct sentence

(A). Sun sets in west

(B). Simpy is honest girl

(C). A dog is a faithful animal

(D). He prefers to travel by air

Correct Answer: C

10. Complete the sentence.

Horses have no ………………., But cows have.

(A). Horns

(B). Horn

(C). Hornes

(D). Ears

Correct Answer: A

11. Direction: Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow (11-20by selecting the most appropriate option.

Long ago there ruled a king named Dashrtha in Ayodhya. He was a very kind ruler. He loved hunting very much. Every hunting day he went in a nearby forest. He was also a very good shot. There lived a blind old couple in his kingdom. They had a son, Sharwana. He was very obedient boy. He always served his old parents. They

were very hapy with him. They always blessed him. They wished to go on a pilgrimage.

Who ruled over Ayodhya?

(A). Sharwana ruled over Ayodhya.

(B). Dashratha ruled over Ayodhya.

(C). The Hunter ruled over Ayodhya.

(D). None of these.

Correct Answer: B

12. What kind of ruler was he?

(A). He was a poor ruler.

(B). He was a hunting type ruler

(C). He was a kind ruler.

(D). All of the above.

Correct Answer: C

13. What did Dashratha love very much?

(A). He loved hunting very much.

(B). He loved Sharwana very much.

(C). He loved blind old couple

(D). None of these.

Correct Answer: A

14. Where did Dashratha go on hunting day.

(A). He went hear the house of blind old couple.

(B). He went in the kingdom of Sharwana

(C). He went in the jangle of Patana.

(D). He went in a nearby forest on hunting day.

Correct Answer: D

15. Was Dashratha a good shot?

(A). No, So sharwana was killed.

(B). Yes, he was good shot.

(C). No, he was a kind ruler.

(D). All of above.

Correct Answer: B

16. What was the name of son of blind couple.

(A). Ayodhya was the name of tsone of blind couple.

(B). Dashratha was the name of tsone of blind couple.

(C). Sharwana was the name of tsone of blind couple.

(D). None of these.

Correct Answer: C

17. Who lived in his kingdom?

(A). Sharwan, a very obedient boy.

(B). An old coule with his son.

(C). Both of above.

(D). None of above.

Correct Answer: C

18. Why were they happy with their son?

(A). He was very kind ruler.

(B). He was very handsome

(C). He was a good shooter

(D). He always served them.

Correct Answer: D

19. Who lessed Sharwana?

(A). Dashrathe, the ruler of Ayodhaya.

(B). The old couple.

(C). Sharwana himself.

(D). A pilgrimage.

Correct Answer: B

20. Where did they wish to go?

(A). They wished to go on a pilgimage.

(B). They wished to go to nearby forest.

(C). They wished that their son become a ruler.

(D). All of the above.

Correct Answer: A

21. Team, Army, Class and Crowd are example of the noun.

(A). Common noun

(B). Abstract noun

(C). Material noun

(D). Collective noun

Correct Answer: D

22. Find the sentence in which Reflexive pronoun is used.

(A). I myself will lift the bundle.

(B). I hunt myself.

(C). He himself broke his slate.

(D). You yourself can study.

Correct Answer: B

23. Death is preferable …………. Dishonour.

(A). Than

(B). Of

(C). To

(D). For

Correct Answer: ,,

24. Find the correct sentence of verb.

(A). Two and two makes four.

(B). How you know that?

(C). I do not know cycling.

(D). I do not know how to cycle.

Correct Answer: D

25. I ………………… when I am tired.

(A). Rest only

(B). Only rest

(C). Rested

(D). Restes only

Correct Answer: A

26. The 4 H formula is basis for

(A). Education

(B). Literary

(C). Both of above

(D). None of these

Correct Answer: A

27. The power of expression in a language is a matter of

(A). Knowledge

(B). Sill

(C). Rhythmic

(D). All of the above

Correct Answer: B

28. Which of the following aims of teaching English is not true?

(A). To enable to express ideas in speech

(B). To enable to understand spoken language.

(C). To enable to sing songs.

(D). To enable to understand written language.

Correct Answer: C

29. Choose the odd one out.

(A). Left

(B). Milkshake

(C). Right

(D). Forward

Correct Answer: ,,

30. Choose the correct word for the blank space.

In meeting she often says what she thinks She is quite ……………….

(A). Outgoing

(B). Outspoken

(C). Shy

(D). Decisive

Correct Answer: ,,

31. Direction - Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow ( Q. No.1-9) by selecting the most appropriate option .

Our body is a wondrous mechanism and when subjected to unusual stress over a period of time, it adapts itself to deal more effectively with that stress. Therefore, when you exert your muscles against resistance, they forced to adapt and deal with this extraordinary workload, This is the principle of weight training, Strands of muscle fibres become thicker and stronger in response to the demands placed on them. One of the great merits of weight training is the strength of your heart. During weight training, your heart is forced to beat faster and stronger in order to pump sufficient blood to the muscles being worked. In time, your heart, like your body, will adapt to this extra-workload by becoming stronger and more efficient. Since your body needs a given amount of blood to perform its daily tasks, your heart will now need fewer beats to pump the same quantity of blood. Sounds good ? There's more. Your entire circulatory system is given a thorough workout every time you exercise, which increases its overall efficiency. Even the neural paths from your brain's command centers to each individual muscle become more effective , enabling easier recruitment of muscle fibres for carrying out physical tasks. In essence, your body becomes a well-oiled and finely-tuned piece of machinery. whirring along without any breakdown. In today's stress-filled world, you need all the help you can get.

The principle of weight training is

(A). helping the body adapt to increased stress

(B). training muscles to exert more pressure

(C). disposing extra workload

(D). thickening of body through extra consumption

Correct Answer: B

32. Weight training makes the muscles

(A). become intense

(B). resist workload

(C). thicker and stronger

(D). become stranded

Correct Answer: C

33. During weight training, the heart pumps

(A). less blood

(B). more blood

(C). required blood

(D). an extraordinary amount of blood

Correct Answer: C

34. A stronger and more efficient heart

(A). beats faster and more often to pump blood

(B). needs fewer beats to pump the same amount of blood

(C). can rest longer, reducing its workload

(D). is assisted by muscles of the body

Correct Answer: B

35. When neural paths become more effective

(A). The brain functions at extraordinary speed

(B). the brain opens new pathways for communication

(C). the brain employs various muscles easily for physical tasks

(D). the muscles function effectively and independently

Correct Answer: C

36. What does the term 'well-oiled' in the passage denote ?

(A). Healthy

(B). Serviced

(C). Massaged

(D). Greased

Correct Answer: A

37. Which one of the following is the most appropriate title for the passage ?

(A). Health is Wealth

(B). Stress busting

(C). The Mechanics of Weight Training

(D). How to retain your health ?

Correct Answer: C

38. What does the above passage suggest ?

(A). We should carry out physical exercise as a routine

(B). Physical exercise is necessary occasionally

(C). We should ignore physical exercise

(D). We should subject our body to as much exercise as it can withstand

Correct Answer: A

39. The word 'wondrous' (first line ) is

(A). a verb

(B). a noun

(C). an adverb

(D). an adjective

Correct Answer: D

40. Direction - Read the poem given below and answer the questions that follow ( Q. No.10-15) by selecting the most appropriate option .


The sun descending in the west,

The evening star does shine;

The birds are silent in their nest,

And I must seek for mine.

The moon, like a flower,

In heaven's high bower,

With silent delight

Sits and smiles on the night.

Farewell, green fields and happy groves,

Where flocks have took delight.

Where lambs have nibbled, silent moves

The feet of angels bright;

Unseen they pour blessing,

And joy without ceasing,

On each bud and blossom,

And each sleeping bosom.

They look in every thoughtless nest,

Where birds are covered warm;

They visit caves of every beast,

To keep them all from harm.

If they see and weeping

That should have been sleeping,

They pour sleep on their head,

And sit down by their bed.

The evening star rises when

(A). it is down

(B). the sun descends in the west

(C). the birds leave their nests

(D). it is midnight

Correct Answer: B

41. Here,'bower' represents

(A). a bouquet of flowers

(B). a flower vase

(C). a potted plant

(D). a framework that supports climbing plants

Correct Answer: B

42. The poet compares moon to

(A). an evening star

(B). an angel

(C). a flower

(D). a bird in the nest

Correct Answer: C

43. The angels come down on earth to

(A). make people dance and have fun

(B). take blessing and joy

(C). spread moonlight

(D). give blessing and joy

Correct Answer: D

44. Birds' nest is described as 'thoughtless' because

(A). it is made without any thought

(B). the occupants are asleep without any care

(C). the angels are blessing the birds to be happy

(D). The birds are covered in the warmth of their nest

Correct Answer: B

45. The figure if speech used in the line 'In heaven's high bower' is

(A). Alliteration

(B). Smile

(C). Metaphor

(D). Personification

Correct Answer: C

46. Scanning means darting over much of a text to search for

(A). The central idea

(B). the opinion of the author

(C). difficult words

(D). a specific item or piece of information that we wish to discover

Correct Answer: D

47. A 'sight word ' is a vocabulary item

(A). That the reader recognises and finds meaningful on sight without a complicated analysis

(B). that needs proper visual understanding of the context

(C). that is to be learned by heart

(D). that helps in judging the effectiveness of the author's style

Correct Answer: A

48. A good introduction to a text should be

(A). short and to the point

(B). telling the students anything that they can find out for themselves by reading the text

(C). a detailed explanation of the meaning of the text

(D). blocking the student's active involvement by the means of questing

Correct Answer: A

49. Which of the following is an important stage in the writing process ?

(A). Comprehension

(B). Editing

(C). Memorisation

(D). Calligraphy

Correct Answer: A

50. Curriculum is an educational programme which does not state

(A). The educational purpose of a programme

(B). The number of lessons to the taught in a term

(C). The means of evaluating whether the educational objectives have been achieved or not

(D). the content ( material etc.) teaching strategies and learning experiences which will be necessary to achieve this purpose

Correct Answer: B

51. We use real objects to teach young learners new words because

(A). it helps learners associate words with objects they see in real life

(B). it helps in teaching the correct spelling of words

(C). we can teach vocabulary only through objects

(D). young learners are not capable of abstract thinking

Correct Answer: A

52. The best way to sensitise young learners to rhythm and intonation is

(A). by explaining the rules of phonetics in simple words

(B). by reading out poems in different metres and explaining them

(C). by making the learners listen to nursery rhymes and recite them effectively

(D). by making the learners copy out simple poems in neat handwriting

Correct Answer: C

53. Telling interesting stories to young learners is primarily meant for improving their

(A). Reading skills

(B). Writing skills

(C). Speaking skills

(D). Listening skills

Correct Answer: D

54. The main purpose of using oral drill is

(A). To improve the retention capacity of learners

(B). to assess the comprehension skills of learners

(C). to improve pronunciation and accuracy

(D). to enhance the speaking skills of learners

Correct Answer: C

55. Seating arrangement should be flexible so that

(A). children have the freedom to move their seats wherever they want

(B). Many group, pair and whole-class activities can be conducted easily

(C). children do not form permanent friendship groups

(D). The teacher ensures equality prevails in her classroom

Correct Answer: B

56. Knowledge of more than one language

(A). causes interference in learning a new language

(B). becomes a burden to the teacher in the language classroom

(C). confuses the learners while learning a new language

(D). is very helpful in teaching and learning a new language

Correct Answer: D

57. An effective language teacher

(A). will rely entirely on the prescribed test-book

(B). will make children learn all the answers to the questions given in the text-book

(C). will use the text-book as well as other material as resources for teaching

(D). will prepare question papers using only the questions given in the text-book

Correct Answer: C

58. A teacher engages her learners in a fun activity before beginning a new lesson. The purpose of

this activity is to

(A). Motivate and energise the learners

(B). Discipline the learners before the lesson

(C). divert the attention of the learners

(D). reduce the workload of the teacher

Correct Answer: A

59. The most effective tool to assess values and attitude of learners is

(A). Summative test

(B). Anecdotal Record

(C). Portfolio

(D). Unit Test

Correct Answer: C

60. Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation should be adopted by all schools because

(A). It affords teachers opportunities to test learners frequently

(B). it is the latest development in the field of education

(C). Traditional pen-paper tests do not assess and enhance all the attributes and abilities of learners

(D). it frees the learners from studies and hard work.

Correct Answer: C

61. Directions - Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow ( Q. No. 1 to 9 ) by selection the most appropriate option.

Anaesthesia in any part of the body means a loss of sensation, either permanent or temporary. The term is usually used to describe the artificially produced loss of sensation which makes a surgical operation painless. There are four main types of anaesthesia : general , spinal , regional , and local. Anaesthetics may be given as gases , by inhalation; or as drugs injected into a vein, A patient given general anaesthesia loses consciousness. Anaesthesia of a fairly large area

of the body results from injecting the anaesthetic drug into the spinal canal : all that portion of the body below the level at which the drug is injected is anaesthetized. Regional anaesthesia is the injecting of the nerves as they emerge from the spinal column : the anaesthesia induced by this method affects only that area of the body supplied by those nerves , In local anaesthesia, the drug is injected directly at the site of the operative incision and sometimes also into the nearby surrounding tissues . Formerly the most commonly used local anaesthetic was cocaine, a drug extracted from the leaves of the coca bush and introduced in 1879. But cocaine has some disadvantages and, sometimes, undesirable side-effects. For spinal, regional and local anaesthesia, procaine, or one of the several modifications of procaine, is now widely used instead of cocaine, for very limited and short operations., such as opening a small abscess, local anaesthesia may be induced by spraying (rather than injecting) a chemical, ethyl chloride, on a small area of the skin; in changing from the liquid to the gaseous state, this drug freezes the area sprayed, and permits painless incision.

When a part of the body is anaesthetised.

(A). that part loses the ability to feel any pain

(B). the nearby organ loses its function permanently

(C). the body loses its consciousness

(D). the part gets excited

Correct Answer: A

62. The real purpose of using anaesthetics is

(A). to cure patients of diseases

(B). to make patients unconscious

(C). to perform operations without causing pain

(D). to artificially produce loss of sensation

Correct Answer: C

63. An anaesthetic is inhaled when it is administered

(A). as a drug

(B). by injection

(C). as a gas

(D). as a spray

Correct Answer: C

64. When a gas is used as an anaesthetic , the anaesthesia is

(A). general

(B). spinal

(C). local

(D). regional

Correct Answer: C

65. Spinal anaesthesia is resorted to when

(A). a patient has to be made unconscious

(B). a small area has to be anaesthetised

(C). the operation involves a big area of the body

(D). a drug has to be injected into the vein

Correct Answer: C

66. The expression "the site of the operative incision " means

(A). all the surrounding tissues

(B). the place at which a cut is to be made

(C). the spot at which the anaesthetic has to be injected

(D). the area of the body supplied by specific nerves

Correct Answer: B

67. An 'abscess' (line 34) is

(A). a deep hole

(B). an operative incision

(C). a collection of poisonous matter in a hole in the body

(D). an open wound requiring surgery

Correct Answer: C

68. The word opposite in meaning to the word ' formerly ' (line 25 ) is

(A). industrially

(B). fortunately

(C). later

(D). significant

Correct Answer: C

69. 'Anaesthetic' (line-26) is

(A). a verb

(B). an adjective

(C). an adverb

(D). a noun

Correct Answer: D

70. Directions - Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow ( Q. No. 10 to

15 ) by selection the most appropriate option.

The farmer is up before dawn on shearing-day, driving his flock into pens. By eight

o'clock the shearers arrive and, after a hearty breakfast, they take their places on long

benches that the farmer has improvised in the pens. Shears are taken from leather cases

and sharpened with whetstones; a fire is lighted to heat pitch for the making; and the

work begins

Soon the shearers fall into their routine. A lad seizes a sheep from the pen and ties its

feet - not with a cord, because that might injure it, but with a strip of sacking. The sheep

is carried to the benches, and the shearer begins to slice off the wool. First he shears the

coarse wool from the sheep's belly, then lays the animal on its side on the bench

between his legs while he snips at the curly wool round the neck. He works to and fro

along the ribs, peeling the wool back until it hangs like a cloak doubled back over the

animal. Then he turns the sheep over and begins on the unclipped side. In a few

moments the whole fleece falls away in one piece, looking like a dirty grey rug. A few

more snips from the shears and the wool is cut from either side of the sheep's tail,

leaving the animal white and naked. The shearer pushes the sheep to the ground and

immediately calls for another animal. Meanwhile the lad daubs the farmer's mark in

pitch on the newly shorn sheep, unties her legs, and drives her out of the shearing pens.

A second lad - the farmer's son - seizes the fleece as it is tossed aside, rolls it up , tucking

the tail-wool in first, and secures the bundle by knotting the neck. Any loose clippings

are gathered separately.

The work continues till one o'clock, when the farmer's wife summons the men to dinner,

each man finishes the sheep that is beside him, then the whole party goes back to the

farm house, The men troop into the farm kitchen, leaving their dogs to scuffle in the

yard. After the shortest if dinner-breaks - for there is much to be done - the shearing

continues, and the pile of fleeces mounts

What expression in the first paragraph suggests that shearing does not take place very often ?

(A). improvised

(B). flock

(C). whetstones

(D). shearing day

Correct Answer: D

71. The shearer first cuts the wool from the ___ of the sheep.

(A). underside

(B). ribs

(C). tail

(D). legs

Correct Answer: A

72. Why are loose clippings of wool gathered separately ?

(A). So that they do not get spoiled

(B). Because they are not so valuable as whole fleeces

(C). Because they are needed to fill up the top of the bags

(D). Because they weigh less than a whole fleece

Correct Answer: B

73. Wool which has been sheared from a sheep is

(A). cut into two pieces by the shearer with a few snips

(B). rolled and bundled

(C). tied with sacking

(D). bagged on shearing- day

Correct Answer: B

74. what word from the passage best tells us that shears are like a very large pair of scissors ?

(A). snips

(B). cut

(C). slice

(D). sharpened

Correct Answer: D

75. "The sheep is carried to the benches. ' It is an example of

(A). an interrogative sentence

(B). a negative sentence

(C). passive voice

(D). degree of comparison

Correct Answer: C

76. Substitution table drill helps teachers in

(A). giving controlled language practice

(B). developing free writing skills

(C). improving the fluency of learners

(D). evaluating the listening skills

Correct Answer: A

77. When young learners are asked to read a text silently , they should be instructed

(A). to read fast even if they don't comprehend the meaning

(B). to stop reading whenever they encounter a difficult word or phrase

(C). to infer the meaning of new words from the context and read with comprehension

(D). to pay special attention to grammar items used in the passage

Correct Answer: C

78. Language skills are best learnt

(A). When they are introduced in isolation, one skill at a time

(B). only through written tests and assignments

(C). if they are taught in an integrated manner

(D). with the help of challenging and mechanical language drills

Correct Answer: C

79. The primary objective if using role play is

(A). to develop acting talent

(B). to evaluate dialogue writing skill

(C). to promote the reading habit

(D). to improve the communicative

Correct Answer: D

80. The main responsibility of a language teacher as a facilitator is

(A). to read the lessons aloud and provide explanation for each line

(B). to create a number of opportunities for the learners to use the language meaningfully

(C). to provide a lot of information and make the learners listen to it

(D). to strictly control the class and cover the syllabus in quick time

Correct Answer: B

81. After a story-telling , the learners are asked to change the ending of the story. This will help the learners

(A). become imaginative and creative

(B). understand grammar better

(C). develop library reference skills

(D). evaluate the teacher's originality

Correct Answer: A

82. Which of the following will help learners take greater responsibility for their own learning ?

(A). Summative Assessment

(B). Supervised reading sessions

(C). Controlled writing tasks

(D). Peer Assessment

Correct Answer: A

83. Under Constructivist Approach to language learning, learners are encouraged to

(A). learn the grammar rules by rote

(B). discover the rules of grammar from examples

(C). avoid errors completely

(D). practice language drills mechanically

Correct Answer: B

84. The main purpose of assessment is

(A). to decide pass and fail

(B). to measure achievement of learners

(C). to give practice in writing

(D). to improve the teaching - learning process

Correct Answer: D

85. Young learners will enjoy a play included in the text-book when they

(A). read the play silently

(B). listen to the teacher reading the play

(C). enact the play

(D). get detailed explanations about the play from the teacher

Correct Answer: C

86. When young learners are taught to improve their spelling and punctuation , they will

(A). improve their accuracy

(B). enhance their fluency

(C). nurture their creativity

(D). sharpen their listening skills

Correct Answer: A

87. After reading a poem, a teacher involves the learners in group work. One group writes the summary of the poem, another draws a picture to depict the main theme and yet another sets the poem to music, this activity

(A). will distract the learners from the lesson

(B). is a sheer waste of time

(C). caters to diverse abilities and interests

(D). is aimed at preparing the learners for assessment

Correct Answer: C

88. Instead of asking questions and getting answers from her learners. a teacher gives some short texts and asks her learners to frame questions. Her primary objective is to

(A). train the learners as good question paper setters

(B). take their help during examinations

(C). make the learners realize the difficulties faced by teachers in preparing question papers

(D). enhance the learners' analytical and critical thinking

Correct Answer: D

89. Correct speech habits can be developed most effectively through

(A). Dictations

(B). Pronunciation practice

(C). Vocabulary practice

(D). Quizzes

Correct Answer: B

90. Reading between the lines as a sub- skill of reading mainly involves

(A). Identifying the grammatical item

(B). understanding the stated facts

(C). giving sufficient space between lines

(D). inferring the unstated using the contextual and verbal clues

Correct Answer: D

91. Choose the grammatically correct sentence.

(A). I’ll see you next Friday.

(B). I’ll see you on the next Friday

(C). I’ll see you on next Friday

(D). I’ll see you the next Friday

Correct Answer: A

92. If it hadn’t been for your help, I don’t know.. Choose the correct answer

(A). what I’d done.

(B). what I’d have been done

(C). what I’d have done

(D). what I’d had done

Correct Answer: C

93. I wonder if we…… the doctor to look at Mary Choose the correct phrase to fill in the blank

(A). couldn’t ask

(B). shouldn’t ask

(C). hadn’t ask

(D). haven’t ask

Correct Answer: B

94. You can only come in … a few minutes Choose the appropriate word dot fill in the blank

(A). since

(B). within

(C). during

(D). for

Correct Answer: B

95. He gave her many advices. This sentence may be edited as…….

(A). He gave her many pieces of advice.

(B). He gave her much advice

(C). He offered her many advices

(D). He gave her some advices

Correct Answer: B

96. Identify the part of the sentence that has an error.

(A). It is not the urge

(B). To take revenge that

(C). Terrifies Hamlet

(D). But the gravitation of this nature

(1) B


(3) A

(4) D

Correct Answer: D

97. ‘Where ………?’ In a village near Vijaywada’. Fill in the blank, choosing the correct answer.

(A). your uncles lives

(B). does your uncle live

(C). lives your uncle live

(D). do your uncle live

Correct Answer: B

98. Oedipus, the King is the greatest of all tragic characters Comparative degree of this sentence is ………. Oedipus, the King is…………

(A). a great tragic character

(B). a greater tragic character

(C). greater than any other tragic character

(D). the greater than some tragic characters

Correct Answer: C

99. of all the words given below, one is given entry in the dictionaries. Identify it.

(A). lieutenant

(B). lieutinent

(C). leutenent

(D). lieutenante

Correct Answer: A

100. As a performing artiste, Dr. M.Balamuralikrishna made his debut at the age of eight. The underline word implies……..

(A). the first performance before an audience.

(B). acting in the musical plays

(C). entry in the primary class

(D). initiation into music

Correct Answer: A

101. Kamala’s exhilarating performance left the audience awestruck. Here exhilarating means………

(A). exhausting

(B). exhaustive

(C). boring

(D). exciting

Correct Answer: D

102. In the …….. (regression ) violence of the epic, everyone is an wrathful as Achilles. Use the suitable form of the word given in the brackets.

(A). regress

(B). regressive

(C). regressed

(D). regressing

Correct Answer: B

103. The sheer magic of the recital was spellbinding! The sentence indicates……..

(A). There was a magic show before the recital

(B). It was a boring recital

(C). It was a wonderful recital

(D). The recital lacked magnificence

Correct Answer: C

104. The party was excellent, and I’d like to thank all……… Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.

(A). concerned people

(B). People with concern

(C). responsible people

(D). people responsible

Correct Answer: D

105. Only one of the following sentences is edited. Find the edited sentence.

(A). He peremptorily dismissal of all allegation as the farcical attempt to tarnish his integrity

(B). He peremptorily dismissed all allegations as a farcical attempt to tarnish his integrity

(C). He dismissed peremptorily all allegations as farcical attempt to tarnishing his integrity

(D). He dismissed peremptorily all the allegation as the farcical attempt to tarnish his integrity.

Correct Answer: B

106. Identify the sentence in which adverbs have been used in the correct order.

(A). He sang wonderfully at the theatre yesterday evening.

(B). He sang at the theatre wonderfully yesterday evening.

(C). He came here today by train

(D). He came here by train next month

Correct Answer: A

107. A. Didn’t you go to the cinema yesterday?

B. …………… Identify B’s response

(A). Yes, I didn’t

(B). No, I do.

(C). Yes, I did

(D). No, I did

Correct Answer: A

108. Smoking is………. to anyone’s health. Choose the correct word to fill the blank

(A). detrimental

(B). deteriorating

(C). disillusionary

(D). injury

Correct Answer: A

109. Alexandrian libraries were gutted down by the invading Huns.

Active voice of this sentence will be……….

(A). The invading Huns had gutted down the Alexandrian libraries

(B). The invading Huns gutted down the Alexandrian libraries

(C). The invading Huns gutting down the Alexandrian libraries

(D). The invaded Huns gutting down the Alexandrian libraries

Correct Answer: B

110. 20 to 24: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it.

When the motorcar was first introduced, it was a clumsy, noisy machine that labored

along the street at a pace no faster than that of a trotting horse. People look at it with

suspicion and fear.

Since then, the motorcar has come a long way and is today a combination of beauty,

luxury and efficiency. The modern automobile, sleek and streamlined with its brilliant

hues, is an aesthetically appealing object, almost a work of art. You can travel in it in

absolute comfort at an incredible speed, and yet feel no fatigue at the end of day’s

journey. The engine is a masterpiece of mechanical ingenuity and seldom lets you down

if you maintain it well.

20. What was the motorcar like when it was first introduced?

It was…………..

(A). an attractive, silent machine

(B). an awkward, noisy machine

(C). a big and unpleasant machine

(D). a small useless machine

Correct Answer: B

111. The speed of the first motor car was compared to a……….

(A). limping horse

(B). horse moving quickly

(C). horse refusing to move

(D). sleeping horse

Correct Answer: A

112. The modern automobile is a ……….

(A). beautiful object and a work of art

(B). noisy and ugly vehicle

(C). clumsy machine

(D). vehicle that breaks down very ofter

Correct Answer: A

113. The modern automobile is…………..

(A). cheap and irrepairable

(B). shiny but rough

(C). uncomfortable and moves at a low speed

(D). comfortable and goes at a high speed

Correct Answer: D

114. The engine is the best example of man’s…………

(A). inventiveness

(B). backwardness

(C). helplessness

(D). laziness

Correct Answer: A

115. Information transfer takes place in ……directions.

(A). three

(B). four

(C). one

(D). two

Correct Answer: D

116. If a student’s answer script is evaluated by tow examiners, they must award nearly the

same number of marks. Then we can that the test is…….

(A). practical

(B). reliable

(C). scorable

(D). valid

Correct Answer: B

117. Substitution drill is a technique used in………

(A). the grammar-translation method

(B). the communication-language teaching method

(C). the audio- lingual method

(D). the direct method

Correct Answer: D

118. Articulatory phonetics deals with………

(A). production of sounds

(B). distortion of sounds

(C). reception of sounds

(D). transmission of sounds

Correct Answer: A

119. A ‘Diphthong’ could be described as a combination of…….

(A). a consonant and a vowel

(B). two consonant clusters

(C). two pure vowel sounds

(D). two consonant sounds

Correct Answer: C

120. Which is the first stage among the following in planning a lesson?

(A). Presentation stage

(B). Feedback stage

(C). Performance stage

(D). Practice stage

Correct Answer: A

121. Choose the correct word to fill in the blank in the sentences. Copper is ….. useful metal.

(A). a

(B). an

(C). the

(D). any

Correct Answer: A

122. I forget his name. In the above sentence the underline word is a…

(A). Noun

(B). Verb

(C). Conjunction

(D). Pronoun

Correct Answer: B

123. Identify the correct sentence.

(A). How far your house it is from her.

(B). You are doing that why?

(C). How far is it from here to your house

(D). Where you are going now

Correct Answer: C

124. Choose the correct word to fill in the bland in the sentence. Rama can speak…..

(A). Fast

(B). Wonderful

(C). Fastly

(D). Severely

Correct Answer: A

125. If you combine the following two sentences,

(a) He is strong.

(b) He can work hard You will get :

(A). He can work hard because he is strong

(B). He is strong when he can work hard

(C). Though he is strong, he can work hard

(D). Although he can work hard, he is strong.

Correct Answer: A

126. To make the past perfect tense, we use this helping verb.

(A). Have

(B). Had

(C). Has

(D). Having

Correct Answer: B

127. The opposite of ‘equality’ is……..

(A). Unequality

(B). Disequality

(C). Nonequality

(D). Inequality

Correct Answer: D

128. Identify the correctly spelt word.

(A). Accomodation

(B). Accommodation

(C). Acommodation

(D). Accommodetion

Correct Answer: B

129. Choose the correct word to fill in the blank in the sentence. We went…… the market last Sunday.

(A). Up

(B). Onto

(C). To

(D). Off

Correct Answer: C

130. Choose the correct phrase to fill in the blank in the sentence. They….. living here since 1999.

(A). Have been

(B). Has being

(C). Are being

(D). Have being

Correct Answer: A

131. Identify the ‘positive degree’ of the sentence. Raju is taller than Amar.

(A). Amar is not tall as Raju

(B). Amar is not so tall as Raju

(C). Amar can be tall like Raju

(D). Amar is as tall as Raju

Correct Answer: B

132. Identify the correct ‘question tag’ for the statement. Your brother is a teacher……

(A). Is he

(B). Isn’t it?

(C). Isnt he

(D). Isn’t he ?

Correct Answer: D

133. What is the meaning of the word underlined in the sentence? The water glittered in the sunlight.

(A). Shone

(B). Shine

(C). Shown

(D). Shining

Correct Answer: A

134. If you combine the following two sentences,

(1) She likes English. (2)She likes Mathematics. You will get:

(A). She not only likes English, but also Mathematics.

(B). She likes not only English, but also Mathematics.

(C). Not only English but also she likes Mathematics.

(D). She likes English and not only Mathematics.

Correct Answer: B

135. The ‘reported’ form of the sentence, The Teacher said to the pupils, “Listen.”, is ……….

(A). The teacher said the pupils to listen.

(B). The teacher told the pupils listen.

(C). The teacher asked the pupils to listen.

(D). The teacher suggested the pupils to listen.

Correct Answer: C

136. Identify the question to get the answer. Yes. We go there every year.

(A). Did you been to Ooty?

(B). Have been to Ooty ever?

(C). Did you go to Ooty never?

(D). Have you ever been to Ooty?

Correct Answer: D

137. In a letter to an officer, the ‘subscription’ is……

(A). Yours sincerely,

(B). yours faithfully,

(C). Yours faithfully,

(D). Yours’ faithfully,

Correct Answer: C

138. Identify the correct sentence that contains all the words in the box correctly.

Sun, clouds, makes, the, the, us, for

(A). The sun makes us for the clouds.

(B). The sun makes the clouds for us.

(C). The clouds makes the sun for us.

(D). The sun clouds makes for us.

Correct Answer: B

139. Read the four parts of a sentence. They are marked A, B, C and D.

(a) because it was interesting

(b) interested in the book

(c) that he could not put it down.

(d) he was so

The correct sequence of the parts is:

(A). D, B, C, A

(B). B, C, A, D

(C). A, C, B, D

(D). D, C, A, B

Correct Answer: A

140. 20 to 44: Read the following passage and answer the questions given below.

John Ruskin says, “All books are divisible into two classes, the books of the hour and the

books of all time.”

Similarly some books are read by 95% of people for some years and then they are

virtually forgotten. Take for example, ‘detective’ novels. We may not have heard about

the authors of detective novels like Erle Stanley Gardner. Although the taste of reader is

changing, 5% of people continue to read ‘classics’. Mark Twain said, “A classic is a book

which people praise but don’t read.”

Books are good companions and good counsellors. They are like good friends. As a good

friend walks in when others walk out, books also walk in to console you. They offer the

best solace you think of.

According to Ruskin, books can be divided into……

(A). Some categories

(B). Three categories

(C). Four categories

(D). two categories

Correct Answer: D

141. According to this passage……….

(A). Some books are read and forgotten

(B). Very few books are read but forgotten

(C). Most of the books are read but forgotten

(D). No book is read and forgotten

Correct Answer: A

142. According to this passage……..

(A). a majority of people read classics

(B). every reader reads classics

(C). more than half of the readers read classics

(D). a small percentage of people read classics.

Correct Answer: D

143. The writer of this passage compares books to ….

(A). Friends

(B). Classics

(C). Time

(D). Detectives

Correct Answer: A

144. The writer of this passage says that books can make us……..

(A). Feel sad

(B). Feel better

(C). Feel dejected

(D). Feel serious

Correct Answer: B

145. Language games can consolidate the pupils’ skills of…

(A). Listening and speaking only

(B). Speaking and reading only

(C). Reading and writing only

(D). Listening, speaking, reading and writing

Correct Answer: D

146. We teach a supplementary reader for…………

(A). Learning pronunciation

(B). Learning syntax

(C). Extensive reading

(D). Intensive reading

Correct Answer: C

147. Read the question in the box given below:

Choose the correct word to fill in the blank

Ravi goes to school ………. Bicycle.

(1) by (2) on (3) with (4) over

The above test item tests the…

(A). Lexical item

(B). Knowledge

(C). Skill

(D). Speech

Correct Answer: A

148. At schools, teachers conduct unit tests, terminal exams and annual exams to ensure…….

(A). Continuous and comprehensive evaluation

(B). Summative evaluation

(C). Diagnostic evaluation

(D). Formation evaluation

Correct Answer: B

149. In microteaching, the sequence of events is:

(A). Teacher trainees improve their spoken English

(B). They prepare a microlesson plan, teach, get the feedback, replan and reteach.

(C). They teach, get the feedback, prepare a microlesson and reteach.

(D). They prepare a microlesson plan and improve their teaching.

Correct Answer: B

150. One of the basic elements of spoken English is fluency. Fluency is the ability to a speaker….

(A). to pause at the right place while speaking

(B). to speak fast

(C). to speak as fast as he can

(D). to speak as slowly as he can

Correct Answer: A


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