
HTML Solved Question Paper haminpur.com

What is the correct HTML for making a hyperlink?
a. <a href="http://haminpur.com">Haminpur Website</a>
b. <a name="http://haminpur.com">Haminpur Website</a>
c. <http://haminpur.com</a>
d. <a url="http://haminpur.com">Haminpur Website</a>
Ans. a

Choose the correct HTML tag to make a text italic
a. <ii>
b. <italics>
c. <italic>
d. <i>
Ans. d

Choose the correct HTML tag to make a text bold?
a. <b>
b. <bold>
c. <bb>
d. <bld>
Ans. a

What is the correct HTML for adding a background color?
a. <body color="yellow">
b. <body bgcolor="yellow">
c. <background>yellow</background>
d. <body background="yellow">
Ans. b

Choose the correct HTML tag for the smallest size heading?
a. <heading>
b. <h6>
c. <h1>
d. <head>
Ans. b

What is the correct HTML tag for inserting a line break?
a. <br>
b. <lb>
c. <break>
d. <newline>
Ans. a

What does vlink attribute mean?
a. visited link
b. virtual link
c. very good link
d. active link
Ans. a

Which attribute is used to name an element uniquely?
a. class
b. d
c. dot
d. all of above
Ans. b

Which tag creates a check box for a form in HTML?
a. <checkbox>
b. <input type="checkbox">
c. <input=checkbox>
d. <input checkbox>
Ans. b

To create a combo box (drop down box) which tag will you use?
a. <select>
b. <list>
c. <input type="dropdown">
d. all of above
Ans. a

Which of the following is not a pair tag?
a. <p>
b. < u >
c. <i>
d. <img>
Ans. d

What is the full form of HTML?
a. Hyper text markup language
b. Hyphenation text markup language
c. Hyphenation test marking language
d. Hyper text marking language
Ans. a

What is the full form of HTTP?
a. Hyper text transfer protocol
b. Hyper text transfer package
c. Hyphenation text test program
d. none of the above
Ans. a

What is a search engine?
a. a program that searches engines
b. a web site that searches anything
c. a hardware component
d. a machinery engine that search data
Ans. b

What is the full form of TCP/IP?
a. transmission control protocol / internet protocol
b. telephone call protocol / international protocol
c. transport control protocol / internet protocol
d. none of the above
Ans. a

HTML document start and end with which tag pairs?
a. <HEAD>….</HEAD>
b. <BODY>….</BODY>
c. <HTML>….</HTML>
d. <WEB>….</WEB>
Ans. c

Which tag is used to create body text in HTML?
a. <HEAD>
b. <TEXT>
c. <TITLE>
d. <BODY>
Ans. d

"Yahoo", "Infoseek" and "Lycos" are _________?
a. Search Engines
b. Browsers
c. News groups
d. None of the above
Ans. a

What does the .com domain represents?
a. Education domain
b. Commercial domain
c. Network
d. None of the above
Ans. b

In Satellite based communication, VSAT stands for?
a. Very Small Aperture Terminal
b. Varying Size Aperture Terminal
c. Very Small Analog Terminal
d. None of the above
Ans. a

Outlook Express is a _________
a. E-Mail Client
b. Browser
c. Search Engine
d. None of the above
Ans. a

<TITLE> … </TITLE> tag must be within ________
a. Title
b. Form
c. Header
d. Body
Ans. c

Text within <EM> … </EM> tag is displayed as ________
a. bold
b. italic
c. list
d. indented
Ans. b

Text within <STRONG> … </STRONG> tag is displayed as ________
a. bold
b. italic
c. list
d. indented
Ans. a

<UL> … </UL> tag is used to ________
a. display the numbered list
b. underline the text
c. display the bulleted list
d. bold the text
Ans. c


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